
  • Star Wars Outlaws is expected to feature cameo appearances from classic and fan-favorite characters, adding to the vast and intriguing universe of Star Wars.
  • Jabba the Hutt, one of the galaxy's most notorious criminals, is confirmed to be in Star Wars Outlaws and could play a significant role in the game's story since it is set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
  • It is speculated that Jabba the Hutt may task the player character, Kay Vess, with a heist mission. Hw could also act as a secondary antagonist if she disrupts his criminal operations, adding depth and conflict to the narrative.

It's become a bit of a joke that every background character in Star Wars has an unnecessarily rich origin, and while the absurdity of that is funny, it also helps to keep the Star Wars universe vast and intriguing. This has also led to the creation of some bizarre fan-favorite characters. For every fan that has Obi-Wan or Anakin as their favorite characters, there's another one that adores Salacious B. Crumb and Max Rebo. And while it's a trope to use these obscure characters as a cameo in modern Star Wars media, many fans love to see them crop up regardless, and Star Wars Outlaws is sure to have its own set of classic character cameos.

While Star Wars Outlaws might not get too weird with its own cameos, its premise does naturally lend itself to the appearance of some of the galaxy's finest criminals. And where there's crime to be found, Jabba the Hutt can usually be found not too far away. Already confirmed in Star Wars Outlaws' first trailer, Jabba the Hutt will be in Ubisoft's open-world game, and he could play a pivotal role in the narrative.

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How Jabba the Hutt Could Be Used In Star Wars Outlaws' Story

Kay Vess Jabba Star Wars Outlaws Han Solo Carbonite

Star Wars Outlaws is set between the end of Empire Strikes Back and the beginning of Return of the Jedi. At this time, Jabba the Hutt is at the height of his powers, having just captured Han Solo while essentially running a galaxy-wide criminal empire. As one of the Hutt Cartel's leaders, Jabba the Hutt oversees an operation that stretches across the stars, covering all types of criminal activity, from racketeering to mercenary work to smuggling. At this time, the Hutt Cartel's influence over the galaxy is unmatched, and even the Empire itself tends to stay out of its way.

With players taking on the role of Kay Vess, a fresh-faced smuggler searching the galaxy for her fortune and glory, it makes complete sense that Jabba the Hutt would play at least some part in Star Wars Outlaws' story. Currently, all that's known about Star Wars Outlaws' story is that Vess is putting together a team so that she can pull off some kind of spectacular heist. It would make sense if Jabba is the one that gives her this task.

Throughout Star Wars media, Jabba isn't of letting others do his dirty work for him, whether it's smuggling spice across the galaxy, or assassinating business rivals. So, it would be completely in keeping with his character if Jabba the Hutt tasked Kay Vess with heisting some big target, whether that's an Imperial facility that's getting in the way of his own operations, or a rival crime family's hidden cache. But, of course, Jabba isn't the simplest crime boss in the universe. If Jabba is the one to give Kay Vess her heisting mission, then it also seems likely that he'll have put some other mercenaries up to the task, ensuring that he'll come away successful.

Alternatively, Jabba the Hutt might only play a small role in Star Wars Outlaws. Though Kay Vess is a smuggler, and Jabba is in constant need of those, she might be trying to avoid big cartels. Kay Vess may only run into Jabba when she disrupts his business somehow, maybe taking out some of his hired guns or robbing one of his own establishments. In this way, Jabba may act as a secondary antagonist for the player, constantly sending out goons to hunt Vess down and recover his stolen goods.

Star Wars Outlaws is coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S in 2024.

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