In nearly every story in the Star Wars universe, characters are eventually faced with the temptation to channel the Dark Side of the Force. A large portion of the conflicts throughout Star Wars history involve those who embraced the power of the Dark Side and those who manage to never stray away from the Light. Whether it's a galaxy-spanning war between the forces of good and evil or the tale of an individual's struggle with their emotions, Star Wars tends to base its stories around this central conflict.

There are as many paths to the Dark Side in Star Wars as there are Sith, with each character going through their own unique descent into embracing anger and hatred as fuel for their power. Some characters were corrupted by the mind-altering abilities of Sith Lords, turning once devout Jedi into warmongering traitors bent on conquering the galaxy. Others embraced the Dark Side almost by accident during their quest for a better understanding of the Force in all its aspects. It has also been shown that people can be practically forced into the Dark Side's service through torture and manipulation.

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The Sith Emperor Corrupts Revan and Malak From Knights of the Old Republic


Revan and Malak from Knights of the Old Republic are famed for being the Sith Lords responsible for the Jedi Civil War, a conflict that resulted in terrible destruction throughout the galaxy as Jedi and Sith engaged in open conflict. In the beginning, however, they were faithful Jedi Knights. Their fall to the Dark Side would begin with a conflict known as the Mandalorian Wars. The Mandalorian warrior culture was manipulated by the hidden Sith into assaulting the Republic in a brutal war of conquest. The Jedi Order decided not to intervene, fearing that turning Jedi into soldiers would lead them to the Dark Side. Frustrated with the inaction, Revan and Malak defied the Order and took up arms, leading an army of defiant Jedi and eventually defeating the Mandalorians.

Once the conflict was over, Revan and Malak were determined to trace the Sith influence on the Mandalorians to its source. Journeying into the Unknown Regions, they encountered the true Sith Emperor, Vitiate, with an entire Sith Empire under his command. The unbelievably powerful Emperor dominated the minds of Revan and Malak, sending them back to Republic space as advance agents to prepare for a Sith invasion. When they returned, they broke free of his influence and opted to form their own Sith Empire. Using the Dark Side energies of the forbidden dead world Malachor V, Revan converted an army of Jedi into his service and used the Star Forge to create a massive fleet. From then on, they would be known as Darth Revan and Darth Malak, Sith Lords.

Kreia From Knights of the Old Republic 2 Sought a Full Understanding of the Force


Kreia is known for being the player's cryptic and mysterious mentor in Knights of the Old Republic 2. Kreia was initially a powerful and respected Jedi Master and a historian of the Jedi Order. Through her meditations to uncover the secrets of the galaxy, she eventually lost her eyesight. She trained many students over the years, challenging them with deep questions about the nature of power and the Force. Among her many students was the young Jedi who would come to be known as Revan, the future Dark Lord. After Revan set off to fight in the Mandalorian Wars, Kreia was exiled from the Order due to her having been Master to a disturbing number of fallen Jedi, including Revan.

Feeling that mastery over the Light Side of the Force and the Jedi Code was only a piece of the puzzle, Kreia began to explore contrasting philosophies. Kreia traced her former apprentice Revan's footsteps over the course of the Mandalorian Wars, seeking a better understanding of the Force. This eventually led her to Malachor V and its corrupting influence as a nexus of Dark Side power. Unable to resist, Kreia fell fully into the Dark Side and became Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal. Using Revan's old stronghold, the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, Darth Traya formed her own order of Sith. As Revan's former master, the existing Sith willingly embraced her as their leader.

Traya would eventually face betrayal herself at the hands of her apprentices Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, who usurped her position as Dark Lord. Once again she took on the name Kreia and discovered a new path. Realizing that the Force made dependent slaves of its followers, Jedi and Sith, Kreia believed that the only way to truly free the galaxy was to deafen it to the Force altogether. Her hatred of the Force would lead her to Meetra Surik, the player character in Knights of the Old Republic 2. Hoping to use Surik's unique position as a living wound in the Force, Kreia aimed to use Surik to create an even greater wound that would deafen the galaxy to the Force and free all life from its tyrannical influence.

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The Tragic Fall of the Second Sister from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's Inquisitorius

Confronting the Second Sister

The Second Sister is the primary antagonist in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. However, before she was named the Second Sister of the Empire's fearsome Jedi hunting Inquisitorius, Trilla Suduri was a promising Padawan of the Jedi Order. Under her master Cere Junda, Trilla became a skilled lightsaber duelist with a promising future among the Jedi. This would all change when the Emperor executed Order 66, instantly compelling all clone troopers to kill their Jedi commanders in what would be known as the Great Jedi Purge. Trilla and Cere survived the purge initially, escaping with a group of younglings. Discovered by an Imperial patrol, Master Junda attempted to lead the Imperials away from the younglings despite Trilla's insistence that they stay together. Unfortunately, Cere Junda was captured by the Imperials in the attempt.

Cere was relentlessly tortured by the Empire until she finally broke and gave up the location of her apprentice and the younglings. The Empire eventually captured Trilla thanks to the information provided by her master. Trilla then embraced the Dark Side and became the Second Sister of the Inquisitorius due to the combination of horrific torture and the betrayal of her master. As one of Star Wars' Inquisitors, Trilla would continue the cycle of capture, torture, and conversion among many other unfortunate Jedi, eventually leading to her pursuit of Cal Kestis in Jedi: Fallen Order. This would lead to her eventual demise and redemption in the presence of her former master.

MORE: How Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 Explored New Ground with the Force