Star Wars: The Old Republic has remained one of the best MMORPGs since its release more than a decade ago, and for a good reason. To stay relevant, the MMORPG undergoes constant updates, providing players with new content, enhancements, and fixes. Thus, keeping the interest of longtime players while garnering the attention of newcomers. In addition to its persistence, Star Wars: The Old Republic offers players much to do, whether it is progressing through the story or competing against other players.

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While the storytelling element of Star Wars: The Old Republic is compelling, many players prefer the competitive aspect of the MMORPG. In truth, its most popular gameplay elements are Warzones, objective-oriented player-vs-player combat. These competitive matches are an opportunity for players to test their capabilities and earn worthwhile rewards. Being such a considerable part of Star Wars: The Old Republic, players must know these details regarding Warzones.

Getting Started And Ranked Requirements

Star Wars The Old Republic Warzone Getting Started

To start playing Warzones, players must first reach Level 10. Doing so will grant them access to Unranked Warzones for casual PvP. Players can participate in Unranked Warzones from Level 10 to Level 75. From Level 10 to Level 74, they will face opponents within their respective level range. However, at Level 75, players can only face opponents of the same level. Thus, making Level 75 Unranked Warzones a test of one's skill and equipment. For those seeking competitive gameplay, Ranked Warzones are available.

However, players must meet particular requirements before participating in Ranked Warzones. These prerequisites include being a subscriber, being Level 75, and having a Valor Rank of 25. The first and second requirements are self-explanatory, but the third requires some elaboration. In Warzones, players can earn special rewards known as Valor Points, which determine one's Valor Rank. Thus, requiring one to participate in numerous matches of Unranked Warzones before participating in Ranked Warzones. Even upon meeting the requirements for Ranked Warzones, players should prepare appropriately. Doing so means perfecting one's build, acquiring the best equipment, and getting together a skilled group. Ranked Warzones are exceedingly unforgiving of those who do not plan accordingly.

Subscription LimitationsStar Wars The Old Republic Warzone Arena Team

As with many things in Star Wars: The Old Republic — and MMORPGs in general — subscriptions limit the number of times players can participate in Warzones. There are three player memberships: free-to-play, preferred, and subscriber.


Every player starts with a free-to-play membership. By comparison, it offers much more than other MMORPGs but is still restrictive in many aspects. Regarding Warzones, a free-to-play membership provides players with ten matches of Unranked Warzones every week. This membership does not allow players to participate in Ranked Warzones, however.


Players earn the preferred membership upon the end of a subscription. Once one's subscription ends, they receive this membership which grants numerous benefits but retains some restrictions. Regarding Warzones, a preferred membership provides players with ten matches of Unranked Warzones every week. This membership does not allow players to participate in Ranked Warzones, however.


Players subscribed to Star Wars: The Old Republic receives the subscriber membership. This membership grants players every benefit available in the game. Regarding Warzones, a subscriber membership provides players with unlimited matches of Unranked Warzones. This membership allows players to participate in Ranked Warzones as well.

Game Modes

Star Wars The Old Republic Warzone Capture Point

Warzones do not consist of a single game mode or style of play. Instead, there are five game modes available to players: Capture Point, Huttball, Ancient Hypergate, Voidstar, and Arena. Each Warzones game mode has a unique objective that players must complete while fending against the opposing team. In nearly every game mode, teams will consist of eight players vying to win. Each Warzones game mode takes place on particular maps. Thus, understanding every game mode and studying each map will benefit players immensely.

Capture Point

The objective of the Capture Point game mode is to capture and maintain control of various areas. Doing so will grant points that contribute to a team's overall score. To win, a team must capture objectives and earn the most points. Capture Point can take place on Novare Coast, Odessen Proving Grounds, Alderaan Civil War, or Yavin Ruins.


The objective of the Huttball game mode is to deliver a ball to the opposing team's line to score points. To win, a team must score six more points than the opponent. Alternatively, teams can win by being in possession of the ball when time runs out. Huttball can take place on a map of the same name, Quesh, or Vandin.

Ancient Hypergate

The objective of the Ancient Hypergate game mode is to capture pylons and power them. To do so, players must transport power orbs — located in the middle area of the map — to these captured pylons. Doing so will grant points that contribute to a team's overall score. Killing enemy players will contribute to the overall score as well. To win, a team must score at least 600 points. If both teams manage to do so, the one with the most points wins. Ancient Hypergate takes place on a single map of the same name.


The objective of the Voidstar game mode is to either plant bombs or thwart attackers/defuse bombs. Teams divide into two roles: attackers and defenders. Attackers must plant bombs at various locations and ensure their activation. Defenders must either fend off attackers or defuse armed bombs before detonation. The roles are switched at the end of each round. To win, a team must complete their respective objective a certain number of times. Voidstar takes place on a single map of the same name.


The objective of the Arena game mode is to kill all members of an opposing team before they can respawn. This game mode is the only one where teams consist of four players. Thus, making the objective a much more feasible endeavor to accomplish. To win, a team must be the victors of two rounds. Arena takes place on Mandalorian Battle Ring, Tatooine Canyon, Orbital Station, Corellia Square, Makeb Mesa, and Rishi Cove.


Star Wars The Old Republic Warzone Rewards

Winning Warzones will grant players various rewards. Warzones rewards include Warzone Commendations, Valor Points, experience, and credits. Warzone Commendations can be exchanged for PvP gear and other goodies from appropriate vendors. Valor Points contribute to one's Valor Rank which is required to use particular gear and compete in certain events. Ranked Warzones offer additional rewards in the form of flair, flags, decorations, titles, and Ranked Tokens which can be exchanged at Ranked vendors. The quality and number of rewards one receives are dependent on their rank at the end of a season.

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