It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that clone troopers are one of the most beloved aspects of the Star Wars universe. Whether it’s their cool armor or participation in epic battles, there is plenty to get invested in with the infantry of the Grand Army of the Republic. At the core of the appeal, however, is the more in-depth side of the clones. Their personalities, stories, and camaraderie with one another bring them to life. Shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars have excelled at expanding upon the clones beyond the surface level, getting viewers attached to those who have become some of the most instantly recognizable Star Wars characters.

Among these characters are a group of clones known as the Domino Squad, who from the very earliest points in the Clone Wars were serving in the Grand Army of the Republic. Since their introduction in the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, they appeared in numerous story arcs, developing their story and legacy as a unit. This development has turned the squad as a whole, and certain members in particular, into iconic Star Wars characters. Understanding the history of the Domino Squad is crucial to getting more familiar with the lore of the Clone Wars as a whole.

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Star Wars The Clone Wars

The Domino Squad started off the same as any other clone squadron, going through various training sessions on Kamino, where they struggled to work as a unit. At their inception, the full squad consisted of clone troopers Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, Echo, and Fives. During combat simulations, their unique and often volatile personalities often clashed, consistently leading them to nowhere but failure. After they failed their final test, they were doomed to live a life working simple maintenance jobs around Kamino, away from the war they were bred to participate in. After Jedi General Shaak Ti, who was overlooking the training, was convinced to allow them one more shot, the Domino Squad came together to beat the odds and pass the test they had failed so many times before.

Once the members of the Domino Squad graduated from training on Kamino, they were still destined to be far from the front lines. Stationed on the quiet Rishi Moon, their main purpose was to monitor activity and ensure no offensive forces were moving towards their home planet of Kamino. The unit experienced a fairly mundane part of the war. However, they would soon be caught up in more than they could handle.

When Separatist forces, including a squad of elite Commando Droids, came to attack the outpost, it would prove to be a devastating day for the Domino Squad. Droidbait and Cutup were killed in the fight to defend the station, and in one last heroic sacrifice, Hevy paid the ultimate price to destroy the base and the Separatist invaders.

Arc Troopers

Echo and Fives talking to 99 on Kamino

After their display of skill in battle while defending the outpost on the Rishi Moon, Echo and Fives, now the sole surviving members of the Domino Squad, were made part of the 501st. It would not be long before they were called back to Kamino, however. When a massive Separatist fleet appeared and began to invade the planet, the 501st Legion, including Echo and Fives, were there to help. Much of the city was damaged in this attack, but in the end, after much fighting and the loss of their close friend 99, the Separatist forces were repelled and Kamino was safe once again.

As they had been before, Echo and Fives were recognized by Captain Rex and Commander Cody for their impressive performance in the line of duty. Because of their standout nature, Echo and Fives were to be made ARC Troopers. Unfortunately, it would not be long before the ranks of the Domino Squad were further diminished.

On a highly important mission to Lola Sayu to rescue Jedi Master Even Piell from Separatist capture, Echo and Fives, now elite ARC Troopers, were involved in raiding one of the most secure and dangerous facilities in the galaxy. While trying to escape an ambush from Separatist battle droids, Echo was hit with a blast from a powerful turret, which apparently killing him instantly. Fives was distraught by the loss of his brother and best friend, but had to keep moving. Eventually, he made it off the planet as the last remaining member of the Domino Squad.


Emperor Palpatine in Chair Bad Batch Clone Wars

While on a mission to combat Separatist forces at Ringo Vinda, Fives’ friend and fellow clone trooper Tup suddenly and unexpectedly executed one of their Jedi generals in the midst of battle. Tup was apprehended and to be escorted back to Kamino for evaluation, where Fives would join him to look after his friend. Unsatisfied with the care and explanation for Tup’s condition, Fives decided to research the matter on his own, leading him to discover inhibitor chips that were placed inside the heads of all clones. After discovering the sinister nature of these chips and Chancellor Palpatine’s involvement in their production, Fives was branded a criminal, and became a fugitive on the run.

While being chased by the law, Fives continued to try and get the message out about his discovery, but was met with little to no success. Eventually, he managed to receive an audience with Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker at an abandoned warehouse, where he trapped them in an attempt to get them to listen. However, when the Coruscant Guard showed up, things were looking bad for Fives and his message. After a desperate moment of attempting to defend himself against the Coruscant Guard in panic, he was fired upon, killing him almost instantly. The secret of Order 66 and the inhibitor chips would die with him, but his ramblings stuck with Captain Rex, who also eventually figured out their true purpose.


echo as seen in star wars the bad batch

Despite the previous belief that Echo had been killed on Lola Sayu, Captain Rex was convinced that his seemingly fallen brother was still alive on a mission to Skako Minor. Rex’s assertion was proven true when Echo was discovered, though he was in very poor shape. Turned into a cyborg to be used for data and information, Echo needed to be detached from a large database in order to be freed.

After escaping the planet with the help of his old friend Rex, Echo was in need of serious rehabilitation. Eventually, he got back on his feet, and with his cybernetic enhancements, decided to join Clone Force 99, otherwise known as the Bad Batch. Knowing he would not fit with the regular clone forces, Echo found a new family with this squad. After Order 66, Echo and the majority of the Bad Batch, having been unaffected by their inhibitor chips, went AWOL from the Empire. For years following the Clone Wars, Echo carried on the heroic legacy of his former brothers in fighting for forces of good, allowing the legacy of the Domino Squad to live on in the Star Wars galaxy.

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