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The Obi-WanKenobi series has concluded its run on Disney Plus, and Star Wars fans are raving over the well-crafted and brilliantly portrayed revisitation of the prequel trilogies. The six-episode miniseries dives into the aftermath of Star Wars: Return of the Sith, taking place a decade later with the twins Luke and Leia separated and Obi-Wan living as a recluse, far removed from the once-great Jedi Knight he used to be.

However, circumstances quickly change when Princess Leia is kidnaped; Obi-wan must step out from the detached position he’s made for himself and save the princess before her identity is revealed. Kenobi is filled with unforgettable moments and callbacks to the original trilogy and the prequels, but some moments are monumental when future events are considered. Here are the most important moments in the Star WarsKenobi miniseries.

Spoiler alert!

10 Reva’s Redemption

reva kenobi star wars

In the Kenobi series, Third Sister Reva was met with mixed emotions, to say the least. Early on in her story, Reva represents the main threat to Obi-Wan as she had an undisclosed reason for hunting him – the Third Sister was a surviving youngling of order 66 and was only using Obi-Wan to get close to Darth Vader. Obi-Wan was only a means to an end so that Reva could exact her revenge against Darth Vader; the closer Reva got to this point, the more she struggled with herself.

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Finally, Reva’s time came and went, and she failed her vendetta in spectacular fashion. However, trying to grasp some semblance of retribution, she learned of the children and shifted her focus to Luke Skywalker. Upon attacking Luke and his family, Reva chased the boy down and prepared to strike but was unable to become that which she hated. She let go of her rage and sorrow and decided to find her own peace instead; this pivot in Reva's character allowed her to come full circle and stop just short of crossing the line and becoming a true Sith.

9 Obi-Wan Is The Only Hope

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Obi-Wan has settled into his now reclusive lifestyle, and just as things seem to be going smoothly, the quiet is disturbed when Princess Leia is abducted by mercenaries. Senator Organa contacts Obi-Wan immediately and charges him with saving the young girl, but ten years is a long time, and Obi-Wan’s confidence is all but diminished.

Fortunately, the Jedi way is a hard habit to shake, and Obi-Wan sets off to rescue Leia Organa. This moment is major to the entire Star Wars universe as it cements that Obi-Wan Kenobi is the only hope for the universe, and without him, the Empire would thrive and become all-powerful.

8 Obi-Wan Reconnects With The Force

obi wan kenobi star wars

Obi-Wan had gone without using the force for nearly a decade, much like Luke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi – the difference being that while Obi-Wan was out of touch, he maintained his strength of body and mind. While the fear of being discovered as a Jedi is great, the loss of life is greater when Obi-Wan uses the force to catch Leia after she falls off of a building.

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The panic and stress that Obi-Wan put his body under to spontaneously reconnect with the force and catch Lei mid-fall show the level of skill and willpower that he continues to possess. The sensation of being a Jedi once again immediately places a change on Obi-Wan, and instead of a reluctant rescuer, he begins to slowly resemble the Jedi Master Star Wars fans knew, which progresses more and more throughout the series.

7 The First Encounter: Darth Vader Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi

obi wan kenobi darth vader star wars

One of the most anticipated moments in the Kenobi miniseries is the reunion between the eponymous Jedi and Anakin Skywalker, otherwise known as Darth Vader. At the moment where Obi-Wan discovers that the brother he thought he had slain is still alive, he reacts like a trauma victim, being re-confronted with what he considers his greatest failure.

However, upon seeing his former student and engaging in battle with the newly armored Darth Vader, Obi-Wan is taken aback by his appearance. One of the greatest lines within the show is when Darth Vader confronts Obi-Wan and is asked what he has become by his master, to which Lord Vader replies, "I am what you made me”.

6 The Beginning Of The Resistance

tala star wars kenobi

One of the Kenobi miniseries' most influential moments that echo throughout the Star Wars franchise and shape the way for all films, series, novels, and comics is the birth of the Resistance. Early in the show, hope seems to have a very vacant presence as the Empire’s hold on the universe is solid and insurmountable. Fear and distrust are rampant, and the weight of oppression is great.

As Obi-Wan and Leia attempt to trust the untrustworthy, they are betrayed by a helping hand and wind up cornered by stormtroopers. However, one betrayal reveals their Salvation as Tala, an imperial officer, comes to their rescue. It is here that the first glimpse of the Resistance is seen, a movement that is as vital as the Jedi Order for the galaxy's future.

5 Leia Is Motivated To Make A Change

leioa organa skywalker kenobi star wars

Leia Organa is and always will be the most vital character in the Star Wars universe, and the Kenobi series focuses on her character, exploring her motivations adequately. In the original trilogy, Leia is the driving force in the fight against the Empire; more than just a voice, she puts herself on the line to stand against the Emperor and his loyal subject Darth Vader.

Without Leia, Obi-Wan does not train Luke Skywalker and Han Solo does not take up arms against the Empire. The Kenobi series dives into the history between Leia and Obi-Wan, and it is revealed that their adventure is responsible for her taking her future seriously and placing the galaxy's fate on her shoulders.

4 Obi-Wan Accepts his Failures

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In the series' final episodes, as the story draws to a close, a final encounter between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader takes place on a barren planet. Obi-Wan has found his lost strength, and Vader’s rage takes hold of him once more. The fight is brutal, both warriors go all out and clash lightsabers in a battle to the death.

While Vader is fierce, he is still the learner as Obi-Wan strikes grievous blows on the powerful Sith Lord. A mighty strike on Darth Vader's Helm reveals the monster hiding behind it to Obi-Wan for the first time. Crushed and utterly defeated, seeing his brother in such a state makes Obi-Wan face the failures of his past. The Jedi is forced to take a long look at himself and can only apologize to his former padawan.

3 Darth Vader Takes Responsibility For Anakin Skywalker's Death

darth vader star wars kenobi

In the final clash between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the charred remains of what is left of Anakin Skywalker stares the Jedi in the face and leaves him emotionally obliterated. Obi-Wan cries out for his brother, apologizing for his part in what he has become.

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To Obi-Wan's surprise, Anakin no longer exists. Darth Vader claims responsibility for the death of Anakin Skywalker as the dark presence that twisted Skywalker's mind to the dark side and turned him to ash. With a smile and a vengeful glare, Darth Vader gloats about the demise of Obi-Wan's dearest friend and demands the fight continue. Obi-Wan turns his head in shame and bids farewell to Darth Vader, realizing that his brother has been dead all along and there is nothing left of him to fight for.

2 Obi-Wan Lets Go Of Anakin Skywalker

obiwan kenobi anakin skywalker star wars

The killing of Anakin Skywalker was a chain around the neck of Obi-Wan Kenobi that stifled his path to move on and prevented him from morning his friend. However, in the final battle between him and Darth Vader in the Kenobi series, Obi-Wan is able to reconcile his actions and realize that Anakin was lost long before the battle on Mustafar.

Obi-Wan accepts the fate of his brother and realizes that the fight is meaningless – he cannot save Anakin because he no longer exists. He walks away and leaves Darth Vader in a decrepit state to seethe in his anger and hate alone, relieving himself of his guilt.


1 Master And Student Reunited

obi wan kenobi qui-gon jin star wars

With all things as they should be, for the most part, Obi-Wan returns to Tatooine. However, rather than go to his cave, the Jedi sees the path in front of him for the first time in ten years and knows what he must do. Obi-Wan makes one final stop before heading out o his next journey, and as he walks the path, he is joined by the company of his master, Qui-gon Jin as a Star Wars Force Ghost.

Having been at odds on why his master had never appeared to him before, Qui-gon answers the looming question with “He was not ready to see” and the two set out on their new journey together, continuing off where they started.

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