If there's one thing Star Wars: The Old Republic has never been short on, it's villains. Set in a time when the Galactic Republic was foolhardy enough to believe a peace agreement with the Sith Empire could actually work, the beloved game and its subsequent novels and comics offer fans a look into the olden days of Star Wars.

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Upon release in 2008, the game was greeted with ample fanfare. Acclaim focused on its rich narratives, world-building, voice-acting, and complex characters. The Sith Empire provided players with many of the game's most iconic and intriguing antagonists. Boasting both power-hungry and power-mad menaces for the player to either take down or join forces with, the game's emphasis on colorful villainy proved to be one of its most defining traits.

6 Skavak Is A Scheming Nuisance For Players To Tangle With

Skavak (1) (1)

If there's one way to utterly infuriate a player, it has to be stealing their ship. While he's not the most powerful of adversaries, his scheming, nefarious plots, and unpredictable behavior make him one of the more irritating antagonists The Old Republic has to offer.

A gun runner and smuggler by trade, this face tattoo enthusiast is also a member of the Separatist movement in Ord Mantell. A curious story of corruption and political intrigue, the Separatist aspect of the Ord Mantell situation provides a surprisingly dark, real-world take on proceedings. In Skavak, players confront an especially wicked key figure in the troubled planet's situation who seemingly treats back-stabbing as a hobby.

5 Darth Thanaton Is A Slippery, Often Infuriating Figure

Darth Thanaton

Darth Thanaton's origins function as a dark, twisted rendition of the typically uplifting rags-to-riches trope. Born a slave, Thanaton's potential in the Force was spotted at an early age, and he was taken in for training in the dark side.

For players, Thanaton is one of the most irritating antagonists on offer. By the time the player meets him, the calculating Sith Lord is well-established as a high-ranking figure and will go out of his way to avoid engaging the player in combat. Worse still, he has a propensity for hiding behind the Dark Council when pushed. Coupled with his surprisingly humble beginnings, and a tainted reputation courtesy of his traitorous Sith mentor in his earlier years, Thanaton is a complicated, suitably unlikable figure for players to be challenged by.

4 Darth Jadus Is A Cruel And Hateful Figure Out To Conquer The Galaxy

Darth Jadus

The Imperial Agent arc's No.1 bad guy is a suitably diabolical figure out to send the galaxy into grim chaos. From there, the mysterious miscreant rather predictably intends to rise through the anarchy to take over and rule with an iron fist.

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Depending on how the player approaches things, Jadus can either be a dark mentor or, in most cases, a menacing nemesis. Few aspects of Jadus sum up his cruelty more than his daughter Darth Zhorrid. Initially making his child his new apprentice, Jadus loses faith in her and ultimately takes a keener interest in simply tormenting her, even planning to have her murdered at one point. Between his sadistic cruelty, incredibly over-the-top power schemes, and mysterious past, Jadus is a compellingly horrible figure for players to butt heads with.

3 Arcann Makes For A Tragic Villain


Arcann's all-consuming obsession with securing the throne, coupled with his grim familial issues, makes him one of The Old Republic's sadder, more disturbing figures.

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The son of The Eternal Emperor of Zakuul, Arcann's an almost predictably cruel menace to many, leading a host of brutal raids against other worlds. The moral complexities of both Arcann himself and the decisions the player must make when dealing with him deconstruct many aspects of the evil empire trope so popular within the Star Wars franchise. Better still is Arcann's bizarre but engrossing journey into joining the Alliance later on. One of the most unconventional villains in The Old Republic, Arcann's unpredictable story arc also makes him one of the most interesting.

2 Darth Malgus Is One Of The Sith Empire's Most Impressive Military Commanders

swtor lots darth malgus sahar cinematic

The highly efficient False Emperor is arguably one of the most reasonable, even-tempered Sith Lords ever seen. Behind the iconic respirator lies a thoughtful, calculating military commander.

The intrigue surrounding Malgus begins with his origins as a brave, Veradun warrior. Exercising diplomacy and restraint, Malgus manages to master the languages and customs of a variety of dangerous alien species, winning favor with them and even leading them in his battles. As a Sith, the master-strategizing and leadership traits remain, now garnished with a suitably creepy aesthetic and style. Of the many Sith Lords to grace The Old Republic, Malgus remains one of the most unconventional and engaging.

1 Darth Baras Provides A Witty, Colorful Antagonist

Darth Baras

This charismatic Sith lord wowed players with his sharp dialogue and surprisingly complex, politically driven main plot line. A sinister spymaster and highly questionable mentor, Baras' time on Aldeeran is among the more nuanced storylines The Old Republic has to offer.

While his Body Type 4 rendering has led to numerous memes at his expense, the combination of his curious writing and voice actor Jim McCane's stellar performance makes Baras arguably the pinnacle of Old Republic villainy. While plenty of villains displayed better potency in The Force and superior skill with a lightsaber, Baras stands out thanks to his shrewd wits and manipulative masterminding. Like so many Sith Lords before him, Baras' role as a mentor ultimately proves to be his undoing which, due to his entertainment value, proves to be something of a shame.

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