There aren’t many new Star Wars characters who have had the same kind of impact on both the fanbase and wider pop culture the way that Grogu has. The adorable little Yoda-like alien waddled into Star Wars fans’ lives in The Mandalorian, and now many are hoping to get to see more of the little green alien. Despite not being a title character, Grogu has been one of the more talked about parts of the Star Wars universe for the last few years.

One reason for this is simply because of how mysterious the young creature is. Aside from what kind of being Grogu is on an emotional level, there really isn’t much information on Grogu or where he comes from. Even what species Grogu belongs to is an interesting mystery that fans have been clamoring for an answer to.

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What Species Is Grogu?

Grogu's Species

Species Name

Unkown, referred to as Yoda's Species


Unknown, referred to as Yoda's Homeworld


Green skin, three fingers and three toes, short stature, omnivorous

Age Span

No known limit; many centuries

Connection To The Force

All members are known to be strong in the ways of the Force


All known members of the species are associated with the Jedi Order

Unfortunately, there isn’t a clear answer as to what species Grogu is. The only possible answer is that he’s a member of Yoda’s species. There isn’t even a real name given to this species, as its members are so rare. Additionally, there isn’t much information out there on the species. Fans only know that it is ancient, and its members tend to have incredibly strong connections to the Force. When speaking about Yoda in an interview run by Moviefone, George Lucas makes it clear that Yoda and Grogu’s species was always intended to be shrouded in mystery:

I never really figured out where he came from, what his species is called […] he's a mystery character. He's a magical character. He has no background. He comes and he goes. He's the subversive secret mysterious stranger that enters the film and then exits at the end.

There are a few key physical characteristics of this species, one of the most obvious being the uniform short stature and green skin. Some might think that Yoda and Grogu demonstrate that the species is purely male, but the female Jedi Master Yaddle proves the opposite. The species had one of the longest life expectancies in the galaxy, with Grogu still considered a baby at roughly fifty years old. Each member of the species seen so far has been associated with the Jedi. Considering how powerful they all are in the ways of the Force, one can only wonder how unstoppable a Sith from this species could be.

Why Is Grogu’s Species So Secretive?


It seems that George Lucas has an interest in keeping the species of Yoda and Grogu as secretive as possible. Even further, a variety of other creatives behind the Star Wars series have indicated that Yoda and Grogu’s species being a mystery fun of the characters. Fans will always have plenty to wonder about whenever one of the two key characters enters the equation. With the species being kept in secrecy, it allows George Lucas and any other important creatives to have fun with clues or misdirections It seems that Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau had some debate over whether to include a powerful character like Grogu in The Mandalorian. Ultimately, despite Grogu being a major character, very little has been revealed, further falling in line with the idea of keeping the species a mystery for the fun of it.

At this point, there’s no indication that Grogu is in any way related to Master Yoda. A number of potential clues point to the fact that, while Grogu and Yoda do hail from the same mysterious species, the two likely have little to no distant relation. First, Grogu was training as a Jedi Initiate within the Jedi Order. As one of the few other known members of Yoda’s species, it’s likely that most of the higher-ranking Jedi would have known if Grogu were related to Yoda; most notably Yoda himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Then there’s the fact that Luke Skywalker, who was trained in part by his friend Yoda, comes into contact with Grogu and would likely be able to tell if he shared some kind of familial connection with his late master.

There is, of course, one counter to all of that, which could leave an opening for Grogu and Yoda being related. It is now known that Grogu was on Coruscant during the execution of Order 66, meaning he was at least close to Yoda. As members of an incredibly rare species, Yoda certainly would have wanted to keep an eye on Grogu. It is possible that word of Grogu’s survival was never able to reach Master Yoda before he went into exile, leaving the Jedi Master to believe Grogu had been killed. If that was the case, Yoda would have no reason to search for Grogu, even if he was a part of Yoda’s family. Still, this does mean there is a possibility for a reveal that Grogu and Yoda are in some way related.

Star Wars and The Mandalorian are available to stream on Disney+.

Star Wars

Star Wars is a multimedia franchise originally created by George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd with the 1977 motion picture. The science fiction franchise follows the adventures of characters (both humanoid and alien) in outer space including those who can wield a mystical power known as the Force. Since the release of the original trilogy of movies, the franchise has expanded to include multiple films and branched out to other media like comics, video games, tv shows, theme park attractions, and more. The IP and Lucasfilm were sold to Disney in 2012.

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