Star Wars and memes are like peanut butter and jelly. They are both great individually, but they are just perfect together. Star Wars: Squadrons has unleashed a new wave of excitement and adventure in a galaxy far, far away, but it has also given players a thing or two to chuckle about here on earth. Titan and Anvil Squadrons introduced players to some lovable pilots that are ripe for a good ribbing.

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Not all memes are meant to be enjoyed by every Star Wars fan. Some memes are funny in a very specific way. They forsake broad appeal for a sophisticated (if memes are capable of sophistication) and direct charm that feels like an inside joke. With all of the specific events and characters introduced in Star Wars: Squadrons, it's only appropriate to take a few of these memes off of the top shelf and share a laugh.

10 Javes The Immortal

Star Wars Squadrons Simpsons Lindon Javes Meme

Take all of the pro tips to become an ace available, but players will never top Lindon Javes. The guy crashes into the Starhawk and spends an unknown amount of time stuck in deep space with a gigantic hole in a facility that had already pretty much exploded.

Oh, but he's alive, no problem. Citing his familiarity with the Starhawk's systems, he emerges unscathed; in a fully functional vehicle no less! So, let's get this straight, knowledge of the Starhawk can make it so plowing into a solid sheet of metal and exploding isn't lethal? Maybe through a little of that wisdom this way.

9 The Long Con

Star Wars Squadrons Rella Sol Republic Meme

Being cruel to be kind is a high-risk, high-reward maneuver. Rella Sol's plan, which she is fairly open about, is to use the full Imperial might to crush the Republic. And after consolidating all of that power, getting the new Emperor to concede that power and establish a Senate.

Senators are representatives. A government in which representatives speak for their constituents is a Republic. Is Rella Sol making one of many rookie mistakes? Or does she actually have a supreme leader in mind who can be persuaded to crush a Republic and then become a Republic?

8 Decisions, Decisions

Star Wars Squadrons Republic Pilots Shields Lasers Meme

Live streamers who play Star Wars: Squadrons can be categorized into two groups. The first group is the Imperials, and they'll generally have a calm demeanor, conversing back and forth with the chat as they swap tricks on how to win dogfights.

And then there are the Republic pilots. They will be sweating the entire time while in combat, trying to balance three different systems while also keeping an eye on the HUD. The opposing factions are plenty balanced, but it is funny how noticeably different player attitudes are on the two different sides.

7 It's Not Me, It's You

Star Wars Squadrons Havina Vonreg Betrayed Meme

Here are a few pro tips for new players: Manage systems properly. Use the proper loadout. Communicate with the team. And be very, very suspicious of anyone claiming to be Havina Vonreg's buddy.

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She wears it on her sleeve and makes it clear from the first time the new pilot meets her that all of her friends, even good ones, have defected to the Republic. Something about her face seems to make everyone in the Empire want to stab her in the back.

6 Might As Well Fall Asleep On The Button

Star Wars Squadrons Bernie Sanders Bomber Meme

Bombers have a tough job. They are not very mobile and, despite their high shields and durability, do not have the lasers to properly defend themselves in a fight. It is wise to take in a few pro tips before saddling up in one of these monstrosities.

Most fleet battles rely on heavy-shielded bombers to make a run against powerful flagships. If they die, very few others can complete the mission. So, naturally, the instant one laser touches them, they're screaming on the mic for some backup. And they will not stop asking for assistance until the mission is over.

5 It Ain't Coming Off

Star Wars Squadrons Shen Helmet Meme

Shen has found a way to get his suit off without dying, but something about that helmet must stay glued on. While he's been through a lot of regenerative operations and some rehabilitation, Shen's decision to keep his lid on at all times is actually revealed to be a preference and not a mandate.

Why? Does he have a Phantom of the Opera thing going on under there? Or is it some kind of paranoia about falling beams that might randomly land on his noggin? Either way, I don't think he's going to be attending any pool parties any time soon.

4 Kamikaze Interceptors

Star Wars Squadrons Interceptors Getting Destroyed Meme

What happens when a class has the fastest movement speed, best lasers, and very little survivability? They end up getting played by rookies seduced by shiny statistics that have absolutely no clue how to stay alive.

And of course, instead of taking some advice on how to improve, they demand support craft follow them everywhere and blame the team or EA for not giving them enough tools. Have they not been told that flying into the front lines is ill-advised?

3 It's Time For An Intervention

Star Wars Squadrons Frisk Gambling Meme

After a big life-or-death mission in which the Imperials have blown up some important equipment or murdered a bunch of fugitives, the Anvil Squadron gathers around and discusses battle plans and tactics to ensure peace and salvation for the galaxy.

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Except for Frisk, who is usually trying to look up the final score of the big game last night or asking random pedestrians if they want to take a bet on the next hand of Pazaak. Thank goodness there isn't a slot machine in the hangar or else Frisk would need a second loan against his X-Wing.

2 Biased Screeching

Star Wars Squadrons Favoritism Shields Meme

Ah, the after-game lobby, a chance to reflect on how the match went, what could be done better, what should stay the same, and how much Electronic Arts must love the Republic since they have shields.

Of course, the rational thing to do would be to look over some of the expert tips given to fighter pilots and take some responsibility. But when it's so easy to blame EA for everything and not change gameplay, that's too tempting for an amateur gamer to pass up.

1 Did You Think This Through?

Star Wars Squadrons Keo Venzee Racer Meme

Keo Venzee is something special. She's force-sensitive and teaches players in the campaign how to boost drift when they turn. Oh yeah, and she's also known all over the galaxy as the best racer to ever suit up.

One would think she could support the Republic by continuing to race and giving all of her credits to the Republic to purchase new ships. But that's not her style. Instead of signing autographs, she's out there risking death. Helmets off to her, even if her plan does seem a little unhinged.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Liked Star Wars: Squadrons