Star Wars is a franchise that is beloved by millions around the world and since the release of its first installment in 1977, the community of fans has only grown bigger. The galactic universe created by George Lucas has attracted many homages by Star Wars enthusiasts throughout the years, such as public re-enactments, conventions, and school clubs. However, now it seems one fan has taken it to the next level.

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was the first movie in the series, instantly captivating its audience and starting a following that would last for decades. After a steep climb of suspense throughout the movie, the tension comes to a head when Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance fight against the Galactic Empire in order to destroy the Death Star. This scene was the battle everyone was waiting for and this Reddit user captured the excitement of it brilliantly.

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The post made by user AdrianTheGamePro to the r/StarWars Reddit featured an all LEGO remake of the Star Wars trench run. The highly-detailed clip included immersive sound effects of the rushing winds as the rockets flew past, the beam of the lasers, and even the classic unintelligible voice of R2-D2. The dazzling animation that brought the beaming lights and explosions to life made the clip difficult to tell apart from the live-action original. AdrianTheGamePro's work had a definite cinematic feel and this seamless depiction was only made better with the LEGO version of Luke Skywalker and the floating LEGO ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

AdrianTheGamePro’s video was also praised by other users on the platform who credited his editing skills, the realistic quality of the video and the humor of using the LEGO pieces. When one user asked if the creator could make all the movies with LEGO, they replied that this clip, just over a minute long, took two weeks. It’s safe to say that if this user eventually decided to recreate an entire Star Wars movie, it would not be released for a good while.

However, with more than 10,000 upvotes after just one day, it is clear that AdrianTheGamePro has obtained some fans. The snappy and entertaining clip embodied the anticipation and action that individuals across the globe love about Star Wars and served as a great tribute to one of the most cherished franchises of all time.

With Star Wars' 45th birthday approaching, it is certain that this will not be the last creation we see from AdrianTheGamePro or many other Star Wars devotees. Plus, with spin-off shows like The Mandalorian, there is plenty of content to keep fans engaged.

The Star Wars saga is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: AdrianTheGamePro/Reddit