Star Wars games have been on a roll lately; their popularity, and more importantly their quality, has been growing. Whether players are enjoying the short, yet in-depth single-player mode or the cut-throat multiplayer, Star Wars: Squadrons has become the newest hit for gamers to get good at.

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The mechanics are diverse, deep, and extensive. This, quite simply, is not an easy game to master. Small tricks and maneuvers can mean the ever so slight difference between victory and defeat. While no one is going to become an expert overnight, here are ten pro tips to make those space conquests just a bit more winnable.

10 Perfectly Time Countermeasures

Star wars squadorns dog fight

If players don't want to get blown out of the space-sky with missiles, they will have to learn to master countermeasures. The countermeasure in Squadrons can be equated with rolling in Dark Souls. These last minute tactics help avoid potentially critical missile strikes last minute, and it is crucial that players execute them in the opportune moment. The ideal time to implement the countermeasure maneuver is when 3 out of 4 of the Missile Incoming meters arrows have been lit up. This will virtually guarantee a successful countermeasure. Learning to perfect this will keep players safe from the constant barrage of missiles being thrown at them.

9 Utilize Friendly Capital Ships For Protection

Capital Ships Star Wars Squadrons

This strategy is introduced to players who took their time with the story. It may seem like a basic and beginner move, however it can be crucial in large and exasperating space fights. There is nothing wrong with retreating to the players sides capital ship, and utilizing their superior shields for protection, and a quick breather to strategize a new plan of attack.

8 Use Ion Missiles Against Shields

Ion Missiles Star Wars Squadrons

Every game has its best weapons for each situation. The same goes for Star Wars: Squadrons. One of the game's more satisfying, and necessary munitions are ion missiles.

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These are by far the most effective way to disable enemy shields, while also putting them in a quasi-disabled position. When properly utilized, they will reek mayhem and destruction on the opposing side.

7 Do Not Use Missiles Against TIE Bombers

Tie Bomber Load Out Squadrons

TIE Bombers are the one exception to the missile efficacy. Do not bother shooting any sorts of missiles at TIE bombers, the ships have very effective and easy to utilize countermeasures against such attacks. Players that do attempt this are simply wasting their munitions and precious time, potentially setting themselves up for attacks from other threats.

6 Focus On Larger Threats First

star wars squadrons price

Talk about screen clutter! Squadrons is a game that can overwhelm the player completely out of nowhere. While chasing a target an pilot can easily find themselves surrounded by threats. These situations usually do not bode well and require survival and escape. Despite this, some situations cannot be escaped and fighting is the only option. In these moments it becomes critical to focus on the big and serious threats first, such as TIE Bombers. These kinds of heavy hitters can take the player out in an instant and should be a top priority.

5 Do Not Worry About Taking Out Every Target

Star Wars Squadrons TIE Bomber Fires On Installation

This is not an online FPS, players do not have to worry about taking out every target they set their eyes. Such a strategy commonly leads to slowing down, or outright stopping to get the final hit in. This is an excellent way to become a causality instead of the enemy. Instead it is best to have a hit and run mentality. fly in towards a target, get as many (accurate) shots off as possible, and pull out. Then simply repeat. This is the safest, and most effective way to stack kills, while maintaining survivability.

4 The Legendary Drift

Star Wars Squadrons A Wing Drifting Lesson

This is one of, if not the most, important flight maneuvers to perfect in Squadrons. The drift maneuver will get pilots out of any sticky situation. The catch is, it is incredibly difficult to master. The single player mode offers practice lessons, which players should absolutely exploit to learn this life saving trick.

RELATED: Star Wars Squadrons 10 Pro Tips For Flying A Support Ship

The general gist however is to send all power to engines, reach max speed, boost, finally turn while killing power to the engines simultaneously. Sounds easy enough.

3 Shield Balancing

Shield in Squadron

No Pilot should take their shield for granted. Pilots should also keep in mind that they do not just automatically protect you. Just like most other games, player input is required to get the most benefit. The shields organically protect both sides of the ship organically. The player can tweak this to put more shield energy on the front, or back of their ship depending on the situation. The amount of shield power in a specific area can be the difference between that one missile that blows a ship out of space.

2 Divert Power Between Engines And Missiles

Reticule Star Wars Squadrons

Just like shield power, energy can be diverted between weapons systems and engines. It is important that players learn what situations require what kind of power. When chasing down a target, it is always best to focus power on the engines. Once the target has been reached, switching power to the weapons systems will allow for the most effective bombardments.

1 A Pilot Only Survives As Long As They Move

View of Imperial Ship Star Wars Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons can be compared to the DOOM series in the sense that the player only lives as long as they are moving. It is crucial that any pilot is constantly on the move, avoid stalling, avoid parking. It will almost always mean instant death.

NEXT: 10 Unresolved Mysteries And & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Star Wars: Squadrons