There are numerous classes available in Star Wars: The Old Republic, each possessing a diverse set of traits and abilities that distinguishes them. The most defining features are a class's capability to use the Force and its alignment, whether the Light Side or the Dark Side. The latter presents players with many options that utilize more ruthless and underhanded tactics. Of these morally disreputable classes, the most brutally effective is the Bounty Hunter — a relentless gun-for-hire employed by the Sith Empire.

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The Bounty Hunter is among the most technologically advanced classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Using a vast assortment of gadgets and weapons alongside martial prowess, this class can overpower most foes that challenge them, even Force Users like the Jedi. The Bounty Hunter's flexibility makes them a formidable threat, but to truly master this class, players will need to dedicate much time and effort. Doing so will allow a player to become a powerful and feared mercenary known throughout the Sith Empire and the galaxy.

Remember Flavor: Be Prepared, Versatile, And Merciless

Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter is rightfully among the most formidable opponents one can face, and for a good reason, they are prepped and ready to eliminate all that oppose them indiscriminately. They always have a plan should things go awry, and they have enough gadgets in their arsenal to adapt to almost any situation. While the Bounty Hunter's weapons and armor seem like its most prized tools, this class's ability to prepare for and deal with various enemies and scenarios is its true strength.

The Bounty Hunter has countless gizmos and weapons at their disposal, each of which allows them to handle all sorts of adversaries mercilessly. Players must keep this in mind lest they limit themselves and fail to reach the full potential of this class. The Bounty Hunter should never reserve themselves to a single weapon, gadget, or strategy, as they should try new things to see what works best in what situations. Once players begin their playthrough, they should test out everything at their disposal to better understand this class.

Make Use Of Your Arsenal

The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Arsenal

The Bounty Hunter must constantly be reading a scenario and be open to changing their approach as a situation progresses. Fortunately, their vast and diverse arsenal features all sorts of gadgets, devices, weapons, etc., that can help them adapt to unfavorable circumstances or counter enemies. Taking advantage of everything at their disposal allows the Bounty Hunter to keep a step ahead of foes and catch them off guard. This impressive arsenal grants this class the edge to hold its own against seemingly superior adversaries, such as the venerable and stalwart Jedi Knights.

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Players should utilize everything in the Bounty Hunter's collection if they are to excel against formidable foes. They must learn what every gizmo does and the best time to use them. Understanding the Bounty Hunter's arsenal allows players to formulate effective strategies and devastating combos to give them an edge even in the most unfavorable situations. Once players begin their playthrough with this class, they should test every gadget, weapon, and the like, that they have while giving newly acquired ones the same treatment.

Form A Set Of Tactics

Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Tactic

The Bounty Hunter is a malleable class well-suited to nearly any obstacle or danger that may plague players. With all sorts of tools at its disposal, this class can prepare for numerous things, whether a particular enemy or unfavorable situation. Regardless, players should understand the Bounty Hunter's penchant for preparation and take advantage of it by formulating plans and strategies of their own. Doing so will grant players a degree of preparedness unfound in the other classes of Star Wars: The Old Republic.

For the Bounty Hunter to develop a set of tactics, they will need a keen understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and the devices in their arsenal. This comprehension will require much time, effort, and practice on a player's behalf, but with it, they will be able to develop countless procedures for nearly any scenario. For instance, the Bounty Hunter will find that close-quarters combatants are particularly dangerous but are susceptible to flamethrowers. Such information and similar tidbits allow players to use the Bounty Hunter class as intended.

Watch Your Heat

Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Heat

The Bounty Hunter class features Heat, a unique resource that builds up whenever players use an ability and dissipates over time. Should the level of Heat become too high, players will be unable to use most of their gadgets. Moreover, Heat will decrease much slower should it reach an extreme. This distinct mechanic is a vital aspect of the Bounty Hunter that players should consistently monitor lest they hinder themselves inadvertently. Players must learn to manage their Heat and be resourceful of their abilities.

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The Bounty Hunter must keep their Heat levels low without compromising their effectiveness. Fortunately, this class can utilize abilities such as Vent Heat, which rapidly dissipates Heat over a few seconds. Should players ever reach extreme levels, they can quickly recoup and keep within lower degrees. While this ability is beneficial, understanding Heat generation is far more vital. Knowing how much Heat each gadget produces allows players to gauge their levels, maintain a safe balance, and utilize their abilities more effectively.

Companion: Mako

Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Mako

Throughout their storyline, the Bounty Hunter will encounter numerous companions seeking to aid them on their journey. These followers will advantageously serve this class, making up for its weaknesses and playing to its strengths. Every companion is a fitting for the Bounty Hunter, but one stands out by far as the most capable and outstanding. This follower is Mako, a cybernetically enhanced human and gun-for-hire with a strong inclination for slicing and mercenary work.

Mako is the first companion the Bounty Hunter will come across, meeting her on the planet of Nar Shaddaa. She is a capable fighter and an impressive healer who can offer her services as an additional gun and as a medic. Mako's supportive capabilities complement the Bounty Hunter and serve to increase their survivability immensely. While she is a practical and effective companion, Mako is also a well-written character with her own unique and compelling story for players to follow.

Mercenary: Big Guns For Big Damage

The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Mercenary

The Mercenary subclass for the Bounty Hunter adds to the expansive arsenal of this class, including bigger and better weapons capable of untold devastation. Equipped with a bulky pair of pistols and heat-seeking missiles, the Mercenary can make quick work of even the most formidable enemies. This subclass heightens the sheer destructive power that the Bounty Hunter is capable of and makes them a one-person army. Players can further specialize the Bounty Hunter to their liking through one of the Disciplines listed below.

  • Arsenal: This Discipline significantly improves the weapons and gadgets at the disposal of the Mercenary, making them walking, talking machines of destruction. Their dual blasters and heat-seeking missiles become more powerful and versatile tools that make the Bounty Hunter more effective at long-distance combat. This Discipline makes the Bounty Hunter an adversary capable of dispatching numerous enemies or one of unprecedented strength with utter ease.
  • Bodyguard: This Discipline transforms the Mercenary from a ruthless killer to a stalwart protector by granting them supportive capabilities. Now boasting a wide array of Kolto-dispersing equipment, the Bounty Hunter can offer life-saving aid to those in critical condition, saving them from an otherwise gruesome end. This Discipline turns Bounty Hunters from a traditionally offensive class to an impressive healer welcome on any team.
  • Innovative Ordnance: This Discipline arms the Mercenary with various explosive ordnance and debilitating munitions, further adding to their already extensive arsenal. Using an assortment of deadly grenades and ammunition, the Bounty Hunter can inflict numerous weakening effects, making enemies easier to kill. This Discipline dramatically improves the Bounty Hunter's potential, transforming them into an unprecedented damage dealer.

Powertech: Experimental But Formidable Protection

Star Wars The Old Republic Bounty Hunter Powertech

The Powertech subclass for the Bounty Hunter grants a suit of experimental heavy armor, which improves their defenses substantially. With unparalleled protection and high-powered flamethrowers, the Powertech can defend against the most belligerent assaults and come out with hardly a scratch. This subclass turns the Bounty Hunter from a lethal attacker to a stalwart defender without equal, making them a bastion against all enemies. Players can tweak the Bounty Hunter class further using one of the Disciplines listed below.

  • Advanced Prototype: This Discipline builds upon the prototype armor granted by the Powertech subclass, adding numerous devices with varying functions. Through implementations such as retractable blades, electromagnetic blasters, and energy dispersers, the Bounty Hunter becomes a war machine with a weapon for every situation. This Discipline grants the Bounty Hunter far more versatility and improves their offensive capabilities.
  • Pyrotech: This Discipline takes advantage of the heat produced by the Powertech experimental armor, allocating it toward highly-damaging scorching attacks. With fiery weaponry at the Bounty Hunter's disposal, they can effortlessly annihilate enemies, regardless of their formidability or distance. This Discipline makes the Bounty Hunter an even more devastating offensive specialist, granting them a unique and effective means of inflicting damage.
  • Shield Tech: This Discipline capitalizes on the more protective role of the Powertech, granting them various supportive abilities meant to defend others. Whether by taking the brunt of an assault or removing allies from harm's way, the Bounty Hunter can ensure that they are the sole focus of an enemy's fury. This Discipline allows the Bounty Hunter to be an unyielding guardian of others, capable of enduring impossible amounts of damage.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is available on PC.

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