The life of a Jedi has been a bit of an obsession for some Star Wars fans. Thousands of viewers have been entranced by the idea of a mystical order traveling across the galaxy to aid those who need it. The problem is that the life of a Jedi is anything but simple and free from danger.

The average Jedi spends a great deal of their life as a Padawan in the Star Wars universe, and there is one way to advance to the next level and become a full-fledged Jedi in the Jedi Order. Taking that next step requires a knowledgeable Padawan to pass their Jedi Trials. These trials appear to be wholly unique to each individual Padawan who must undertake them.

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What Are The Jedi Trials?

The Jedi Trials are a series of mandatory tests administered by the Jedi High Council. They serve as a sort of graduation from Padawan to Jedi Knight, though there is also a similar process to move from a Jedi Initiate to a Padawan. There are five different trials that a Padawan must go through in order to become a Jedi Knight: skill, courage, flesh, spirit, and insight. While some Jedi will end up specializing in different areas within the order, all Padawn were expected to adequately pass all the trials to demonstrate their prowess as a Jedi. Much of the canonicity of the Jedi Trials is tentative at best, but there is a ton of information on the trials in the Legends Canon.

The Trial Of Skill

This trial seems to be a relatively simple one for the majority of Padawan. The Trial of Skill demands a Padawan show off their abilities with the Force, their lightsaber, and their own physicality. Most often, the Padawan had to deflect blasts from droids, levitate difficult objects, and navigate some sort of course. While it was common to have this trial administered in an official setting, many key characters, like Anakin and even Starkiller, passed the Trial of Skill in the field during battle with powerful opponents. Anakin, for example, was considered to have passed this trial in the Clone Wars during his battle with Asajj Ventress.

The Trial Of Courage

Though it was a straightforward test, the Trial of Courage was one of the most difficult trials for many Padawans to overcome. This trial asked the Padawan to overcome their greatest fears, or to literally face death itself. This is another trial that was occasionally completed in the field when a Padawan demonstrated immense bravery in dire situations. In the case of Anakin, and likely many other Padawans at the time, taking on a significant role in the Clone Wars was enough to demonstrate bravery to the Jedi High Council.

The Trial Of The Flesh

The Trial of the Flesh was regarded as one of the most difficult trials, as it forced Padawans to endure immense pain. While many of the tests could result in a Padawan’s death, this one might have been the most dangerous. Throughout the history of the Jedi, they engaged in a torture-like ritual known as The Burning, in which a Padawan would be subjected to harsh pain to see if they could withstand it. Often, Padawans passed this trial in the field when they received an injury during a battle with a powerful foe.

The Trial Of The Spirit

The Trial of the Spirit is an interesting test. Padawans had to confront themselves, sometimes literally and other times emotionally. The idea of this trial was for a Padawan to understand themselves, their inclination to the Dark Side of the Force, and how to maintain their connection to the Light Sode. There were a variety of ways that a Padawan could undertake this trial, but it seems that the most common method was for the Padawan to enter a deep meditation.

The Trial Of Insight

This trial might be the most interesting of all, as it asked Padawans to truly understand the world and people around them. A Padawan was presented with various forms of trickery and illusion, and asked to determine the truth of a situation. Whether in the form of a puzzle or a complex peer-to-peer situation, it would be up to the Padawan to see through lies wherever they may be. Their goal was to make it through the problem with the best possible outcome.

What Trials Did Notable Characters Go Through?

Known Padawan Who Passed Their Jedi Trials In Informal Means

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Through his battle with Darth Maul.

Anakin Skywalker

Through his actions during the Clone Wars.

Ahsoka Tano

Through her efforts to prove her innocence to the Jedi Order.

Luke Skywalker

Through his training with Yoda and battles against the Empire.

While some Star Wars fans may not realize it, they were witnesses to the most important of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Trials in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the Trial of Courage. His battle against Darth Maul was a massive ordeal, and the fact that he defeated the secret Sith Lord would have arguably allowed him to pass a majority of the Jedi Trials at the same time. It’s this event that furthered Kenobi’s confidence to openly defy the Jedi Council in Phantom Menace:

Master Yoda, I gave Qui-Gon my word. I will train Anakin. Without the approval of the Council if I must.

In Attack of the Clones, Star Wars fans saw Anakin go through a harrowing Jedi Trial, the Trial of the Flesh. During his duel with the mighty Count Dooku, Anakin lost his arm, but coming out of the battle alive resulted in him passing the trial. In Star Wars: Clone Wars, Obi-Wan made it clear that this event acted as Anakin's Trial of the Flesh:

And he endured an atrocious Trial of the Flesh at the hands of Count Dooku.

Funny enough, Anakin’s son Luke would pass his Trial of the Flesh in a similar way when Anakin (Darth Vader) cut off Luke’s hand.

What Happens If A Padawan Fails The Jedi Trials?


The answer to this question is a rather sad one, but it does make sense. Should a Padawan fail these vital tests, they would be barred from moving further within the Jedi Order, and would typically be asked to leave. This meant that a failed Padawan would be left to return to their homeworld and family, if they even had a family to return to.

Luckily, not all failed Padawans were left to a dark fate. Many had the opportunity to take work within the Jedi Service Corps alongside other failed Initiates and Padawans, which could make an interesting concept for a Star Wars game. If a prospective Jedi didn’t have the required ability, they would either be left to their own devices, or brought on for jobs of lesser importance while still remaining close to the Jedi Order.

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Star Wars

Star Wars is a multimedia franchise originally created by George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd with the 1977 motion picture. The science fiction franchise follows the adventures of characters (both humanoid and alien) in outer space including those who can wield a mystical power known as the Force. Since the release of the original trilogy of movies, the franchise has expanded to include multiple films and branched out to other media like comics, video games, tv shows, theme park attractions, and more. The IP and Lucasfilm were sold to Disney in 2012.

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