Star Wars: Squadrons got the attention of a lot of gamers when it was announced. This was primarily because it looks set to deliver a specific and widely enjoyed element of Star Wars. Many players had hoped that Star Wars: Battlefront 2 would offer dog-fights and while the game did supply some space battles, the title had a mixed reception and few fans felt that a comprehensive space fighting system was delivered. Squadrons look set to give players a more complete space battle experience and it will be available at a relatively cheap price.

While most Star Wars games handle the universe in broad strokes by covering many elements, Squadrons will focus specifically on space-based ship fighting. Many players were intrigued by the trailer for Squadrons although there have been queries about the scope and longevity of the title. The CFO of Electronic Arts has now explained how the game will fit in the market place and the reasoning behind its $40 price point.

RELATED: Star Wars: Squadrons Releases Gorgeous New Screenshots

CFO at EA, Blake Jorgensen, explained in an earnings call that Star Wars: Squadrons was made with fans in mind, "Games all have different scales, and most of our games right now have a huge scale. We designed this game to really focus on what we heard from consumers, which is one of their greatest fantasies, and that's to be able to fly an X-Wing fighter or TIE Fighter, and be in a dogfight." Despite most games having a massive scale, it seems that Squadrons will stay focused and as a result, players will be able to get the desired experience at a lesser cost.

Jorgensen went on to detail the scale of the game and how it impacted pricing, "[Squadrons] it doesn't have the breadth of some of our games, but it's still an incredible game. And so that's why we chose to price it at a slightly lower level—and to also allow access to as many people as possible." With this in mind, it seems that the pricing is logical and with online gameplay this title might be a bargain for players who want to spend hours playing out dogfight scenarios.

EA comments on Star Wars Squadrons

There is a fair bit of excitement around Star Wars: Squadrons and a low price will likely convince players who have been interested but unsure of the title. If the game can deliver a solid online experience and mechanics it may be great value for money. With that said, it is worth noting that the game will not be eligible for a free upgrade alongside the next generation of consoles, like most EA games, so players who are interested in the pricing may want to decide what system they will use for the foreseeable future.

While this statement clarifies how the game will be positioned in the market as well as its scope, fans will still have queries. It will be interesting to see how much support Squadrons gets after release as a smaller title and whether it will be a small game with a lot to offer or a shell of what players want. To truly find out all that the game has to offer it seems that players will have to wait for Star Wars: Squadrons to release.

Star Wars: Squadrons will release October 2, 2020, for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: How Star Wars: Squadrons Differs From Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Source: PC Gamer