Since its debut in 1977, the Star Wars universe has become one of the most successful entertainment franchises in history. While there are many reasons people could list as to why this is, the scope of the galaxy George Lucas built is chief among them. Full of planets, species, and characters to tell stories about, the Star Wars brand was fertile ground for pop culture icons.

Fast-forward to 1999, and Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace had a tall order to fill in making sure this galaxy felt more expansive than ever before. In pursuing this goal, audiences everywhere were introduced to several new species in the Star Wars universe. Among the first to be shown off were the Nemoidians, a humanoid race that would go on to have a significant role in the politics of Star Wars. Here’s everything fans ought to know about this unique species.

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Origins of the Neimoidians


Very early in the known history of the Star Wars galaxy, the Neimoidians became their very own species. They evolved from a group of Duros who settled on the planet of Neimoidia thousands of years prior. While they still maintained similar features to the Duros by the time of the events of the films, the Neimoidians took on distinctive features of their own, such as the green or gray skin that distinguished them from their evolutionary ancestors. Red-orange eyes were among other features that, when paired with this particular skin coloration, made the Neimoidians instantly recognizable.

Motivated by the pursuit of wealth and trade, the Neimoidians expanded their economic alliances and began to colonize nearby worlds. One of these worlds was Cato Neimoidia, a planet that would ultimately have a lot of significance in the Clone Wars later down on in the prequel movies. With their status in the galaxy firmly established, the Neimoidians were eventually welcomed as members of the Galactic Republic.

The Neimoidians & The Trade Federation

Gunships on Neimoidia

A few hundred years before the events of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, the Neimoidians used their influence in trade to establish the Trade Federation. This organization doubled as an alliance to protect trade agreements, as well as a security force to make sure the world and alliances were protected militarily. Given its general pacifist nature, most other authorities, including the Republic, generally allowed the Trade Federation to go about its business.

As years went by, however, conflict erupted within the Trade Federation. When the prominent Neimoidian and Trade Federation member Nute Gunray took control, the alliance began to face a destiny more deeply embroiled in conflict than ever before.

The Neimoidians' Role In The Clone Wars

Nute Gunray Clone Wars

In the years following Nute Gunray’s blockade of Naboo, the Trade Federation allied itself with the growing separatist movement known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When the CIS attempted to part ways with the Galactic Republic, this served as the spark that would become the galaxy-wide conflict known as the Clone Wars. Many pro-Republic Neimoidians within the Trade Federation were displeased with Nute Gunray’s actions, leading to conflict among the species that escalated to violence as the war went on.

Throughout the war between the CIS and the Galactic Republic, the planet of Cato Neimoidia became a battle-torn warzone that was a shadow of the beacon of Neimoidian achievement that it used to be. Due to both the Clone Wars and Neimoidian infighting, the unity that once led the species to become a titan of trade in the galaxy began to tear. When the Clone Wars ended with the fall of the CIS and the death of Nute Gunray, the Neimoidians were at the lowest point they had been in thousands of years.

The Neimoidians' Legacy

star wars stormtroopers

As with most non-human species in the Star Wars galaxy, the Empire’s rise to power after the Clone Wars brought about bleak times and oppression for the Neimoidian people. Many in the galaxy saw the loss of the Separatists at the end of the war as a mark of shame and embarrassment for the Neimoidians. This led to members of the species being treated poorly by many. Due to the rather inhumane treatment they were receiving, many Neimoidians decided to flee and live more independent lives on planets outside the Empire’s control.

During the New Republic era, the Neimoidians were brought face-to-face with the sins of their past as colonizers. They were forced to rid themselves of the morally questionable actions they took. Ultimately, the Neimoidians decided to give up on their old ways and begin to use the wealth they had acquired in their earlier years of conquest for banking purposes with the galaxy. More than ever before, the Neimoidian people were in a state of peace.

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