Star Wars' Empire does not appear to be a fun place to work. Fans aren't expected to sympathize with the soldiers throwing their lives away but spare a thought for the thousands of workaday mechanics and line cooks conscripted into the fascist military. Above them, but beneath Darth Vader, someone has to govern the impossibly vast expanse of the galaxy and the trillions of beings living in it. That's where the Moffs come in.

One of the greatest strengths of the original Star Wars trilogy was its ability to make minor figures iconic. Missing that accomplishment might be one of the prequels and sequels' most notable failures. People wanted to read a novel about every wacky alien that occupied four frames of the 1977 classic. Imagine if Grand Moff Tarkin were introduced today. He probably wouldn't be quite as compelling.

RELATED: Why The Mandalorian Needs Moff Gideon

What is a Moff in Star Wars?

The Mandalorian Season 3 Giancarlo Esposito Moff Gideon

A Moff is a political figure employed by the Galactic Empire. The term replaces more neutral titles like "governor." Before the Empire took power, Moff was used to describe warlords and planetary dictators who willingly surrendered to the Empire to keep some of their power. Moffs are organized into the Council of Moffs. In the Empire's infancy, they imposed a limit of 20 Moffs. Each Moff oversees a sector, with a military detachment to defend and regulate their land. The galaxy was divided into more than 1,000 sectors, making the day-to-day operations of the small Council of Moffs mysterious and daunting. Many unique paths led to becoming a Moff. Some performed similar duties under the Republic, while others were career criminals or Empire sycophants. Aside from Imperial Stormtroopers, very few viewed Moffs with respect. In Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel, Aftermath, Rebel Sinjir Rath Velus summed up the position in brutally incisive terms:

Seems to me that the weakness in the Empire is in men like you, Moff Pandion. Paltry, ineffectual idiots. Men who want to be leaders more than they want to actually lead. And besides, what is a moff anyway? A meager sector head. Even the name sounds weak. Moff. Moff. It's the sound a dog makes as it regurgitates its dinner.

Who has achieved the rank of Moff?

Tarkin in Star Wars: A New Hope

There are over 100 Moffs mentioned in the Star Wars films, shows, comics, games, and novels. Few become recognizable. Grand Moff Tarkin and Grand Moff Gideon are the two most notable examples. Wilhuf Tarkin was a Captain in the Republic Navy. He firmly opposed Jedi involvement with military matters, leading him to support Order 66 and its consequences. Tarkin became an unofficial third chair in the Empire, occupying a theoretical position immediately behind Vader. He decommissioned the clone program, helping to move to a conscription model. He oversaw the Death Star, ordered its use on Alderaan, and died when the superweapon exploded.

Conversely, Gideon was a warlord who became an officer in the Empire. He participated in the Great Purge of Mandalore and acquired the Darksaber. Many believed he had been taken into custody and executed after the war ended. He outlived the Empire and led his remnant forces to capture young Jedi Grogu and reinstate Empire control. Gideon enjoyed a shocking series of near-death experiences before finally meeting his prescribed fate in a cruiser crash. The two of them hold the spotlight, but several other Moffs command interest:

  • Tiaan Jerjerrod: Once an architect, he became the overseer of the second Death Star after Tarkin's death.
  • Quarsh Panaka: Padmé Amidala's security captain who mystifyingly stays loyal to the Emperor, later being assassinated by Saw Gerrera's Rebels.
  • Ryder Azadi: The Governor of Lothal under the New Republic maintained his position through the Empire and returned after it fell.
  • Leonia Tavira: The Moff of Eiattu 6 who attained the role after becoming the other Moff's mistress, then marrying and outliving him.
  • Valco Pandion: A widely despised social climber who declared himself Grand Moff after the Emperor's death and died in a battle a few years later.

Is there a rank higher than Moff in the Empire?

Emperor Palpatine As Darth Sidious Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith

There are several ranks above Moff. The Emperor is the unquestioned leader. Darth Vader serves beneath him. Grand Moff Tarkin stands above the other Grand Moffs but is an outlier. The other Grand Moffs fall below the Emperor's advisors. Moffs fall below Grand Moffs, who manage batches of lesser leaders. Emperor Palpatine and his advisors elected each Moff to their position.

Moffs are not the most engaging aspect of the Empire. They enact governance on a smaller scale, while the Emperor mostly sits in his chair, planning his next moves against his ancient spiritual rivals. The sheer logistical commitment required to run a populated galaxy would drive a council of thousands to madness. The Moffs fail outright, mostly getting themselves killed in ill-conceived bids for power, but the Empire wouldn't run without them.

MORE: Before He Was Tarkin, Peter Cushing Was A Spot-On Sherlock Holmes