A particularly clever Star Wars fan asserts that all 9 movies in the main "Skywalker Saga" were titled incorrectly. It's a bold statement to make, to be sure. But considering this is the same franchise whose fans regularly (and rightfully) call for the return of the Star Wars Holiday Special to the main canon, perhaps it isn't the most outlandish idea.

While many devotees will regularly argue about which aspects of Star Wars Legends should be made canon (as well as debating several other topics), it seems there's one property of the franchise that remains largely devoid of controversy. Namely, that would be the film titles. Few, if any, hot discussions stem from what the Star Wars movies should be titled. Why would they? It's a rather sterile subject matter with seemingly little reason to question it. But it seems there has been an awakening.

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After it was initially posted by Fake Disney Facts on TikTok in 2020, fans on the Star Wars subreddit have now rediscovered a video that poses a complete re-shuffling of the titles for each of the 9 mainline films. In a rapid-fire slideshow with a fittingly straightforward voice-over, the video creator lays out the argument. "What happens in Episode I? We meet Anakin Skywalker, The Rise of Skywalker," the narrator says as The Phantom Menace changes to its new proposed title.

Finishing out the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the video continues with similar gusto. "Years later, we find out that Palpatine, leader of the Sith, has ordered an army to destroy the Jedi. Revenge of the Sith. In Episode III, Order 66 happens, and the clones attack. Attack of the Clones." The vibe keeps going throughout, with suggestions like The Return of the Jedi for Episode IV due to how Obi-Wan begins training Luke to be the first of a new generation of Jedi. An appropriate bookend proposes that Episode IX works better as The Phantom Menace, given Palpatine's return from the dead.

When user gravityVT recently posted the video once again on Reddit, fans began to debate the ideas because this is Star Wars, and debate is the name of the game. "Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with," said one user before others came in claiming some of the changes were a bit of a stretch. While the video suggests changing The Empire Strikes Back to The Force Awakens (because Yoda teaches Luke to begin fully awakening his Force powers), others feel the original title should remain unchanged. "Empire Strikes Back is absolutely, unequivocally the best name," argued another user. "The Empire literally strikes back and wins in almost every way. I can't let this one go hahaha."

It's not even a new video, and yet it was still able to spark a lively discussion among Star Wars fans. That proves the video's creator touched on something special, but it also demonstrates the franchise's power and how it still elicits such passion from those who continue to enjoy it. That's the mark of something special. (Plus, The Last Jedi works for Episode VI.)

The Star Wars saga is available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Fake Disney Facts/TikTok, Star Wars/Reddit