With so many unique aspects of Star Wars’ iconic Stormtroopers to uncover, it’s no surprise that they stand out as one of the most memorable enemies in sci-fi history. They’re some of the most fearsome soldiers in the galaxy, striking terror into the hearts of anyone who sees them marching their way, even if they have a hard time with their aim. It’s not their weapons that are most intriguing though. Instead, many are interested in their sleek and memorable armor.

Their iconic suit of armor is just one of the many things that make Stormtroopers so imposing. It’s impossible to see a single trace of humanity from any of them. Some only realize that they are truly human when they speak. Star Wars has plenty of interesting armor to learn about, but the Stormtrooper armor might be the most fascinating of them all.

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What Is Stormtrooper Armor Made Of?


Stormtrooper Armor


Imperial Department of Military Research


Stormtrooper Armor


Body Armor


White (with a black body suit)

Armor Material


Used By

Galactic Empire Stormtroopers

With the armor for Stormtroopers being mostly standardized across the ranks, each and every one was protected by a material known as plastoid. This material allowed wearers such great maneuverability that even a member of the powerful Knights of Ren used it as protective armor. An even greater testament to plastoid's usefulness was that Darth Vader’s own armor was made of the material, which that goes to show how much protection it can offer.

To some extent, the material seems resistant to high heat. It offered full protection from dangerous chemicals, and could be crafted to perfectly fit individual Stormtroopers. It was malleable enough that Stormtrooper helmets could be equipped with dedicated air tanks and filtration systems for dangerous environments. The armor did have its limits, though. For example, if a Stormtrooper was directly struck by high-power blaster fire, they would likely die. There are instances in which Stormtroopers were able to survive taking direct fire, but this was rare.

Underneath the armor, all Stormtroopers maintained the standardized look by wearing a black bodysuit. Very little is known about what this bodysuit provides in terms of additional positives for the Stormtrooper armor. It is said to be skin-tight to the point of being vacuum sealed. The actual material is able to adapt to both external temperatures and the temperature of the wearer, in order to keep the suit comfortable.

Why Is Stormtrooper Armor So Effective?


Stormtrooper Armor Functions:

  • Plastoid armor protects from low-grade blaster fire
  • Temperature regulation
  • Helmet with high-tech functionality
  • Helmet with breathing apparatus
  • High Maneuverability
  • Utility Belt equipped with extra supplies

While some in the Star Wars universe have openly criticized the effectiveness of the iconic Stormtrooper armor, everything that it comes equipped with makes it a serious achievement. What seems like bulky armor actually allows Stormtroopers to rush around with ease, regardless of the harsh environments. The armor is designed to keep the wearer as comfortable as possible as they engage in combat.

Their helmets added to this with additional air supply, active communications systems, sight systems, motion sensors, and even active diagnostics systems. While it is fair to say that the view offered from the helmet may limit the sight of many Stormtroopers, the added benefits of the helmet could be a decent trade-off. Slightly limited range of vision becomes less of an issue for a skilled Stormtrooper capable of assessing the diagnostics of the battlefield. The motion sensors would also allow a skilled marksman to snap right to where an enemy may be attempting to fire from. All of this is key considering, just like the Mandalorians, it is expected that Stormtroopers never take off their helmets.

Should a Stormtrooper take direct fire while in their suit, they were protected against indirect blaster fire and even direct low-powered blaster fire. Small sections of armor on the leg could be adjusted for additional ease when aiming while crouched, or attempting to use a sniper rifle. Each suit of armor was equipped with a large utility belt to ensure that each Stormtrooper had all the necessary supplies, ammunition, and weapons. Some useful extras in these utility belts were a grappling hook and a pair of binoculars. This meant that the average, albeit inconsistent, Stormtrooper was not only more than capable of engaging in a fight at a moment's notice, but they were also capable of scouting, and even infiltrating areas with tough terrain.

Why Is Stormtrooper Armor White and Black?

Grogu force choking stormtroopers with Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian

There are plenty of potential reasons why the Stormtrooper is white and black. These explanations range from the history of the wider Star Wars universe to the simplistic answer of George Lucas preferring the design. One genuine explanation, inferred from the nature of the Empire, is that the white and black nature of the suit further helped to strip Stormtroopers of their individuality. The only time the average Stormtrooper has any color on their armor is to denote their rank or unit type, keeping their appearance as standard as possible across the massive Empire army.

The Empire has never been interested in propping up the individuality of the people they rule. The Empire was intended to be seen as one massive unit. This ideal of uniformity led some fans to wonder why they stopped using Clones. Knowing this, it makes perfect sense that the Empire would not only want simple black and white armor, but also would want to ensure that each soldier is indistinguishable underneath their armor. There isn’t a person under that armor; it is just another Stormtrooper prepared to give their life for the Empire.

Interestingly, it seems like the intention wasn’t always for Stormtroopers to have sleek white armor over a black suit. In an interview from 3D Printing Industry with the original designer of the Stormtroopers, Andrew Ainsworth, he explains part of his process when creating the Stormtroopers:

Turns out Ralph McQuarrie hated my stormtrooper, he said the stormtrooper was meant to be mechanical and sharp [...] I made them slick, smooth and shiny on purpose so they could move fast, not like humans. Since I had no brief, I had to make it up and even though Lucas’ vision was more like individuals with muddied canvas clothes and backpacks, when he saw my stormtroopers he realized they would work.

Star Wars is available to stream on Disney+.

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