The Star Wars franchise has some of the most beloved villains in the history of cinema, even if they reuse the same few a bit too often. When a new entry introduces a new threat, every fan sits on the edge of their seat and waits eagerly to learn everything about them.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a series about recognizable characters in new situations, setting out to dramatize a period between the two well-known ages. With that in mind, most of its cast is already established, and new characters are welcome and desperately needed. Luckily, in just a couple of episodes, the series has aggressively established a new villain who is making a huge impact.

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The Third Sister is the leading villain of the new series which heavily featured The Inquisitors in its marketing. The Inquisitors have been fairly common in video games and cartoons, but the new series represents the first live-action depiction of the concept. For the uninitiated, these warriors are a violent executioner force employed by Darth Sidious to hunt down the last of the Jedi throughout the galaxy. Their ranks are made up of Force-sensitive killers who serve as powerful assassins for the Empire. Though their number is unknown, only a few of The Inquisitors have received top billing in their respective works, leaving plenty of them in the shadows. One such face in the shadows is The Third Sister, who is finally ready to step out into the sun.

Third-sister-obi-wan Cropped

Reva, The Third Sister is a new character to the Star Wars canon, developed and introduced in the role she's in now. What can be known about her is established in the two currently released episodes and gleaned from context clues surrounding other Inquisitors. Reva must have, at some point, been a Jedi, but she turned from the traditional ways and joined the dark side. Every member of the Order Inquisitorius was once a Jedi, but not every member made the change willingly. Many were subjected to torture and corrupted by violent force. After Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge, the handful that remains represent dangerous targets and possible weapons for the Rebellion, so The Inquisitors are a key force in the Empire. It's difficult to know how Reva became a warrior for evil, but it's clear she takes the job very seriously.

Reva seeks to capture Obi-Wan Kenobi as a show of loyalty and effectiveness to Darth Vader. She knows who Vader once was and understands his relationship with his former Master. She pursues Obi-Wan with a level of dogged determination that may be better described as an obsession. It's hard to know exactly why she's so dead set on this particular task. Her direct superior, the Grand Inquisitor, seems to think that Reva is angling for a promotion and hoping Obi-Wan will bring her glory, but her tone suggests otherwise. It has become clear that something sets Reva apart from the other members of the group, and she seems to be going about the job with a chip on her shoulder. In many ways, she is reminiscent of Second Sister, Trilla Suduri, but her violent pursuit of Obi-Wan suggests a greater level of commitment and drive.

The Third Sister's pursuit of Obi-Wan is passed off as ambition by her peers, but the fact that she's willing to murder her boss over it suggests a substantial motivation. Reva is clearly no friend of her fellow Inquisitors, constantly quarreling with The Fifth Brother and The Grand Inquisitor. The other warriors in her unit berate and despise her. They see her as a lesser member of the team for reasons that have not been made clear yet. They state that they pulled her from the gutter and that her talent in the pursuit of Jedi is the only thing keeping her around. Her place on the team must be significant because she is not willing to follow orders. Her plan to draw out Obi-Wan is completely unsanctioned and brings her into conflict with larger Empire forces. Reva is clearly a driven warrior who is dead set on escaping whatever black mark on her past is dragging her down, and Obi-Wan is key to her plan to do so.

The Grand Inquisitor using his lightsaber in Obi-Wan Kenobi

With The Grand Inquisitor seemingly dead by her hand and the quest for Obi-Wan still in full swing, Reva is on a mission and no one will stop her. Her methods are vicious, her drive is unstoppable, and whatever is behind her keeps her moving forward. Obi-Wan has defeated Darth Maul and did battle with Anakin Skywalker, but Reva could be a new level of threat for the powerful Jedi. Reva's past will likely be an interesting subject throughout the rest of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but she's already one of the most compelling villains in the franchise. The Third Sister demands attention, and fans can't wait to see what this character has in store.

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