
  • Star Wars Outlaws is the first open-world game in the franchise set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
  • New criminal organizations like Zerek Besh and the Ashiga Clan add exciting mysteries and challenges for players.
  • Returning criminal organizations like Hutt Clans, Pykes, and Crimson Dawn offer familiar yet dangerous adversaries in the game.

Star Wars Outlaws is scheduled for release on August 30 as the first open-world Star Wars game. Set between the movies Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Outlaws focuses on Kay Vess as she navigates galactic criminal organizations and avoids the Galactic Empire to pull off the heist of a lifetime. Star Wars Outlaws features several of the most prominent criminal organizations in the Outer Rim that Star Wars fans will recognize, as well as a couple of others that make their debut in the game.

Star Wars Outlaws is the Perfect Vehicle for One Beloved Scoundrel

Set just after the events of Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Outlaws has the perfect opportunity to feature a cameo of one beloved scoundrel.

New Criminal Organizations in Star Wars Outlaws

The Zerek Besh

The Zerek Besh are an organization run by Sliro, and will likely serve as the primary antagonists in Star Wars Outlaws thanks to Sliro's vendetta against Kay. The Zerek Besh were mentioned before in Crimson Reign 5, but Star Wars Outlaws will be the first time the organization actually makes an appearance or plays a prominent role.

The Zerek Besh's base is on Canto Bight, the casino world featured in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which is also the homeworld of Kay. Not much else is known about the Zerek Besh yet, but all will be revealed when Star Wars Outlaws is out.

The Ashiga Clan

Another criminal organization debuting in Star Wars Outlaws, the Ashiga Clan are a crime syndicate wrapped in mystery. The Ashiga Clan are a hivemind of melitto, an alien insectoid species with a hierarchical society. The Ashiga Clan's business is in smuggling, extortion, and sabotage.

The clan works out of Kijimi, a cold and mountainous planet. As the organization was created for Star Wars Outlaws, most of their business and history is currently a mystery. All in all, they appear to be similar to the Gand bounty hunters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.

Returning Criminal Organizations in Star Wars Outlaws

The Hutt Clans

The Hutts are probably the most notorious criminal group in the Outer Rim, spanning across the sector and ruling in groups of families. The most famous of the Hutts is Jabba the Hutt who ruled from Tatooine and is seen in the story trailer for Star Wars Outlaws. One of the sources of the Hutt Clans' power was their control over hyperspace lanes, effectively giving them control over all traffic in the Outer Rim.

The Pykes

First introduced in Star Wars: Clone Wars, the Pykes are one of the most ruthless organizations in the galaxy. The Pykes oversee the distribution and sale of raw spice, with almost complete control over the business. They primarily operate out of Oba Diah but are also known to make partnerships with other organizations when necessary and, thanks to their business in the spice trade, have outposts all over Star Wars' galaxy.

The Crimson Dawn

The Crimson Dawn made their debut in Solo: A Star Wars Story and are one of the most prolific organizations thanks to their history, motivations, and connection to Darth Maul. After Darth Maul's death in Star Wars: Rebels, Qi'ra became the leader of the Crimson Dawn with the aim of destroying the Empire by creating chaos through a Syndicate war and a race to capture Han Solo. Despite the presence of the Crimson Dawn in Star Wars Outlaws, players shouldn't expect Maul to show up as he's dead by the time Star Wars: A New Hope happens.