
  • Darksaber: Mandalorian lightsaber with black blade and unique hilt design, wielded by Tarre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Din Djarin.
  • Lightwhip: Rare, weaker lightsaber variant used as a whip, wielded by Vernestra Rwoh in The Acolyte and Star Wars: The High Republic.
  • Lightsaber Rifle: Devastating weapon that shoots kyber crystals, used by Jocasta Nu in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith.

The lightsaber is the iconic weapon of a Jedi Knight to provide the galaxy with peace and justice. As a laser sword, it’s no surprise that some of them might look rather similar, with only a few differences in color and hilt design. Yet, Star Wars is home to the weird and wonderful, and in the galaxy far, far away, there’s been more than a handful of strange lightsaber designs.

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These elegant weapons for a more civilized age have a lot of personality behind them, and legacy. Each wielder is unique, and their lightsaber can say a lot about them. Alternatively, these unique lightsabers in Star Wars simply display something totally unusual that is rarely seen in the universe.

6 The Darksaber

A Mandalorian Lightsaber With A Black Blade

The Mandalorian Din Djarin Darksaber
  • Wielded by: Tarre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze, Din Djarin
  • Featured In: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian

The hilt of the Darksaber is pretty distinct thanks to its design. The hilt is shaped more like the handle of a real-life sword rather than the common pommels of a lightsaber. As such, unsheathing this lightsaber reveals an almost flat blade with a curved tip. Yet, it’s not even the hilt that makes the Darksaber so unique, but the kyber crystal itself which powers it.

The Darksaber uses a black kyber crystal, allowing for its blade to emerge like a glowing shadow. Even outside of the blade, the Darksaber is unique for its legacy, as it holds the title of the first lightsaber wielded by the first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla.

5 Lightwhip

A Weaker Lightsaber That Acts As A Whip

Vernestra-Rwoh-Star-Wars-high-republic Cropped
  • Wielded by: Vernestra Rwoh
  • Featured In: The Acolyte, Star Wars: The High Republic

Thanks to some truly heavy modifications, a lightwhip can become a possibility. Lightsabers are already a difficult weapon to wield due to their unfamiliar weight and precise point of accuracy for each swing. With that in mind, it only makes sense that the lightwhip would be even harder to wield due to its flexibility and the harm caused by agile swings.

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Lightwhips may not be the most practical or strongest version of a lightsaber, but their glowing and harmful tendrils make them a fierce opponent. In canon, fans might have seen Vernestra Rwoh wield this rare weapon during The Acolyte.

4 Lightsaber Rifle

A Blaster That Shoots Kyber Crystals For Devastating Effects

jocasta nu
  • Wielded by: Jocasta Nu
  • Featured in: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith

Order 66 brought about drastic measures, as the Jedi were facing extinction. With the Jedi Order wiped out, one of its strongest and most unexpecting members came into battle wielding a lightsaber rifle. The design of this weapon is completely alien, and it was wielded by Jocasta Nu to avenge the fallen and stop the tyranny caused by Darth Vader in the Great Jedi Purge.

The lightsaber rifle is devastating, channeling all the power of a kyber crystal into one foul blast that can destroy entire buildings if used correctly. However, the lightsaber rifle is inefficient to run, due to each shot needing a kyber crystal.

3 Sabercane

Tera Sinube's Lightsaber star wars
  • Wielded by: Tera Sinube
  • Featured in: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Jedi are often strong in the Force, and plenty of alien species in Star Wars live ten lifetimes or more. As such, it’s not unusual for some Jedi to have their age slow them down, and their bodies wain on them. Due to this, it’s expected that some Jedi will use the sabercane, which combines a cane with a lightsaber to allow elder Jedi the use of their weapon whilst providing extra support when walking.

The sabercane is not a common weapon, as most Jedi that reach that point have either died in battle or simply moved on through the Force. Yet, age won’t slow down Tera Sinube, who uses this sabercane as a concealed weapon to surprise those who underestimate him due to his age.

2 Inquisitor Lightsaber

  • Wielded by: Grand Inquisitor, Reva
  • Featured in: Star Wars Rebels, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

There may have been a fair few Inquisitors during the Galactic Empire’s reign and conquest to snuff out remnants of the Jedi, but that doesn’t make their lightsaber any less unique. The Inquisitor lightsaber was a perversion of its intended purpose, and it featured a double-ended blade that allowed its user to spin it to intimidating speeds.

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Not only was the Inquisitor lightsaber great for torture and other diabolical tactics employed by the Emperor’s Force-sensitive lap dogs, but it could also allow its wielders to fly. The mechanism inside the hilt would spin the blade fast enough to allow its wielder to float up like the rotor of a helicopter.

1 Lightsaber-Blaster Hybrid

Ezra Bridger Lightsaber Blaster
  • Wielded by: Ezra Bridger
  • Featured in: Star Wars Rebels

The age of Jedi was at an end, and as such, it was time to fight dirty. With the Empire employing every crooked tactic to eradicate the Jedi, one brave Force-sensitive boy developed his own lightsaber. After all, Ezra Bridger was unfamiliar, undisciplined, and untrained in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat, so applying his witty intelligence helped him to create a lightsaber-blaster.

This hybrid had all the great things about a lightsaber with a bonus blaster attachment, allowing Ezra to shoot distances from afar, or pull off a quick shot with his lightsaber by his side. Ezra Bridger was a great innovator, and although the Jedi Order might oppose the use of a blaster, the Empire shows no reason to follow the rules.

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