Throughout all of Star Wars, either Legends or canon, an array of powerful artifacts have been introduced that have been imbued with the Force. Many of these artifacts can help a Force user channel and enhance their own powers, whether they are using the Light or Dark Sides of the Force.

These Star Wars artifacts could be destructive in the wrong hands, while others may view the technology as magical. However, in the right hands, these artifacts could be fundamental for maintaining law and order throughout the galaxy. But every one of these artifacts, whether Jedi or Sith, is immensely powerful.

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10 Jedi/Sith - Force Crystals

Force Crystals

Force crystals are some of the most interesting artifacts, because they are naturally occurring objects that's alignment shifts depending on who is in possession of them. Crystals that are in no one's possession remain just inert rocks. The crystal itself is not the source of the power, but it is powerful with in the Force.

While the Jedi liked to use crystals for lightsabers, the Sith liked to use them to power the cannons on their spaceships. However, Force-sensitive people could use them to augment Force powers.

9 Jedi - Exar Kun's Lightsaber

Exar-Kun promo image illustration

Although Exar Kun started as a Jedi, he eventually fell to the Dark Side of the Force and created a double-bladed Force-imbued lightsaber. This lightsaber is believed to be the most powerful ever created. He used the lightsaber to destroy his former Jedi Master, but he was eventually defeated in the Great Sith War, which led to him the weapon.

The lightsaber was thought to have been lost to history, until the Jedi Order hired an agent to collect powerful Sith artifacts and store them at the Jedi Temple. The lightsaber was recovered on Yavin IV. This artifact first appears in Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force.

8 Sith - Mask of Darth Nihilus


Darth Nihilus barely escaped the Mass Shadow Generator during the Mandalorian Wars. After narrowly escaping death by super weapon, the Sith Lord became obsessed with harnessing the powers of the Dark Side of the Force. However, the methods he used caused his body to disintegrate, forcing him to try to preserve his spirit.

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Nihilus tried to connect directly to his armor and mask, which imbued the mask with his own Dark Force. The Sith believed anyone who found the mask would gain Nihilus' powers; however, they may also disintegrate. The mask was introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

7 Jedi - Crown of Verity

Crown of Verity

The Crown of Verity was first introduced in Nexus of Power. It was once used by the ancient Benetage civilization, to ensure that justice would be dispensed with an impartial hand. The artifact was imbued with the Force. The Jedi came into its possession thousands of years after its creation, and preserved it inside the Jedi Temple.

Jedi Master Tobar Ka-Teen was very interested in the Crown of Verity and wanted to duplicate its powers. However, while studying it, Order 66 was enacted, and neither he nor the Crown was ever seen again.

6 Sith - Force Disperser

Force Disperser

Whenever a Sith needed to hide their Dark Side powers, they would turn to a Force Disperser. The Disperser cloaks the powers, so the Jedi Order can't recognize they are face to face with a Sith. While the Disperser was identified in Star Wars: Beware of the Sith, it has since been that revealed Palpatine used one while serving as Supreme Chancellor.

Palpatine was able to moonlight as Darth Sidious without some of the greatest Jedi in history recognizing he was a Sith. This allowed him to accrue power and eventually overthrow the Jedi Order.

5 Jedi - Healing Crystals of Fire

Healing Crystals of Fire

These crystals are considered the most valuable treasure of the Jedi Order. The Healing Crystals of Fire were used to treat the most serious wounds suffered by Jedi. Many members of the Jedi Order who found themselves on the brink of death could be brought back by the crystals.

This healing power was treasured, leading to the Jedi Order guarding the Healing Crystals of Fire in the inner sanctum of the Jedi Order. Unfortunately, they went missing during the Great Jedi Purge. They first appeared in Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple.

4 Sith - Darkstaff


The Darkstaff first appeared in the role playing game, Philology. The artifact was created by unknown Sith Lord millennia before the Empire rose to power. Its power was so great that when the natives of Oblis took control of the Darkstaff in an effort to fight an entity threatening them, the artifact just destroyed the planet. This event led to the formation of the Cularin system's asteroid belt.

The Dark Lord Revan would try to use the Darkstaff a century later in an effort to feed the power of the Eye of the Sun. In terms of pure power, this may be the strongest Sith artifact ever created. But some other artifacts can be more useful depending on how they are wielded.

3 Jedi/Sith - Holocrons


Both the Jedi and the Sith used holocrons to protect their most closely guarded secrets. The Jedi holocrons contained sensitive information, like lists of known Force-sensitive people and how to properly apply the Light Side of the Force. Meanwhile, the Sith holocron could automatically apply information to solve problems.

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These secrets by themselves weren't destructive, but in the wrong hands, the information could lead to the destruction of either the Jedi or the Sith. The holocrons are the perfect embodiment of the phrase "knowledge is power." Holocrons have appeared in many of the animated adventures, including The Clone Wars and Rebels.

2 Jedi - Eye of the Sun

Eye of the Sun

The Eye of the Sun was created during the New Sith Wars as a way to fight the Brotherhood of Darkness. It first appeared in the game Living Force, on the level known as "The Eye."

This item quickly became the most powerful Jedi artifact ever created. After stopping the Ruusan campaign, the Eye was sent to Cularin for safe-keeping under the Ch'Hala Heart Tree. A century later, Darth Revan tried to use a Dark Jedi to find the Eye of the Sun and destroy Cularin. That evil plan was thwarted as the heroes prevailed.

1 Sith - Muur Talisman

Karness Muur

First appearing in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Vector, the Muur Talisman is probably the most dangerous Sith artifact ever introduced in Star Wars. The Muur Talisman was created for Lord Karness Muur in the days before the Sith's Golden Age. Before the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise, the Talisman made the possessor immortal.

The Talisman was used to unleash a plague that turned the Rakghouls into zombies. The power of the Talisman struck so much fear in the rest of the Sith; they eventually took out Karness to avoid it. However, the Talisman survived and caused major problems on the Outer Rim.

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