
  • Non-Force users in Star Wars can still defeat Force users through their adeptness at hand-to-hand combat.
  • Examples of non-Force users defeating Jedi and Sith include the Nihil, battle droids, clone troopers, Garnac, Ochi, Cad Bane, General Grievous, and Jango Fett.
  • These non-Force users utilize various strategies, such as overwhelming numbers, advanced weaponry, and sheer skill, to overcome their Force-wielding opponents.

The most powerful beings in Star Wars are usually masters of the Force. Whether they are Sith or Jedi, these Force users seem to have an advantage of non-Force users in battle due to their ability to manipulate or control the Force to their whim. But that's not always the case.

Non-Force users in Star Wars may have to be more adept at hand-to-hand combat to take down a Force user, but some have honed their abilities to do just that. Whether they are defeating Jedi or Sith, these non-Force users rose to the occasion in battle at the right time.

Star Wars: Most Dangerous Fallen Jedi

Some of the most dangerous foes in the Star Wars universe are those who once fought for the Light Side of the Force.

8 Nihil


During the High Republic, the Nihil was a group of marauders who mysteriously traveled through hyperspace. This led to "The Great Hyperspace Disaster." This event is when a Nihil stormship collided with the Legacy Run in a hyperspace lane. Parts of the Legacy Run were sent as projectiles through hyperspace.

The projectiles destroyed planets and moons inhabited by various species including some that were Force users. The Jedi even sent teams out on rescue missions to save some of these planets and moons, but many Jedi were also killed by the debris.

7 B1 Battle Droids

B1 Battle Droids

The B1 battle droids were introduced in The Phantom Menace as the army of the Trade Federation. Most of their on-screen appearances showed them to be clumsy and easy to defeat for anyone with a basic understanding of the Force, much less a mastery of it, however the battle droids found a way to defeat Force users in Attack of the Clones.

Star Wars: Best Jedi of the Old Republic

The Old Republic is a lesser-known period of Star Wars history, but it was home to some incredible characters.

In the Battle of Geonosis, thousands of battle droids converged on the hundreds of Jedi who were battling in the gladiator arena. The droids overwhelmed the Jedi, killing 179 of them until Yoda arrived with the clone reinforcements.

6 Clone Troopers

star wars clone trooper control chip order 66 commander cody

Much like the battle droids, the clone troopers were able to defeat Force users due to their sheer numbers advantage. Cloned from Jango Fett, who will be mentioned later, the clone troopers' greatest defeat of Force users came following the execution of Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith.

Millions of clone troopers across the galaxy turned on the Jedi eliminating thousands of Force users at the same time. While some Jedi were able to escape the clone troopers at the time, the clones continued hunting the Jedi on behalf of the new Galactic Empire.

5 Garnac


Garnac was a Trandoshan big game hunter who ran a hunting guild that kidnapped sentient beings and took them to a reserve where other Trandoshans would hunt these beings. During The Clone Wars, two Jedi padawans, Ahsoka Tano and Kalifa were captured and taken to the reserve. During one of the hunts, Ahsoka killed Garnac's son, Dar.

Grieving and angry, Garnac swore vengeance on the Jedi. He was able to track down Ahsoka and Kalifa, killing Kalifa in the process. His lust for hunting cost him his son, but he was able to defeat a Force user.

4 Ochi

Ochi of Bestoon

Ochi of Bestoon worked as a Jedi hunter and master assassin. He assisted the Sith during the events of the Clone Wars as he helped Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine hunt down Jedi who survived Order 66. Following the perceived demise of the Sith, he worked with the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn.

Ochi continued his Jedi hunting ways during the rise of the First Order and the Resistance. He was tasked with finding a young Rey. Not much is known about this time, but he was being tracked by Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian. In Rise of Skywalker, it's revealed that he died under the sands of Pasaana.

3 Cad Bane

Cad Bane In The Book Of Boba Fett

Cad Bane is a legendary bounty hunter who took Boba Fett under his wing during The Clone Wars. Hired by Darth Sidious himself, Cad Bane was sent on a mission to steal a holocron from the Jedi Temple. The bounty hunter succeeded, stealing the holocron that contained a list of Force sensitive children across the galaxy.

During the mission Cad Bane manages to kill two Jedi while trying to acquire the holocron. The Duros equipped himself with enough gadgets and weapons to even the playing field with the Force users. Cad Bane was also extremely resilient, fighting off Jedi mind tricks until the combined forces of Mace Windu, Obi-Wan and Anakin stopped him, but he lived to tell the tale.

2 General Grievous

General Grievous In Revenge Of The Sith

Introduced in Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous' backstory would be fleshed out during The Clone Wars. Grievous was turned into a cyborg when the ship he was on was shot down, and he barely survived. Grievous was convinced the Republic and the Jedi were responsible sending the cyborg on a quest for vengeance.

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It's unclear exactly how many Jedi Grievous defeated, however he was shown to be able to wield four lightsabers at one time, and he claimed to have won all in battle. Eventually, he fell at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi and a blaster, ironic considering how much Grievous hated Jedi and how much Obi-Wan hated blasters.

1 Jango Fett

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The bounty hunter who served as the host for the clone army had a torrid history as a Mandalorian before becoming a bounty hunter. As the Jedi and Mandalorians were often at odds, Jango Fett's biggest feat against the Force users came at the Battle of Galidraan.

Despite being the only Mandalorian survivor of this battle, Jango managed to kill several Jedi including a few with his bare hands. This battle is what led to Count Dooku leaving the Jedi Order and both Dooku and Jango helping Darth Sidious.

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