Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most storied Jedi in the galaxy, whose life has been explored across several points of media. Indeed, even more is known about Obi-Wan than other Jedi Masters like Yoda and Mace Windu, with fans clamoring for more Ewan McGregor in the universe. That, in turn, played some role in the new Disney Plus show, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is exploring an unknown portion of Obi-Wan’s life, something that many fans are no doubt excited for. Yet, this is just another chapter in his life. Obi-Wan’s depth, lore, and back story are all very deep, and even the most experienced Star Wars aficionado may not know everything. While the show explores this unknown portion of his life, it’s worth looking at what fans do know.

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NOTE: The events of the Disney Plus show are no doubt very important, as anyone who has watched Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 1 and Episode 2 would know. However, because this is a major spoiler, these events as they have unfolded so far will not be explained in detail. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s placement on the timeline is all that is showcased here.

BBY and ABY are a way of keeping track of events in Star Wars. Here, it means “Before the Battle of Yavin” and “After the Battle of Yavin.”

Obi-Wan’s Early Life: 57 BBY - 32 BBY

obi wan and qui gon

Obi-Wan’s life prior to Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is largely unknown, with this being due to his training and childhood no doubt. However, it’s known Kenobi was born 57 BBY on the planet Stewjon, and this planet's only purpose so far has been serving as Kenobi’s homeworld (of which he remembers little). He was inducted into the Jedi Order as a child, raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It stands to reason that, as a youngling, he was trained by Master Yoda before becoming Qui-Gon Jinn’s Padawan.

This details the first 25 years of his life, with the events of The Phantom Menace taking place in 32 BBY. Kenobi would complete the Jedi trials, defeat Darth Maul, and choose to train Anakin Skywalker as the dying wish of Qui-Gon Jinn.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Training Anakin, 32 BBY – 22 BBY

obi wan and anakin

Ten years separate The Phantom Menace from Attack of the Clones, during which Obi-Wan’s life revolved around training Anakin. These stories are largely told in media spin-offs like comic books. Some notable events include the following:

  • Anakin grows super-attached to Obi-Wan within the first year of training, likely as a result of the loss of his mother and Qui-Gon.
  • Obi-Wan falls into a nest of gundarks, with Anakin rescuing him.
  • The Mission of Dallenor, where Anakin and Obi-Wan sought a Jedi archaeology team and a Jedi Holocron
  • Anakin sneaks onto Obi-Wan’s ship during a mission involving a dead dwarf star.
  • In 29 BBY, Anakin defeats a training droid impressing those at the Jedi Temple, including Palpatine.
  • Anakin builds his lightsaber on Ilum
  • Anakin has a crisis of faith in being a Jedi so young, giving Kenobi his lightsaber.
  • This is seemingly resolved after Obi-Wan and Anakin respond to a distress signal from Carnelion IV.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan save Master Yoda on the planet Glee Anselm, which proved to be a test by Yoda. This marked a significant change in the master-apprentice relationship, with the two beginning to view each other as brothers.
  • Obi-Wan captures a thief who has stolen from him and other patrons of Dex’s Diner (the same location seen in Attack of the Clones).

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars, 22 BBY – 19 BBY

obi wan clone wars

Attack of the Clones takes place in 22 BBY, while Revenge of the Sith takes place in 19 BBY. The Clone Wars take place in-between, with the animated show diving deep into the various conflicts. During this time, Obi-Wan is an acting Jedi General involved in the following conflicts and affairs:

  • First Battle of Geonosis (as seen in Attack of the Clones)
  • Deployment to Rocky Planet
  • The Cato Neimoidia Affair
  • The Krystar Rescue
  • Caliban Bridge Burning
  • The Hisseen Siege
  • The Discovery of Clone Traitor/Leaker
  • The Chaleydonia Defense
  • The involvement of the Hutt Clan
  • Ryloth’s Blockade
  • Campaign of Malovelence
  • Kudo III Deployment
  • Rishi Station Attack
  • The Skytop Station Campaign
  • Finding Dooku on Vanqor
  • Ohnaka’s Piracy
  • Lost Clone Outpost on Orto Plutonia
  • Dealing with the Blue Shadow Virus
  • Invasion of Ryloth
  • Recovering a stolen Jedi Holocron
  • The Zillo Beast
  • Several Meetings (in order to plan and try to end the war)
  • “Minor” encounters involving Felucia, Salucami, Horain, Mortis, The Citadel, Mon Cala, and Umbara
  • Second Battle of Geonosis
  • Mandalore’s Death Watch
  • Attack on Kamino
  • Ziro and The Dathomirian Threat
  • The Zygerrian Slave Crisis
  • The First Plot to Kidnap Chancellor Palpatine
  • The Second Duel Against Maul (results in Maul and his brother Opress trapped on a ship in space)
  • The Onderon Rebellion Aid
  • The Youngling Rescue
  • The D-Squad Mission
  • The Bray Mission
  • Maul’s Attack on Florrum
  • Mandalore’s Fall
  • Bombing of the Jedi Temple
  • The Kaminoan Conspiracy
  • The Sifo-Dyas Secret
  • Crystal Crisis on Utapau
  • Hunting Maul
  • Vos’ Rescue
  • Battle for Cato Neomidia, Anaxes, and Yerbana
  • Maul and Mandalore—Interrupted by the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

What’s clear is that, while the Jedi were never meant to be soldiers, Obi-Wan is an effective and awarded general. The events of Revenge of the Sith take place in 19 BBY, with Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side, the Rise of Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan going into hiding on Tatooine to look over Luke. Leia Organa is given to Bail Organa. Yoda goes into hiding on Dagobah.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Exile on Tatooine: 19 BBY – 0 BBY

obi-wan kenobi disney+

Kenobi’s exile during the Dark Times and the events thereof are explored in some comics and elsewhere.

  • Obi-Wan begins going by the alias Ben.
  • 16 BBY – The Skywalker homestead is attacked by bandits. Kenobi defends them, but is berated by Owen for his involvement. Owen asks him to stay away, and Kenobi does.
  • Circa 16 BBY – 14 BBY – Obi-Wan begins keeping a journal, should he be unable to train Luke.
  • Circa 9 BBY – The events of Disney Plus’ Obi-Wan Kenobi take place.
  • 7 BBY – Obi-Wan and Luke meet for the first official time, where Obi-Wan saves luke from a Krayt Dragon. It’s unknown if the events of the Disney Plus show will retcon this, but it seems unlikely.
  • 2 BBY – The Final Duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: A New Hope, Death, and Beyond

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope Ben Kenobi Obi-Wan Alec Guinness

In 0 BBY, the events of Star Wars: A New Hope take place. In a duel with his former apprentice Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi passes and is made one with the Force.

In 3 ABY, the events of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back take place. Obi-Wan communes with Luke, and Master Yoda, through the Force.

In 4 ABY, the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi take place. Anakin will join Obi-Wan and Yoda in the Force.

Through the Force, Kenobi would continue to guide Luke and Leia. How so and to what extent is unknown, but it does seem Kenobi slowly pulls away from them—as they, or specifically Luke, train the next generation of Jedi. Of course, several years later, Ben Solo would be turned to the Dark Side by Snoke, and Luke would take that on himself—hiding away from the galaxy. For a short time, Luke lashed out and blamed Kenobi and Yoda for this, but he knew deep down the error was his.

The Last Jedi’s novelization reveals that, after Luke projected himself across the galaxy and gave the Resistance time to escape, he heard Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin as he passed.

Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy


Obi-Wan doesn’t play a major role in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, which may be in part due to Alec Guinness’ passing in 2000. However, he is one of the many Jedi who reaches out to Rey in her journey. He can be heard when Rey touches Luke and Anakin’s old lightsaber, while his voice joins the cacophony of others aiding her in her fight against Darth Sidious. Namely, the voices in the Rise of Skywalker include Obi-Wan’s, Anakin’s, Ahsoka’s, Kanan Jarrus’, Luminara’s, Qui-Gon’s, Aayla’s, Mace Windu’s, Adi’s, Yoda’s, and Luke’s.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s legacy within and outside the Star Wars universe. His alias served as the inspiration for Ben Solo’s name, even though the young Solo believed this put an unwarranted amount of expectation on him. Solo would grow resentful of Obi-Wan, believing the Jedi’s legacy to be lies, and this no doubt may his descent to the Dark Side easier. When Solo returned to the light, he regretted renouncing his heritage—both in name and in blood. Ben was the last thing he heard before his passing.

Beyond that, Obi-Wan’s story is still being explored in the Star Wars universe. Whether or not the Disney Plus show will be his lasting out remains to be seen, but if the early reception so far is any indication, it’s possible that Obi-Wan gets more seasons. Obi-Wan’s legacy continues to this day, as he is one of the most celebrated characters in the franchise.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is airing now on Disney Plus.

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