One of the most attractive elements about the Star Wars franchise concerns the massive scope of stories that can be told, with the plethora of planets and wide timeframe of the known lore of the IP fostering a huge amount of narrative potential. Because of this, it is no wonder that the franchise has been adapted to multiple forms of media such as film, TV, comics, and video games.

With that being said, there are some extremely important elements of Star Wars lore that are yet to really be given the necessary level of exploration that they deserve. One of the most pertinent and contemporary relevant aspects of Star Wars lore is the Purge of Mandalore, a critically underrepresented narrative thread that would be more than deserving of its very own video game.

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The Purge of Mandalore

purge of mandalore

The Purge of Mandalore refers to a devastating attack led by the Galactic Empire against the planet of Mandalore, being one of the largest geopolitical events to occur during the earlier days of the Empire in its pursuit of the consolidation of power. Prior to the purge, Mandalore was a powerful and imposing planet, largely due to the warrior culture of the Mandalorian people and the intense value of the planet's unique resources.

The warrior caste of the Mandalorian people were plentiful, and could be deeply religious to a fanatical degree. These warriors were aided greatly by their use of Beskar armor, with Beskar being one of the most resistant and durable resources in the galaxy, only being found on Mandalore. Given the intense geopolitical tensions between Mandalore and its enclave groups against the Empire, a decision was maid to completely purge the planet via holistic bombing raids and a near-total genocide of the Mandalorian people.

A Video Game About The Purge of Mandalore

mandalorian season 3

Mandalore and its tragic end has long been a focal point of the wider Star Wars fan base, with the likes of The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels animated TV shows exploring the pre-purge and post-purge lore of the planet and its people quite extensively. However, the concept of Mandalorians has exploded to the forefront of Star Wars discourse in recent years thanks to the intense and widespread success of The Mandalorian TV show.

Despite being set post-purge, The Mandalorian has done an excellent job at explaining the history and culture of Mandalore and its people to a much wider catchment of even the most casual Star Wars fans, creating a massive potential demographic for a Star Wars video game based around the Purge of Mandalore. Despite the aforementioned instances of Mandalorian portrayal within Star Wars media, the Purge itself has not been properly shown at all, beyond brief flashback glimpses within season two of The Mandalorian.

This fosters the perfect opportunity for a video game to give the Purge of Mandalore the comprehensive portrayal that fans have long desired, with the immersive nature of the medium being the perfect way to convey such a deeply important aspect of Star Wars lore. The game would have a lot of potential narrative threads, and could easily tell the tale of an escaping civilian with stealth-based gameplay, or a more high-octane approach of a Mandalorian soldier fighting for his home world.

A title such as this could additionally focus on the tensions leading up to the event itself, or hone in on the fallout of the event in what could be a possible revenge story. Regardless of what narrative would be explored, it is clear that a video game showcasing the Purge of Mandalore would be a fascinating and highly-desired Star Wars venture.

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