
  • Incorporating elements from Star Wars books, games, and lore can help redeem Rey and strengthen the sequel trilogy.
  • Exploring the nuanced nature of the Force and challenging its binary system can make the Rey movie more compelling.
  • Rey's journey could involve searching for Jedi history, discovering ancient secrets, and coming to terms with her Sith lineage, providing a dynamic character study.

After a slew of TV shows, another Star Wars movie is on the horizon, this time focused on Rey. Naturally, fans are skeptical of this move. After all, she and the sequel trilogy didn't leave the best impression and seemed to forever divide the franchise and what people expect from the galaxy far, far away. With a new Rey movie, there is plenty of content from Legends and current canon that can easily be utilised to make the best movie possible.

Star Wars: The Sequel Trilogy Did One Thing Worse Than The Prequels

The prequel films found a unique look for their tech and ships, but the more recent outings barely updated the design of the original trilogy.

The Rey movie can still succeed, and plenty of other Star Wars stories can help it do so. These books and games have provided hours of enjoyment for fans of this fictional galaxy. Some use nuanced writing to deepen established characters. Others explore the galaxy's complexities, offering intriguing additions to longstanding lore. Any further films should utilize such material. Not only would it justify the existence of more sequels, but it would strengthen the saga as a whole. Incorporating them into this movie may just redeem Rey in the eyes of audiences.

5 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

Challenging The Binary Nature Of The Force Could Help The Franchise Evolve

darth nihilus in kotor 2
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

Switch , Xbox (Original) , Windows , iOS , Linux , macOS , Android
December 6, 2004

Among the most subversive and challenging Star Wars tales is Knights of the Old Republic 2. This game examines the nature of the Force itself, both the Light and Dark Side. Each one can have positive and negative consequences. Maybe such a binary system isn't applicable to every scenario. It's the same message that The Last Jedi tried and failed. The Rey film is a great opportunity to follow through on said messages and truly take advantage of the questions they raise. That's not the only way it might benefit from KOTOR 2.

The game's protagonist represents a hole in the Force. They unconsciously draw in other characters and their energy to fill that void. It's why the party is simultaneously devoted to and disconcerted by the hero. Applying that premise to Rey could retroactively explain how she gains such power with little training or struggle. It would also reveal why Finn and the others are so ready to rally behind her. In short, it would change the way people view the whole sequel trilogy.

4 The Heir To The Empire Trilogy

Written by Timothy Zahn, these books deepen the franchise's favorite heroes.

The Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn

Fans might remember the Heir to the Empire books for introducing Grand Admiral Thrawn and the galactic chess game he plays with the heroes. While those concepts are indeed compelling, readers can also appreciate how the novels evolve the established characters after Return of the Jedi. It takes them through their logical next steps and showcases how they deal with those changes.

Especially engaging is Luke Skywalker. His tentative plans are to train Han and Leia's children and rebuild the Jedi Order, but he's not mentally or emotionally prepared. He's only been a Jedi for a short time. He only knew two members of the old guard, and most of their training dealt with the Force's practical uses. The technical side is entirely new, so Luke only has a vague idea of his role in the New Republic and what he's meant to do for the galaxy's citizens. This makes him incredibly uncomfortable when people look to him as the resident authority on Jedi affairs. That uncertainty ensures that fans could still identify with the supposedly all-powerful hero, which is something Rey needs, especially since the Original Trilogy characters are all dead. Although the Thrawn threat is set to be dealt with in Ahsoka, perhaps he finds a way back after the Final Order.

Star Wars: 8 Things Newcomers To Ahsoka Should Know

The new Ahsoka series brings new Star Wars stories to the forefront, but there's some franchise lore that viewers need to know going in.

Rey would naturally face many of the same challenges. The only Jedi she's ever known are Luke and Leia; the main Order fell long before her time. Thus, she'd be lost on how to proceed. The issue may be compounded in her case since she's thus far operated on pure instinct. Any true knowledge of the Force and its users is beyond her. Examining those imperfections can create a more dynamic journey than any she's seen.

3 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Sometimes The Brightest Futures Lie Within The Ancient Past

A temple chamber in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X
April 28, 2023
Respawn Entertainment
Action-Adventure , Soulslike

Rey is utterly unfamiliar with Jedi history and customs. She's ill-equipped to rebuild the Order, especially if she wants it to last any longer than previous attempts. After all, those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Because of that, it'd be logical for her to search for those secrets. Thankfully, Star Wars has a fine template for such archaeological expeditions.

The Star Wars Jedi games, in particular, Survivor, deal heavily with the dormant corners of the galaxy. Fans regularly traverse subterranean temples, unlocking secrets hidden for centuries. Not only are these experiences intriguing in themselves, but they provide valuable knowledge and wisdom to aid the heroes in their current struggles about the High Republic. This guidance is exactly what Rey needs. It's a chance for both her and the audience to explore the ancient past, discovering the foundations of the Order she's stumbled into.

2 Star Wars: Darth Plagueis

James Luceno's Novel Details Cutthroat Machinations & Freakish Gifts Of The Sith

The Darth Plagueis book by James Luceno and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith

How appropriate for Rey, in particular. The heroine is actually the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, the overarching villain of the whole Star Wars saga. As nonsensical as that revelation is, it comes with numerous unsettling implications. Chief among them are her ties to the "unnatural" powers inherent in the Dark Side. Palpatine learned many of these from his own master, Darth Plagueis. Fans glimpse that process in the accompanying book. It details the power struggle that develops between multiple Sith Lords. While Plagueis supposedly dies at his apprentice's hands, who's to say that's the end?

The Strongest Sith Lords in Star Wars Video Games

The Sith are able to tap into power far beyond the Jedi's reach, making them incredibly powerful, and some games put the player up against the best.

During his lifetime, he developed an ability to cheat death. This is why many fans theorized that he was really Supreme Leader Snoke in the sequel trilogy. Bringing Plagueis back properly would bring the franchise full circle. After all, his training is what Palpatine used to build his Empire and tempt Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Not to mention, it would let Rey come to terms with her identity in a way that she never did in the previous films.

1 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Showcase The Full Power Of The Force & Give Rey A Chance To Look Inward

Starkiller and a Stormtrooper in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Nintendo DS , Switch , PC , PS2 , PS3 , PSP , Wii , Xbox 360
September 16, 2008
Hack and Slash

Fans already lambaste Rey for being overpowered. She wields the Force with such prowess (absent any training) that she undermines virtually any challenge. Why not double down on the "Mary Sue" comments and go all the way?

The Force Unleashed depicts a Sith prodigy who's one of the series' most absurdly powerful characters. He uses the Force to truly devastating effect. From infusing his lightsaber with electricity to literally pulling Star Destroyers out of the sky. That's only a few steps above what Rey does. Having her graduate to these godlike feats would be something fans might want to see, especially since they love power and crazed such a showing for Luke Skywalker.

Alternatively, The Force Unleashed may contribute something more meaningful to her character. Throughout the game, Starkiller acts as a Sith pawn. He never had a choice due to being indoctrinated as a child. Once he's finally free, he's unsure how to proceed. Thus, he must find a purpose beyond his master's dark will. That purpose is the burgeoning Rebel Alliance.

Rey suffers from a similar lack of direction. What little definition she has comes from others. However, no more First Order means that she can finally choose her own trajectory. Taking the reins off like this provides a much-needed chance to find herself. Aside from a protagonist propped up on a pedestal, who is Rey? What does she want, and why does she want it? Such questions are the basis for any interesting character study. This, in turn, may inform her decision to rebuild the Jedi Order. Maybe she even fashions a new Order distinct from both the Jedi and Sith. In that way, the story would explore new territory while arising naturally from the heroine's personal journey.

9 Star Wars Characters Who Could Carry A Game (And What It Should Look Like)

There are iconic characters the Star Wars franchise can use to create epic video games.