In the gameplay reveal trailer for Star Wars Outlaws, players got a first look at the adventures of Kay Vess and her sidekick Nix. Kay is a scoundrel in the vein of characters such as Han Solo, swashbuckling space criminals usually just looking to get by in a galaxy far, far away. In a new generation twist on the smuggler archetype of the series, Star Wars Outlaws sees Kay finding herself in an entirely separate part of Star Wars that exists beneath the ever-popular Jedi-centric media. There has always been a side of the fanbase invested in the stories of characters like clone troopers and bounty hunters despite the focus the franchise has always had on Jedi characters.

While the game has only just been revealed, Outlaws appears to be a return to the world of blasters and non-force sensitives that fans have desired since the cancellation of Star Wars 1313. Players are sure to encounter many different associates and rivals throughout their conquest of the Outer Rim’s criminal underworld, and the major syndicates of Star Wars Outlaws are already clear. Between the premiere and gameplay trailers for the upcoming title, the stage is set for a power struggle between the strongest underworld forces of the Imperial era.

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Pyke Syndicate


After Kay barely escapes stealing a precious mollusk-like object from a chop shop on the moon of Toshara in the gameplay reveal, her droid companion ND-5 can be heard asking if this situation has soured their business relationship with the Pykes. What ND-5 is referring to here is the Pyke Syndicate, an infamous criminal enterprise that has appeared in Star Wars media since The Clone Wars era.

The Pyke Syndicate has deep ties to the corruption of the Empire and was hired for the killing of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas (the progenitor of the clone trooper project) by Count Dooku. The Pykes of this variety has always been known as suppliers of an illicit substance known as spice, employing slaves to mine it on planet Kessel and shipping it straight to the crime families of Coruscant.

Kay’s declaration that the Pykes will “probably forgive her” indicates that relations with organizations could play a major role in the scoundrel’s criminal enterprises throughout the upcoming title. This reputation system seems to be tied directly into the progression of Outlaws' open world, as the narrative director has stated that losing favor with a particular faction could also lead to Kay losing opportunities for jobs with that group. This is an immersive design decision that highlights player choice, as the criminals of Star Wars such as the Pyke Syndicate tend to be extremely ruthless and unlikely to forget past transgressions.

Hutt Clan


In the initial gameplay showcase that sees Kay fighting her way out of a criminal lair, a Rodian that she blasts down calls out to his comrades in Huttese. The language’s status as the dominant tongue of the Rodian race is an example of the dominance that Hutts hold, controlling an appropriately named region of the galaxy called Hutt Space, a region that borders the Outer Rim Territories. The presence of manipulative Hutts is always sure to factor into the dark underworld of the Star Wars galaxy, and there are already signs of Jabba himself appearing in Outlaws.

In the premiere trailer, there is an intriguing glimpse of what looks like Han Solo trapped within carbonite and being transported. The Hutt accompanying the hibernating figure seems to be none other than Jabba the Hutt, and if this is indeed Han it would support the timeline of Outlaws taking place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. With Jabba sure to maintain his power through the events of the game, the greed and temper of the crime lord's sci-fi criminal syndicate could extend into the events of Kay Vess' life.

Ashiga Clan


The Ashiga Clan is a newly introduced sci-fi criminal syndicate in Star Wars Outlaws. In the montage at the end of the gameplay reveal trailer, there’s a city environment shown that is rumored to be the clan’s home planet of Akiva. While still the most mysterious syndicate by far, there are some hints as to the nature of the Ashiga Clan that evokes the dark Jedi of the Sith.

In Outlaws’ premiere trailer, a hooded, masked, character clad in all black appears to coldly execute a cowering Sullustan. While this appearance would always evoke the image of a dark Jedi of the Sith, the character shown here does not wield a lightsaber. The masked figure slashes at their victim with a vibroblade, the signature melee weapon of Star Wars for those who are not attuned to the force and trained in lightsaber combat. If this mysterious killer is a member of the Ashiga Clan, their dubious dark side style is sure to have implications regarding a possible connection to the Sith.

The Galactic Empire


No list of the criminals in Star Wars’ Imperial era would be complete without mentioning the Galactic Empire itself. Still controlled by the malevolent Darth Sidious during the time period of Outlaws, the entire government of the galaxy is deeply twisted and tied to the brutal teachings of its Sith master.

As if their own laws and manner of executing them weren’t inherently twisted enough, Star Wars Outlaws’ gameplay trailer features an officer of the Empire getting directly involved with the shady business of the criminal syndicates. Kay Vess is put into a compromised situation when her information broker, a Mon Calamari named Danka, reveals that she is cooperating with a corrupt Imperial officer who threatens criminal prosecution against Kay if a bribe is not provided to her.

The player is offered a choice of whether to bribe the officer, showing that Outlaws may even allow Kay to develop a professional relationship with officers of the Empire who are willing to look the other way. With it acting as a police force featuring a 'wanted' level in the spirit of Grand Theft Auto, players could end up finding it highly useful for Kay to exploit her favor with the Empire as she navigates the dark underbelly of space in Star Wars Outlaws.

Star Wars Outlaws launches in 2024 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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