
  • The Bad Batch is a critically acclaimed continuation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars that follows a group of defective clones known as Clone Force 99.
  • The series explores the transition from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire and has a lovable cast of characters.
  • The episodes featured in the article highlight various emotional and impactful moments, such as the loss of beloved characters and the conflicts within the Empire.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch is considered to be a continuation of the critically acclaimed Star Wars: The Clone Wars.The Bad Batch explores a galaxy that is transitioning from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire and follows a group of defective clones called Clone Force 99 (also known as the Bad Batch) who first appeared in season 7 of TheClone Wars.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch - 11 Best Crosshair Quotes, Ranked

Crosshair is one of the Bad Batch's most compelling characters. Unsurprisingly, he has quite a few memorable quotes to his name.

The series is highly regarded by fans of The Clone Wars and the prequel trilogy and has a lovable cast of characters. Although there are currently only 2 seasons, with season 3 on the horizon, it’s still hard to pick out the very best of the series, as The Bad Batch has many incredible, heart-warming, terrifying, and heart-breaking episodes.

12 War Mantle

Season 1, Episode 14

Hunter in the episode War Mantle

After receiving a message from Captain Rex asking them to rescue a clone defector from the Empire, the Bad Batch travel to the planet Daro, where they discover a secret Imperial base. The clone they must rescue is none other than Captain Gregor, who was last seen in the episode "Missing in Action" of season 5 of The Clone Wars.

This episode seems to pay homage to the original trilogy and brings to life an old discarded concept involving Stormtrooper armor. The Bad Batch discover that the Empire intends to replace the clones with TK Troopers, who at some point will become the well-known Stormtroopers. Although the Bad Batch rescues Gregor, they unfortunately lose Hunter, who is taken captive by the Empire.

11 The Clone Conspiracy

Season 2, Episode 7

Slip talking to Riyo Chuchi

Shifting the focus to clones who are still stuck within the Empire, this dark and tragic episode shows how regular clones are dealing with the effects of the Empire. It also features the returning Clone Wars character, Riyo Chuchi, who is advocating for clone rights and freedom. As she's advocating for the clones, she discovers that the fall of Tipoca City on Kamino wasn’t an unfortunate accident, but rather it was destroyed by the Empire.

As she’s investigating this troubling news, a new type of assassin starts to hunt her and the clones for questioning the Empire, but luckily, she is saved by a fan-favorite clone, Captain Rex. The two soon discover that this assassin is in fact a clone who has had all forms of identification wiped. Before Rex and Riyo can properly question him, the clone tragically ends his interrogation permanently, leaving Rex and Riyo in shock.

10 The Solitary Clone

Season 2, Episode 3

Crosshair and Commander Cody

Crosshair’s season 2 debut and Commander Cody’s debut in The Bad Batch. This episode focuses on Crosshair and Cody’s differing opinion on the Empire, with Crosshair wanting to see the Empire as a necessity to keep order in the galaxy, and Cody questioning their motives and actions.

There is some debate on whom the title of the episode refers to, as it can refer to either Crosshair or Cody (they are both alone within the Empire in their own way). Unfortunately, this episode is Cody’s only appearance so far in The Bad Batch, as he went missing after his mission with Crosshair, and it is unclear whether he will return in season 3.

9 The Crossing

Season 2, Episode 9

Tech and Omega

Stranded and with no hope in sight, this episode sees the Bad Batch struggle with the theft of their ship, the Marauder, and Echo leaving the squad in the previous episode. Tensions are high between Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega, who are all missing Echo in their own way.

The highlight of this episode is when Tech admits to Omega that even though it doesn’t look like he misses Echo, he does in his own way. He admits that he processes things differently than Omega and his brothers, but that doesn’t mean he feels the loss of Echo’s departure any less than the others.

“I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you.” - Tech

8 Reunion

Season 1, Episode 8

Crosshair and his squad

The long-awaited episode that features the reunion between the Bad Batch and Crosshair. This episode takes place not long after the episode "Battle Scars," and unfortunately, the reunion between Crosshair and his siblings isn’t a happy one, as Crosshair's aim is to take down the Bad Batch for deserting the Empire.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The 15 Best Arcs, Ranked

Many major events took place during Star Wars: Clone Wars but these story arcs stand out as favorites among fans.

The Bad Batch manages to escape Crosshair’s pursuit and end up indirectly injuring their forlorn brother, which further fuels Crosshair’s anger at them. Unfortunately, just before they escape the Empire’s pursuit, they lose Omega to the infamous bounty hunter Cad Bane.

7 Return To Kamino

Season 1, Episode 15

Hunter and Crosshair

With Hunter being taken captive by the Empire, the Bad Batch race to save him. However, Crosshair, who is currently serving the Empire, has a plan of his own and takes the reins of escorting Hunter to his captivity in Tipoca City on Kamino. The two brothers have a lot to talk about and there are a few heart-breaking moments as Crosshair admits that his brothers abandoned him.

The most shocking parts of the episode are when Crosshair reveals that he had removed his inhibitor chip long ago and that he has been willingly serving the Empire, and when the Empire destroys Tipoca City, the birthplace and former home of the clones.

6 Battle Scars

Season 1, Episode 7

Captain Rex with Wreck and Tech in the background

Captain Rex’s debut episode in The Bad Batch series. In this episode, the Bad Batch finally realizes the true extent of the inhibitor chips and becomes aware that they are in danger of turning on one another and Omega. Once Rex realizes that Wrecker’s chip is starting to activate, he pleads that they remove their chips and that he will help them.

The mission is a success but is still very traumatic for the Batch as, before they get the chance to remove Wreckers chip, it activates and causes Wrecker to turn on his squad and attempt to kill them. This moment was quite dark and one of the scarier sides of Star Wars media. Luckily, Rex manages to subdue Wrecker and the mission carries on without any more hiccups.

5 Aftermath

Season 1, Episode 1

Clone Force 99 meet Omega

A highly regarded episode that serves as a send-off to The Clone Wars series and an introduction to The Bad Batch series. This episode shows the events of Order 66 and the end of the clone wars from the perspective of the Bad Batch. Unlike the other clones, the Bad Batch seems to be resistant to the effects of Order 66 and the inhibitor chips (apart from Crosshair) and they must decide whether to remain with the Empire or flee and become deserters.

In this episode, they meet Omega, who they soon discover is a female clone. At the culmination of the episode, they lose their brother Crosshair to the Empire as the Empire strengthens his inhibitor chip, making him turn on his brothers and follow any order they give him.

4 Plan 99

Season 2, Episode 16


Quite possibly the most emotional episode in the entire two seasons of The Bad Batch. The final episode of season 2 features the death of the fan favorite character, Tech. Although there are many theories that suggest Tech may have survived the episode, albeit off-screen.

The remainder of the Bad Batch must come to terms with Tech’s death. Unfortunately, the one person they have turned to in their time of need betrays them, and Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo lose Omega to the Empire. The episode ends with Omega being reunited with Crosshair and discovering that she isn’t the only female clone.

3 Truth And Consequence

Season 2, Episode 8

Emperor Palpatine in The Bad Batch

This episode is a continuation of "The Clone Conspiracy" and sees the Bad Batch team up with Captain Rex and Omega teaming up with Riyo Chuchi for a covert mission to expose the atrocities of the Empire’s destruction of Kamino. Unfortunately, the sinister Palpatine gets involved and although Riyo Chuchi manages to expose the Empire for what they did, Palpatine manages to turn it to his favor, meaning that Chuchi’s efforts for clone rights were for naught.

Star Wars: 6 Empires Started Before Palpatine (That Were More Successful)

Palpatine wasn't the only one with the idea of an empire in Star Wars, and the Galactic Empire certainly wasn't the most successful one either.

The culmination of this episode is an emotional one as Echo decides to leave the squad and join Rex’s clone network. His decision wasn’t too surprising, since Echo had been dropping hints about being unhappy about how the rest of the squad weren’t helping the other clones, but nevertheless, his departure was still an emotional one.

2 Tipping Point

Season 2, Episode 14

Crosshair being interrogated

A unique episode that shows the happy, heart-warming life that the Bad Batch are living in contrast to Crosshair’s confinement as a test subject in a secret Imperial science facility. The episode jumps between the happy life that Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega have found on the planet Pabu and the horrific situation Crosshair has found himself in.

Although this episode isn’t one of the highest rated episodes of The Bad Batch, it does deserve its recognition for Crosshair enduring so much torture to protect his siblings who had abandoned him, and eventually managing to send a warning to them saying that the Empire is after Omega, which proves that Crosshair has always remained loyal to his siblings, even after they had given up on him.

1 The Outpost

Season 2, Episode 12

Crosshair and Mayday

By far the most impactful and highest rated episode of The Bad Batch’s first 2 seasons is "The Outpost." This episode focuses on Crosshair as he, for the first time, sees a regular clone as a brother and finally understands that the Empire doesn’t care about him or any clone. Throughout the episode, clone trooper Mayday gradually helps Crosshair in realizing that the Empire sees clones as replacements.

Mayday makes quite an impact on Crosshair, as when things take a perilous turn and Mayday’s life hangs in the balance, Crosshair, for the first time in his life, is desperate to save the life of a regular clone. Sadly, Crosshair’s attempts to plead for the Empire to save Mayday’s life fall on deaf ears, and the clone passes away. This causes Crosshair to turn against the Empire and kill the officer who refused to save Mayday and solidify his fate in Imperial captivity for the rest of the season.

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