
  • Some Star Wars fans have finally noticed Ahsoka's callsign in Star Wars Rebels, linking it to her facial markings.
  • Fans laughed at the realization, questioning how Vader didn't connect the dots with Ahsoka's covert identity.
  • Ahsoka using Anakin's old callsign and frequency in the Clone Wars adds another layer to the irony of Vader's ignorance.

Some Star Wars fans have finally noticed a rather obvious detail regarding Ahsoka Tano in the animated series Star Wars Rebels, and they're kicking themselves for not realizing its meaning sooner. But it's ok. They shouldn't be so hard on themselves for missing something so blatant like that. Some people still think Dune isn't political.

In this case, it involves a certain symbol that, frankly, many Star Wars fans immediately realized was significant. At this point in Star Wars Rebels, the show still largely focused on the main cast of original characters, including Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Zeb, and everyone's favorite little war crime droid Chopper. So some fans were enjoying the new stuff while others were champing at the bit for some sort of reference or callback. Luckily for them, a call from the mysterious figure known as Fulcrum hinted at just that. The thing is, some didn't even realize that Fulcrum's identity had been revealed the second that call began.

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User NikolaiOlsen on the Star Wars Rebels subreddit recently lamented how long it took them to realize that the visual callsign for Fulcrum was virtually identical to one of Ahsoka Tano's facial markings, pointing directly to her identity as the covert operative for any who were already particularly familiar with her. Fans in the comments were largely compassionate if still not bothering to hold back their laughter. But others added their voices to the chorus of revelation, with some admitting they didn't realize it at the time either and others sheepishly commenting that it only just clicked for them now.

However, aside from this latest instance in the proud tradition of Star Wars fans noticing things, some pointed out how this makes part of the show itself even funnier in hindsight. Ahsoka, who was an apprentice and close friend to Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, managed to evade detection by Darth Vader despite using this same callsign for all of her transmissions as Fulcrum. This means that Vader, knowing full well who Ahsoka was, still somehow didn't immediately put two and two together when this elusive spy consistently used a symbol that exactly matched his former Jedi friend's markings.

"Seriously didn't realize this until they revealed her as fulcrum, then felt like an idiot, lol"

"I admit it took me way too long to figure out. But when I did, I felt like an idiot. So you're not alone."

"Genuinely just noticed now ffs"

The thing is, it gets even funnier. Other fans pointed out how Anakin himself used a communications frequency during the Clone Wars called "Fulcrum" to contact certain individuals, including extremist freedom fighter Saw Gerrera, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and yes, Ahsoka. This means that Ahsoka used a secret frequency just like Anakin, named herself after Anakin's frequency, and used her distinct facial markings to identify herself, yet Anakin/Vader somehow still didn't get the picture. That's... impressive.

"Now imagine how dumb Vader must have felt if he ever saw Fulcrum's symbol and never realised who it was."

Sometimes, people just don't notice things directly in front of their faces, and that's ok. Not everybody's brains work the same way. If nothing else, any other fans out there who didn't realize this detail until now can at least call themselves roughly as clever as Darth Vader.

Star Wars Rebels is available on Disney Plus.

Star Wars

Star Wars is a multimedia franchise created by George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd with the 1977 motion picture. The science fiction franchise follows the adventures of characters (both humanoid and alien) in outer space, including those who can wield a mystical power known as the Force. Since the release of the original trilogy movies, the franchise has expanded to include multiple films and branched out to other mediums like comics, video games, TV shows, theme park attractions, and more. The IP and Lucasfilm were sold to Disney in 2012.

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Source: NikolaiOlsen/Reddit