Obi-Wan is one of the most popular characters in the Star Wars franchise, having played a pivotal role right back from the first movie, A New Hope. A loyal and by-the-book Jedi, Obi-Wan went toe-to-toe with multiple Sith Lords, trained the most powerful Force Wielder of all time, and served as a General during the Clone Wars.

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Obi-Wan had a successful but at times tragic life, and when we pick up with him in the self-titled series he will be in hiding from the Empire as one of the few remaining Jedi left in the galaxy. There are many things people want from the Kenobi series. There are also many questions that Star Wars fans have about Kenobi, and hopefully will be answered when the new series arrives.

6 Will He Interact With The Tusken Raiders?

book of boba fett tusken raiders

By the time of A New Hope, Obi-Wan seems very knowledgeable about the Tusken Raiders as shown in his conversation with Luke about them and their nature. While the Jedi Temple did contain swathes of knowledge about various species across the galaxy, Kenobi's knowledge seems a little more personal and borne of actual personal interaction with them. Could he have learned things he didn't know about the Jawas and Tusken Raiders during his time of exile?

It makes sense that living out in the sticks of Tatooine for over a decade and having to keep a low-profile makes him more likely to interact with the Tuskens, who keep to themselves, over the humans who could realize he's a Jedi and shop him to the Empire. Since the Star Wars universe has given much more screentime to the Tusken Raiders as of late across The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, it's logical to assume they'll get some screentime in Obi-WanKenobi also.

5 Did He Regret Not Leaving The Order?

Anakin standing before the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace

Across The Clone Wars series it was made clear that as his time as a Padawan on Mandalore with his master Qui-Gon Jinn, the teenage Obi-Wan met a young Duchess Satine and fell in love. In love with each other, their paths in life as Jedi and politician preventing either of them from acting on this love. Obi-Wan himself says that he would have left the Jedi Order for her had she asked him to.

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With lots of time to reflect in Tatooine and constantly needing to ensure he isn't caught by the Empire, fans may be wondering if Obi-Wan regrets staying with the order and not acting on his love for Satine. It would also be nice to see a live-action memory of the young Kenobi and Satine together, since the latter is an animated character who should switch to live-action.

4 Does Kenobi Commune With Yoda?

yoda screenshot degoba empire strikes back

Yoda and Kenobi are two of the only Jedi left in the galaxy by the time of the series and have a close relationship in lieu of this. Both in the same position of having to be in hiding, fans have often wondered if they commune with each other. We know from past material that Qui-Gon's Force Ghost taught Yoda have to retain his consciousness following death, who then taught Obi-Wan. So how does he teach him this?

The sequels showed that Kylo and Rey could commune with each other no matter where they were in the galaxy, it makes sense that two powerful Force wielders such as Yoda and Kenobi could do the same.

3 Will Qui-Gon's Force Ghost Talk To Him?

Liam Neeson Qui Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn was Obi-Wan's Master and held a great deal of respect for him. While their relationship as Master and Apprentice wasn't always easy due to Qui-Gon's maverick nature compared to Obi-Wan's by-the-book attitude, it's clear they held each other in very high regard as shown in comics every fan should read as well as books.

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Since Qui-Gon's Force Ghost went on to teach Yoda how to retain his consciousness after death, it seems likely that he could also appear to speak with Obi-Wan at times. Fans of the Prequel era would surely love to see a reunion between these two characters since they were relatively unexplored compared to many other Master/ Apprentice dynamics across the franchise.

2 Will He Investigate Darth Vader?

darth vader before approaching his son

While Obi-Wan knows exactly who Darth Vader is in the original trilogy, we never see him learn that his fallen apprentice Anakin Skywalker is Vader. The last time Obi-Wan saw him, they had dueled on Mustafar which ended in Obi-Wan dismembering him and leaving him for dead. However, one of Darth Vader's surprising powers was being able to withstand fatal injuries long enough for the Emperor to rescue and heal him.

Kathleen Kennedy has already promised the characters will have the 'rematch of the century', so we know they'll meet and duel at some point during the series. Could this be during a sequence where Kenobi is investigating around the galaxy for information regarding Vader's true identity?

1 Why Does He Think Vader Is Irredeemable?

Darth Vader (First Look)

By the time of Return of the Jedi, Obi-Wan makes it clear to Luke that he lied about Vader's true identity because he believes that Luke's destiny is to be the man who destroys him. Vader is one of the most powerful Sith Lords, so this was not something Kenobi tasked Luke with lightly.

Obi-Wan is shown to be quite a forgiving person and somebody who never deals in absolutes. To that end, why does he believe that Vader is past saving and discourage Luke from attempting to bring him back to the Light? Fans have been split on their opinions of Obi-Wan's actions for years, and the series may do some work in explaining how Kenobi came to believing Anakin could not be redeemed.

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