Star Wars is no stranger to video games, but the newly announced Star Wars: Outlaws from Ubisoft adds a unique Star Wars flair by taking the franchise to an open-world setting within gaming. The story of Star Wars: Outlaws follows up a new scoundrel to the Star Wars universe, Kay Vess, and her struggle to navigate the chaotic mess of scum and villainy that makes up the galaxy's criminal underworld.

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Considering that Star Wars: Outlaws is an open-world game, and Star Wars often brags of being in a galaxy far, far away, there is plenty of room for Kay Vess to explore multiple planets, including some very iconic ones that have featured throughout various Star Wars media, whether that be other games, movies, shows and more.

5 Jedha

jedha in rogue one

Jedha was introduced in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story where it was shown to be a bustling spaceport full of strange characters, possibly some less-than-savory ones. From what is shown, Jedha was once widely recognized as a holy site for those interested in the force until the Empire started exploiting its abundant Kyber Crystals. Yet another blow was struck when Grand Moff Tarkin decided it would be a great idea to test the Death Star's laser on the planet's Holy City. Outlaws would be set a few years after Rogue One, which would allow room to explore the chaotic aftermath of Tarkin's cruelty.

Aside from killing millions, destroying one of Jedha's most important cities would probably cause a lot of instability. It probably took out a lot of what little non-Imperial government the planet had, leaving a power vacuum inevitably exploited by criminal organizations. Even before Tarkin, there did seem to be a notable criminal presence if the cameos by Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba were anything to go on, but after it must have been a lot worse. That might even be more so the case if any ambitious criminals got ideas about exploiting the planet's supply of Kyber Crystals.

4 Naboo

naboo palace

Naboo was first introduced in The Phantom Menace, where it played a significant role. The planet itself is a paradise, with beautiful architecture, and more Gungans than there were Jedi at the time of the Grand Republic in its prime. Most interestingly, it was the birthplace of the Emperor, Sheev Palpatine himself.

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Despite its significance, there is not much in the current timeline about what happened to Naboo after the prequel trilogy. However, Legends had some interesting details that could be a good source of inspiration. That timeline involved Naboo falling apart under the Empire and getting overrun by criminal organizations. There was even an underground network for helping Jedi who survived the purge. By the point the game takes place, Naboo would probably be a world that looks nice on the surface but turns out to have extreme levels of instability underneath.

3 Nal Hutta

nal hutta planet

The Hutts are one of the biggest players in organized crime, having run their cartels for centuries. They are widespread across the galaxy, but ultimately their criminal empires all trace back to their homeworld of Nal Hutta. This is the seat of power for the Hutts and home to the most powerful of them. Nal Hutta is a very gloomy planet, mostly made up of swampland that is extremely uncomfortable for most, but very much a paradise for a Hutt. Unsurprisingly, it is a very good place to get mixed up in illegal activity of just about any kind.

Curiously, for all that has been done with the Hutts, very little has been done with their homeworld, and hopefully Star Wars: Outlaws fixes that, considering this is where the "Scum and villainy" of the Star Wars underworld come from, and it makes sense that Kay is going to encounter Hutts at some point.

2 Taris

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Taris Concept Art Cropped

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic introduced a few interesting worlds, but one of the standouts was a city planet called Taris. This was the first planet explored by the player, after narrowly escaping the Endar Spire. Taris is a city planet that could be described as an even more run-down and corrupt version of Coruscant though perhaps not quite on the level of Nar Shadaa. Much like many of the galaxy's urban worlds, it was a capitalistic world in which the rich lived in luxury on the surface while the poor were shoved down into the lower levels, and the poorest were trapped under the city.

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At its peak, Taris was home to a lot of organized crime. During Knights of the Old Republic, the lower city was caught in a gang war between the Black Vulkars and Hidden Beks, with the whole planet being under the control of crime boss Davik Kang. Now granted, Outlaws would be set thousands of years later, so Taris would probably look different now, but how much has changed really? A thousand years is certainly enough time for the planet to rebuild after Darth Malak's bombardment.

1 Tatooine

luke skywalker twilight sunset on tatooine

Of all the worlds introduced across the Star Wars franchise, few have become quite as iconic as Tatooine. The famous desert planet was first introduced in the original Star Wars movie in 1977 and has since been seen as a primary Star Wars planet, appearing multiple times throughout the franchise.

But even putting aside Tatooine's significance to overall Star Wars canon, it is a hotbed for criminal activity, which makes sense for a game about exploring the criminal underworld. Tatooine was home to one of the most iconic crime bosses of all: the ruthless Jabba the Hutt. He would have been at his peak around the time the game takes place (between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi), so it would seem logical for him to make some sort of appearance.

Star Wars: Outlaws is planned for release in 2024 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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