
  • Sabine Wren, a character from Star Wars: Rebels , was born on Mandalore and her parents influenced her art and Mandalorian traditions.
  • Sabine was initially an Imperial Cadet but turned away from the Empire after inventing a weapon that was used against her people.
  • Sabine's artistry and graffiti symbol, the Starbird, inspired the logo of the Rebel Alliance, and she later wielded the Darksaber and played a significant role in the Mandalorian Civil War.

There is a lot that fans have learned about the former crew of the Ghost via watching Ahsoka recently, but there are plenty of Star Wars fans that won’t yet know everything about the characters that have joined Ahsoka in her journey across galaxies if they never watched Star Wars: Rebels.

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Becoming a capable pilot in Star Wars usually takes work, but the skill seems to come naturally to these particular characters.

There has been a lot of history across the various animated shows set within the Star Wars Universe, and Star Wars: Rebels is a show that might have passed a lot of fans by, but many will be eagerly catching up on the stories of characters like Sabine Wren after discovering them through their live-action debut in Ahsoka as they hope for more from her in future Star Wars media.

6 She Was Born On Mandalore

Young Sabine Wren

While the Mandalorians have spawned across the galaxy to various worlds, and only recently in The Mandalorian returned to Mandalore for the first time in years, Sabine was actually born on the planet. Ahsoka fans will have seen something of her Mandalorian ancestry through her armor, but they may not know about her parents.

Sabine’s mother was Ursa, a member of the Mandalorian group Death Watch, while her father was an artist. Both of them affected Sabine’s future in their own ways, as Sabine would later inspire many with her art, while also becoming a fighter and honoring some of the traditional Mandalorian manners which her mother represented her whole life.

5 She Was An Imperial

Sabine Wren Imperial

Like several young heroes in the Star Wars franchise, Sabine Wren was actually an Imperial before she turned away from the Empire and their horrific methods. An Imperial Cadet on Mandalore in her youth, Sabine showed a lot of promise for becoming a high-ranking officer while she was with the Empire.

Star Wars Rebels: Crew Of The Ghost, Ranked

The crew of the Ghost in Star Wars Rebels is made of a cast of memorable characters, but some stand out more than others.

However, after inventing a weapon for the Imperials that could melt Beskar Steel and seeing it used against her own people, Sabine turned away from the Empire. Between this and learning about heroes like Cham Syndulla from the Clone Wars, her loyalties fully turned away from the Imperials, and she became a proud member of the Rebel Alliance and helped take on terrifying figures like Thrawn.

4 The Arc Pulse Generator

Sabine Wren Arc Pulse Generator

Speaking of Sabine Wren’s defection from the Empire at a young age, her creation of an arc pulse generator, which she dubbed Duchess, was a big part of it. This weapon would return later as well, as the Empire managed to keep the blueprints in order to use them against Mandalorians in the future.

While fighting alongside other Mandalorians against the Empire, her fellow warriors almost turned on Sabine due to them discovering that she was the mind behind the creation of this Beskar-destroying super weapon. Sabine helped destroy it and prevent the Empire from using it ever again, but even so, Sabine’s past nearly came back to haunt her because of this creation.

Sabine Wren Rebel Logo

A fascinating piece of history from the Star Wars franchise actually involves Sabine’s artistry. While Star Wars: Rebels more frequently showcased Sabine and the crew of the Ghost helping affect the war against the Empire through combative missions, Sabine and Ezra both used their backgrounds at different times to great effect in the overall motivation of the Rebel Alliance.

Sabine has always been an artist, and she left a symbol she made her own, of a Starbird, in graffiti in all manner of places she went. When the Rebel Alliance started to form, pulling together all the individual factions into one proper organization, they took the form of the Starbird that Sabine had been creating and used it as their logo.

2 She Wielded The Darksaber

Sabine Wren Darksaber

Though Sabine has been seen with her own lightsaber, and training under Ahsoka Tano, in her current live-action appearances on the Disney Plus show, it is by no means the first notable weapon she has held. When she first uncovered the Darksaber, on Darth Maul’s home planet, she wished to have no part of it being used in battle.

Eventually, she allowed Kanan Jarrus to train her to use it, and the dark saber proved to be a big piece of her reconciliation with her family. Sabine has had a rocky history with other Mandalorians but managed to help them climb back from the Empire’s clutches and returned the Darksaber to the powerful female warrior Bo-Katan Kryze, so she could lead Mandalore.

1 Her Mandalorian Civil War Role

Sabine Wren Mandalorian Civil War

After The Mandalorian brought the race of Mandalore into focus in the Star Wars Universe, some of the events in Star Wars: Rebels became a lot more important to the overall universe. After gaining control over the darksaber and reuniting with her family, Sabine became an official member of Clan Wren and battled alongside them against the forces of their Empire-friendly rivals, Clan Saxon.

This led to a huge showdown, as Sabine was challenged for control of the Darksaber and the rule of Mandalore by Gar Saxon. Defeating and killing the leader of their rivals was the only way that Sabine could assure all Mandalorians of her worthy ownership of the blade, even though she would later surrender it. These events were all hugely significant to the race of Mandalorians, and fans of that show as well as Ahsoka will be eager to go back and revisit Star Wars: Rebels to see this impactful moment in history.

Science Fiction

Release Date
August 23, 2023
Production Company
Number of Episodes