The Star Wars franchise has ranged so far and wide, across canon and even further in what is now considered non-canon. The few Jedi Knights who were a part of the franchise originally have grown into hundreds of known figures. Fans often argue about which of the Jedi Knights and Masters are the strongest, but rarely about which are the weakest.

This is a fascinating topic, because Jedi Knights who are shown dying throughout the Star Wars franchise may have been hugely capable warriors. However, if not much is known about them in Star Wars lore besides their death, it is difficult to call them strong Jedi Knights, much like how many fans don't know about the best Star Wars game characters.

6 Coleman Trebor

Jedi Coleman Trebor

This Jedi Master had the opportunity to change the entire direction of the Star Wars franchise and the Galaxy, ending the Clone Wars before they began was within his grasp during the Battle of Geonosis. Trebor can’t have been that weak of a Jedi Master, having been appointed to the Council. But it's worth noting that in that period of peace, Jedi were more likely appointed to the Council for their wisdom than battle acumen.

Unfortunately for Trebor, as he went after Count Dooku, he became rather too single-minded and was subsequently taken down by a single burst of blaster shots from Jango Fett. Obviously, this would not have happened to many other Jedi in the franchise, so unfortunately with a lack of other information, Coleman must be considered a weak Jedi.

5 Jocasta Nu

Jedi Jocasta Nu

The old librarian Jedi who appears first in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and later throughout the Clone Wars TV series, Jocasta Nu is a former member of the Jedi Council and the head of their archives. Being in charge of this massive store of knowledge surely marks her as one of the Jedi with the most wisdom of all, but that isn’t particularly useful in a fight.

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Jocasta may be past her prime in fighting terms, but she has a level of survivability, having made it through Order 66 unscathed. However, she attempted to take her own life when Darth Vader hunted her down later. He stopped her, and she managed to convince him before he killed her to destroy the Holocron she was protecting, rather than give it to Palpatine. Still, though, Jocasta never stood and fought. She became a Jedi Master in a time of peace, when fighting wasn’t a focus.

4 Bolla Ropal

Jedi Bolla Ropal

Of all the Jedi who perhaps arent' among the strongest, there is one who actually went out of his way to admit that he wasn’t that strong. Bolla Ropal was, in the Clone Wars animated series, given a Kyber Crystal which held information on Force-sensitive children from across the Galaxy.

Cad Bane is a notable and accomplished Bounty Hunter, but Bolla Ropal, after admitting he wasn’t strong with the Force or a strong warrior, still shouldn’t have been an easy target for Cad Bane, because Bolla Ropal could see the future. Of course, in the end, this didn’t help. Hwas easily captured and dispatched by Bane, who almost went on to uncover the identities of the Force-sensitive children.

3 Saesee Tiin

Jedi Saesee Tiin

It may be unfair to include Saesee Tiin on a list of the weakest Jedi, given that he survived the Battle of Geonosis and almost the entirety of the Clone Wars as a General. Considered a strong warrior and fighter pilot by many, he's among the best pilots in the franchise. It is strange to see him listed as one of the weakest warriors among the ranks of the Jedi, but his death precludes much of what came before it.

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When four Jedi Masters went to detain Emperor Palpatine, they were expecting violence from the Senator. These four, all supposedly great warriors and attuned with the Force, didn’t see the sudden attack from Palpatine coming whatsoever. While the first Master can almost be excused for the suddenness of the assault, Saesee Tin was taken down with the backswing of the same first attack. The manner of his death is a sign that he was never really strong enough to fight the enemies of the Jedi in the first place.

2 Shaak Ti

Jedi Shaak Ti

It is difficult to put any Jedi Master who managed to survive the Clone Wars on a list of the weakest Jedi. However, Shaak Ti presented a number of qualities that showcased her lack of wisdom and prowess as a Jedi Master. She had the opportunity to uncover the secrets regarding Order 66 and failed to do so, missing obvious hints from her own clones.

Additionally, Shaak Ti chose to meditate on what to do when she was informed that Anakin was butchering the Younglings in the Jedi Temple, rather than immediately intervene. This was one of the most egregious actions ever taken by a Jedi, showing either huge indecisiveness or cowardice in the face of opposition. Being unable to take action in such a key moment to the survival of the Jedi showed Shaak Ti’s true colors.

1 Sha’a Gi

Jedi Shaa Gi

Shown in the surprisingly great 2003 Clone Wars series, Sha’a Gi was not the bravest or smartest Jedi. He was one of the Jedi who first encountered General Grievous and, when informed by the droid General that they were all about to be granted warrior’s deaths, Sha’a Gi ran out to face him alone, foolishly forsaking the advantage the Jedi had in numbers.

Even more foolishly, Sha’a Gi was taken out by Grievous almost instantly, proving that he can’t have been a great fighter either. Proving yourself in the final moments of your life to be lacking both in intelligence and fight prowess showcases what a terrible Jedi Sha’a Gi must have been. It’s also possible, looking at his design, that he was meant as a joke referencing a Scooby-Doo character.

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