Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has found her new project, and it looks like it'll be something special. Through a short video on Twitter, Jenkins just announced that she's working on a Star Wars film familiarly titled Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

Jenkins posted the video in the midst of Disney announcing a practical deluge of new Star Wars content including shows and movies. The video sees Jenkins herself rollerblading across some tarmac before giving a monologue about her father and her passion for stories about fighter pilots. She reminisces about her father, who was an F-4 fighter pilot himself, soaring across the sky with his squadron, calling it "the most thrilling thing, still, I've experienced in my entire life."

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She then goes on to explain how, shortly after her father's death, it ignited a desire within her to create "the greatest fighter pilot movie of all time." After searching for the perfect story for years, apparently, she never found what she was looking for. But that all seems to have changed, as shown by her ending the video not with a formal announcement, but a wordless donning of an iconic orange Rebel flight suit and a stroll towards a waiting X-Wing fighter in the distance. The final shot of a logo bearing the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron title ends the video.

This news is sure to pique the interest of several different facets in the Star Wars fandom. First, there are those who fondly remember the Rogue Squadron games from the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, as well as more old school PC titles like X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. That nostalgia is a powerful force, possibly even more powerful than, well, The Force. Another section of the fanbase might include avid readers who enjoy the recent novels like Alphabet Squadron, Cobalt Squadron, and the Poe Dameron graphic novel series (not to mention classic books like the X-Wing collection).

Finally, perhaps holding some of the more freshly minted fans, the recent video game Star Wars: Squadrons seemed to reinvigorate the passion from the older titles, bringing in enthusiasts both old and new. The recent game is just as intricate and difficult as many PC veterans remember, allowing for bridging between generations and a real dedication to the Star Wars series that can only come from the visceral feeling of losing skirmish after skirmish but never giving up.

No other information was given on Jenkins' upcoming movie, and it's likely to be a little while since she's still working on the Wonder Woman films. But hopefully, fans get to learn more soon, because they're just itching to get into that cockpit.

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