When Disney announced the return of both Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen to Star Wars, with Disney Plus’ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, many fans were beyond excited to see them return as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi turned Sith Anakin Skywalker. Yet, there was a caution that came from the sacred canon between Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, and Episode 4: A New Hope.

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With the finale of Obi-Wan Kenobi released, fans tuned in to see how the conflict will be resolved that surrounds Kenobi, Leia, Vader, Luke, and the newly introduced characters. The show certainly did not disappoint, and the many important things that happened helped to further enrich the Star Wars experience.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Obi-Wan Kenobi.

10 Roken And The Rebels Escape

rakon from obi-wan

After Darth Vader’s forces surround the Jabiim outpost that the rebels have used to assist Jedi survivors over the past 10 years, they flee for space. With the heroic sacrifice of Tala Durith, they feel somewhat defeated at their losses, especially with Vader’s Star Destroyer keeping the pressure on.

Obi-Wan takes a smaller ship to lure Vader’s forces away from the rebels, allowing for Kawlan Roken, Haja, and the other rebels to safely escape Vader’s wrath. This leaves the room open for Roken and Haja’s return, and the potential of seeing more Jedi being saved by their group.

9 Uncle Owen And Aunt Beru Protect Luke Skywalker

uncle owen fighting reva

Perhaps the most pivotal and important character of the Star Wars Original Trilogy, Luke Skywalker returns along with his Uncle, Owen, and his Aunt, Beru. In Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke is 10 years old and has no idea of his importance in bringing balance back to the Force.

Owen and Beru have the task of protecting young Luke from any harm that may come his way. With Reva on Tatooine, and out for vengeance, they arm themselves with blasters and keep Luke safely locked away to ensure that a new hope will emerge when the time is right.

8 Anakin Skywalker Is Dead

darth vader with his mask cut open

With Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader battling on a scarce planet, there is no one to stop their dreaded rematch since the battle on Mustafar. Obi-Wan strikes Vader’s helmet, and breaks half of it, exposing the scarred and vengeful Anakin Skywalker underneath, burning with those haunting Sith eyes.

Obi-Wan, with tears, listens to Anakin tell him that he is not his failure. That in fact, it was Darth Vader who killed Anakin Skywalker. It’s a moment that helps Kenobi to move on from his guilt, believing that his friend is dead, and only Darth Vader remains, the embodiment of evil and with no regrets for his former Jedi family.

7 Vader Loses The Rematch

darth vader and obi-wan kenobi rematch

After Vader’s disappointment in his rematch with Kenobi on Mapuzo, the Sith Lord allows his former Jedi Master to escape, in the hopes that the hunt will continue, and he will put up a fight worthy of his power and hatred for Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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The long-awaited rematch takes place on a deserted planet, with Obi-Wan and Vader clashing blue and crimson blades. There’s a strong use in the Force for both friends, turned rivals. Yet, Obi-Wan once bests his former Padawan by breaking his chest box, the source of his life support, and Kenobi leaves Vader in his defeated state.

6 Luke Skywalker Almost Dies

luke skywalker unconscious

Whilst Reva is hunting for Luke Skywalker, she uses the force to cause the young boy to trip and fall from the cliffside. Luke injures his head and falls unconscious. Luke is at the mercy of Reva, who holds her crimson red lightsaber close as she walks toward him.

Any fan of the Star Wars films would know that Luke Skywalker cannot truly die, but is still a tense moment as fans await to see what happens to the young boy. Reva sees Vader in herself, and cannot bring herself to kill a child, especially one that has meant no ill-will toward her.

5 Reva, An Inquisitor No Longer

reva with her lightsaber reflecting off her face

When Reva safely takes Luke Skywalker back to the Lars homestead, she remains on her knees and cries. She tells Obi-Wan how she failed her friends at the Jedi Temple during Order 66 and feels selfish for pretending to be dead to survive.

The newly found hope in Obi-Wan helps him to console Reva, and he tells her that she has honored the dead Jedi by letting Luke live. He tells her that she is free, that they both are, and Reva abandons her Inquisitor lightsaber and leaves to forge her path in the galaxy far, far away…

4 The Emperor Warns Vader

emperor palpatine as a hologram

After being defeated once more by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader returns to his castle on Mustafar. Mustafar was the very planet on which Anakin lost everything. His limbs, his wife and unborn child, and the Jedi Master who claimed he was like a brother to him. It’s the place that helps reinvigorate Vader’s dark side capabilities.

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After a hologram call with The Emperor, once again played by the legendary Ian McDiarmid, he warns Vader that perhaps the former Jedi is still harboring feelings for his old Master. This warning does not come lightly, as the Emperor has shown many times how he will punish Vader if he is displeased with his actions.

3 Leia and Kenobi’s Secret

obi-wan and leia on alderaan

In a touching moment on Alderaan, Obi-Wan reunites with the young Princess Leia. They share a beautiful goodbye, until the next time we see them in 1977’s Star Wars, later titled A New Hope. It’s a great moment to see Leia’s personality shine, and the two share a laugh.

Obi-Wan tells Leia of her true parents: of their attributes and strengths, but not of their names. Obi-Wan tells Leia that if she ever needs help, she can seek it from this tired old man, but warns her that she must be careful and not tell anyone, or risk endangering them both. It helps to tie up with Leia did not tell R2-D2 that she knew him in the recording from A New Hope.

2 Obi-Wan, The Hopeful Jedi

obi-wan kenobi smiling

With Obi-Wan Kenobi returned to Tatooine, he no longer fears the Inquisitors and has refound his strength and bond to the light side of the Force. He reinstates himself as a Jedi and the protection of Luke Skywalker. With his lightsaber attached to his belt, he dons his Jedi robes once more and even says his iconic line.

It’s a touching moment to see Obi-Wan embrace his past as a Jedi and not fear those that seek to harm him for what he is. An Obi-Wan Kenobi, full of hope for the future of Anakin Skywalker’s children, has grown stronger from the trauma of his past.

1 Qui-Gon Jinn Trains Kenobi

qui-gon jinn as a force ghost

As Obi-Wan Kenobi travels across the dune sea of Tatooine, he comes across an old friend. With a blue shimmer, out emerges his old master: Qui-Gon Jinn. It’s a beautiful moment, with Liam Neeson returning to play a Qui-Gon Jinn as a Force Ghost.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s training begins, and soon he will be more powerful than Darth Vader could imagine and become one with the Force. Seeing Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor in their respective roles was a great way to roll credits, with many hopefuls of a season 2.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is available now on Disney Plus.

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