
  • Star Wars Outlaws is an open-world RPG set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, making it an ideal entry point for newcomers to the franchise.
  • The game will feature a variety of blaster pistols, including Kay Vess' trusty blaster pistol and a heavy A300 rifle that her companion Nix can retrieve.
  • As the protagonist levels up, she will gain access to heavier weaponry such as blaster rifles, including iconic choices like the EE-3 and the A-180 blaster.

From nine mainline movies to several animated TV shows and countless comic books and novels, there's a lot of Star Wars media to consume, and it's only continued to grow increasingly more complex over the last 46 years. It can be extremely intimidating for newcomers to just jump right into the Star Wars universe, but that's where games like Star Wars Outlaws hopefully come into play.

An open-world RPG set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Outlaws will hopefully act as the perfect entry-level experience for newcomers to the franchise, while also having plenty of Easter eggs and references for long-time fans. One of the best forms of fan service in Star Wars video games is when the title references a character or moment from the franchise but does so in a practical format, like through the weapons it gives to the player. And with almost five decades worth of material to draw from, there's no shortage of possible weapons that could come to Star Wars Outlaws.

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Blasters That Should Be in Star Wars Outlaws

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In Star Wars Outlaws, players take on the role of Kay Vess, a smuggler that's trying to find her place in the galaxy, along with her fair share of fortune and glory. With Vess not being a Jedi, it's likely that players will primarily wield a blaster during most of Star Wars Outlaws' moment-to-moment gameplay. There are only two blasters currently confirmed for Star Wars Outlaws, with the first being Kay Vess' trusty blaster pistol, and the second being a heavy A300 rifle that Vess' furry little companion Nix can grab from a fallen foe. While the A300 is a temporary weapon with finite ammo, Vess' pistol seems to always be available, though it can overheat. Vess' pistol also has several different types of ammo, including a standard blaster bolt, and an electrified charge shot.

With Kay Vess being a gunslinging smuggler, it seems only right that Star Wars Outlaws gives players plenty of blaster pistol options, and there are some iconic weapons that would fit the bill. The DL-44 heavy pistol - as made infamous by fellow smuggler Han Solo - would be a great choice for Star Wars Outlaws, maybe acting as a one-shot kill on unarmed foes. The K-16 Bryar pistol is another great fit for Star Wars Outlaws, not only being a versatile weapon in its own right, but also acting as a reference to the Star Wars Jedi Knight series.

As Kay Vess levels up, she should start to gain access to heavier weaponry, opening the floodgates for Star Wars many, many blaster rifles. There's the EE-3, Boba Fett's burst rifle, the Empire's standard-issue E-11, and the Rebels' A280 rifle, all of which would be great picks for Star Wars Outlaws. But one of the more interesting choices of weaponry would be the A-180 blaster, a weapon first seen in Rogue One and one capable of being a pistol, automatic rifle, and sniper all in one.

Other Weapons That Should Be in Star Wars Outlaws


While blasters will probably make up the vast majority of Star Wars Outlaws' weaponry, it would be fun to see Kay Vess encounter a range of different tools across her journey, including a handful of melee weapons. Though they aren't often seen in canon Star Wars media, with The Mandalorian being the only real standout appearance, vibroblades are a common melee weapon in the Star Wars galaxy, and definitely one that a smuggler like Kay Vess would use for stealth takedowns. A Force pike would also be fun to wield, acting as an extremely powerful stun baton.

Star Wars Outlaws is coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S in 2024.

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