With Obi-Wan Kenobi having ended a few weeks ago, many fans and critics continue to voice their criticisms of the latest piece of Star Wars content on Disney Plus. However, one hard-working fan wasn’t happy to just complain about the show and instead took matters into his own hands to create his own 2-hour feature film of Obi-Wan.

In this case, all credit is due to a young filmmaker, producer, editor, and visual effects artist named Kai Patterson, who, as a Star Wars fan, had followed the series’ development over on TikTok by posting some videos addressing some of the more commonly debated decisions in Obi-Wan Kenobi. For the sake of awareness, Obi-Wan Kenobi was at some point pitched as a potential film trilogy, which is why it's not exactly ludicrous that Patterson took the initiative to go over the entire series’ footage to create his very own “Patterson Cut.”

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Still, the filmmaker’s attitude towards the entire project has been quite unassuming. He makes an obvious clarification that the fan-made cut is not intended to make money in any shape or form and makes sure to invite people to watch it only if they are paying Disney Plus subscribers. To sum up the Patterson Cut's approach, the young filmmaker believes Obi-Wan Kenobi suffered "from things that were easily fixable in the script and in the edit... awkward pacing, whole scenes that ultimately amounted to nothing, goofy dialogue and directing choice." That said, he is not as naive as to pretend outright he did a better job than the team behind the series, something he clears up in his own FAQ.

reva kenobi star wars

It bears saying the entire footage of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series adds up to roughly 3 hours and 40 minutes worth of film, which Patterson trimmed down by more than a third of that. For example, although Hayden Christensen was not de-aged, gone are the scenes where Leia is running off from her kidnappers. Meanwhile, Reva gets a drastic makeover due to Patterson believing some fans’ negative perception of the character was precisely the way the rest of the Inquisitors addressed her.

As for availability, at the time of writing Patterson has removed all links to the film on his site (naturally it can be found uploaded on less legal sites). Nevertheless, he claims he will share it upon request to those that ask for it, with 1080p being the highest quality available until he finds time to eventually make a 4K version. Patterson says he has no plans of doing similar edits for other Star Wars shows, but rather his sole goal was to hone his skills and offer fans who shared the same ideas a different look at Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is available on Disney Plus.

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Source: kaipattersonfilms.com