There are plenty of reasons to get excited about a new Star Wars movie featuring the return of Daisy Ridley as Rey. But aside from the idea of a story revolving around the New Jedi Order, the film might bring in a huge star to play its villain.When Disney announced a new Star Wars movie starring Ridley's Rey Skywalker, fans were immediately on board with the idea. Despite the mixed to poor reception of Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, the characters remain an endearing presence in the hearts of the Star Wars faithful. So even many who still regularly criticize the latest film have expressed unbridled excitement for the possibilities. Now, it seems as though those possibilities have grown to new heights.RELATED: Star Wars: Could Grogu Be Rey Skywalker’s Apprentice In The New Movie?Industry insider MyTimeToShineHello recently posted an intriguing claim on Twitter, alleging that none other than Luther and The Suicide Squad star Idris Elba is being watched with great interest as the potential villain in the upcoming movie. The tweet is short and sweet, with little information besides the idea. But MyTimeToShineHello has a decent track record with Marvel Cinematic Universe leaks, so it wouldn't be too farfetched to assume similar aptitude regarding Star Wars. Still, it's worth noting that this information is currently unconfirmed.

Elba is arguably one of the biggest stars in Hollywood today, with a career spanning from legendary hits like The Wire to playing Knuckles in the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie. He has also appeared in the Thor movies as Heimdall, the guard and keeper of the Bifrost, and even lends his formidable voice to films like Zootopia. He certainly plays a great good guy, but that isn't the plan for the upcoming Star Wars film, at least if the leak is to be trusted.

Little is known about the movie at this point, with knowledge mainly restricted to the notion that it will revolve around a New Jedi Order and features Rey in some capacity. As enticing as that prospect is, it hasn't stopped some fans from insisting that the movie shouldn't bring back the Jedi Order. Given how things turned out when Luke Skywalker tried to do the same, it's hard not to sympathize with that viewpoint. A new version of that organization would need some overhauls.

Again, this potential news is unverified and should be taken with a grain of salt. However, Elba appearing in a Star Wars movie would be a big deal. While it would be preferable for many to see him play a hero, having him around is enough. Here's hoping a confirmation comes soon.

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Source: MyTimeToShineHello/Twitter