Star Wars is one of the entertainment world's most popular and expansive space-based IPs, and it has provided fans with decades worth of iconic ships that transverse the stars. The list includes light freighters like the Millennium Falcon, fighting ships like the TIE fighters and X-wings, and titanic battle stations like the Death Star.

Many of the biggest ships on offer in this regard come courtesy of some of the more egotistical villains in the original and new trilogies in the Empire and the First Order. Others are ancient, mysterious constructions from a forgotten time that have no equal in the modern canon.

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Updated May 5, 2024, by Kristy Ambrose: There's a lot of room in the Star Wars IP for a few more big starships, especially now that the franchise includes video games and animation in addition to live-action shows and movies. These types of ships can be used for combat, transport, colonization, storage, or smuggling, among other things. Even though people are familiar with the sight of big warships of Imperial or Corellian design, other famous planets and people in the Star Wars universe have built ships noted for their size.

12 The Lucrehulk-Class Battleship, Lucrehulk Series

Length: 10,400 feet

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter Droid Control Ship
  • Roles and Uses: Battleship, Command ship, Carrier

The design of the Lucrehulk-Class Battleship reveals that it's more of a bulwark against passing ships than one to maneuver when it comes to battle. This ship became famous as one of the most important components of the Trade Federation blockade in The Phantom Menace.

The length of this vessel is more about radius because of the shape, which makes it easier to divide the ship into different areas to accommodate its myriad of uses. These include storage areas, command centers for various automated parts, and living and working quarters for any staff or visitors.

11 The Mediator, Mediator Class

Length: 11,811 feet

mediator battle cruiser star wars
  • Roles and Uses: Battlecruiser

It was aptly named as the type of ship that was small enough to maneuver quickly but big enough to be a deciding force in battle, and it could start a fight just as easily as end one. The Mon Calamari already had a reputation for building some of the bigger and more utilitarian ships as part of the Republic, and in the days after the Empire's defeat, they started to make them more battle-ready.

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The Mediator was the first of a whole line of battle cruisers, and the name wasn't only a reference to its versatility. Her maiden voyage was a diplomatic mission to the planets of Rhommamool and Osarian, hoping to find common ground between two hostile planets that would try to bomb each other every time their common orbits brought them within missile range.

10 The Malevolence, Subjugator Class

Length: 15,895

Battle_of_the_Ryndellia_System The Malevolence starwars screenshot from The Clone Wars
  • Roles and Uses: Flagship, Gunship, Star Battleship

This ship is both impressive and useful in battle, transport, or just to grease the wheels of diplomacy. However, the Malevolence hasn't appeared on the big screen — at least, not yet. But given how much activity was taking place in the galaxy during the Clone Wars, it would have been present at many of the bigger, more important battles, even though it never actually appeared in the prequels.

This massive ship made extensive appearances in Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated show. It was thought to be a myth, or at least an exaggeration, until the main characters saw it for themselves. The design of the ship was based on the real World War II ship, the German ship Bismark, which was also known for its size. Like the Malevolence, it went down in a blazing wreck after an act of sabotage.

9 The Executor, Star Dreadnought Class

Length: 26,247 feet

The Executor
  • Roles and Uses: Command ship, Flagship

Appearing several times in Marvel's Darth Vader comic book series during the mid-to-late 2010s, the aptly named The Executor was used to lead the Death Squadron shortly after the legendary Battle of Yavin. The monumental ship still manages to hit 62 miles per hour and boasts a Class 1 hyperdrive rating.

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The menacing starship came to an explosive end during the iconic Battle of Endor. The Alliance pilot Arvel Crynyd deliberately flew his A-wing starfighter into an explosive collision with the ship. Crynyrd, a Green Squadron leader and elite-level pilot, presumably died on impact, but his sacrificial efforts were not in vain. The hit crushed the Executor's power and caused it to crash directly into the Death Star II in a suitably brutal finale to this infamous warship.

8 The Krakana, Viscount-Class Dreadnaught

Length: 55,775 feet

Karkana class command ship star wars RP online approved ships cropped
  • Roles and Uses: Star Defender

The massive ships that made up most of the Imperial Fleet inspired the Visount-class ships of the Mon Calamari. They were designed with defense and transportation instead of offensive power or intimidation, but they still had impressive abilities in battle, and several of them saw combat.

A famous example and one of the biggest ships the Mon Calamari ever built was the Krakana, named for the notorious sea monsters that inhabited their planet. Like the animal for which it is named, the Krakana was built to be both dangerous and enormous as an integral part of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force.

7 The Eclipse, Star Dreadnought Class

Length: 57,415 feet

The Eclipse
  • Roles and Uses: Battlestation, Command ship, Carrier, Battleship

For those who rolled their eyes at Palpatine's infamously under-explained return in The Rise of Skywalker, the Legends universe at least attempted an explanation. It turns out the diabolical Darth Sidious thought ahead before his demise and began creating clone bodies to later inhabit, some of which even got a new signature ship to travel in.

The Eclipse was one such vehicle, serving as the home starship of the Empire's sinister leader soon after his initial demise in Return of the Jedi. The ominous vessel was unsurprisingly seen as a waste of resources by many within the remnants of the Empire. Despite the blowback, Palpatine eventually greenlit a second copy's construction after the demise of the original during a Force-focused showdown between the cruel Sith Lord and Luke and Leia.

6 The Vengeance, Dreadnought Class

Length: 62,336 feet

Vengeance ship
  • Roles and Uses: Dreadnought, Command ship

The Dark Jedi Jerec enjoyed an especially extravagant ride through the cosmos with this colossal space vessel. He uses this ship in his all-consuming obsession with locating the legendary Valley of the Jedi.

A Jedi who sidestepped Order 66 due to his travels at the time, Jerec committed himself to the dark side upon returning and assumed the role of Inquisitor. His action-packed rivalry with self-taught Jedi and video game fan favorite Kyle Katarn came to a destructive end in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. His enormous ship ultimately outlived him.

5 The Eye of Palpatine, Modified Dreadnought Class

Length: 62,336 feet

The Eye of Palpatine
  • Roles and Uses: Battleship

Another of Darth Sidious' infamous death machines, the aptly named Eye of Palpatine served as the dreaded Sith Lord's flagship vessel in Children of the Jedi. Barbara Hambly's best-selling novel looks at one of the infamous Emperor's crueler schemes during the time of the Galactic Empire.

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Palpatine is among the most dangerous enemies in the Star Wars franchise, but expanded media has introduced Sith whose powers rival his.

Discovering a fortress for Jedi children on the planet Belsavis, Palpatine uses his new ship in a failed bid to wipe them out. The Eye of Palpatine's destructive power is ultimately undone by the heroic Jedi Callista who, in one of the wildest moments in the Legends stories, transcends her life force into the ship to shut its systems down.

In length, the Eye of Palpatine is identical to the Vengeance-class Star Dreadnought. In width, however, the ship's bizarre shape makes it difficult to measure. Considering it serves as both a ship and a battlemoon, though, it's abundantly clear that the deadly ship is among the thickest, biggest, and heaviest the galaxy has ever seen.

4 The Supremacy, Star Dreadnought Mega Class

Length: 196,850-foot wingspan, 42,650 feet in length

The Supremacy ship
  • Roles and Uses: Mobile headquarters, flagship, command ship

Beyond Supreme Leader Snoke's fancy robes, distinctive ring, and cruel, arrogant manner of speech, nothing indicated his sizable ego more than the absurdly large flagship space vessel, The Supremacy. The gargantuan starship serves as both the base of Snoke's operations and the setting for his shocking demise.

Tricked and essentially assassinated by his own protégé Kylo Ren, Snoke is bisected in his throne room, setting the stage for the famous set piece in which Ren and Rey collide with the Supreme Leader's guards. Overall, the ship remains one of the most memorable aspects of Andy Serkis' short-lived antagonist.

3 The Baanu Rass Worldship

Length: Approx. 400,000 feet

split image Baanu Rass Star Wars
  • Roles and Uses: Battleship, Carrier, Colony ship

The Baanu Ross is the oldest of the Yuuzhan Vong world ships to have survived from the time that the race migrated between galaxies. It was mainly used for travel and colonization but was designed to enclose a whole ecosystem. The ships of the Yuuzhan Vong were also used as cloning and defense facilities and were active as such during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

After the war, the Baanu Ross was abandoned and left to orbit the planet Myrkr like a small moon. By the time Jacen Solo visited the remains of the ship in 40 ABY, it was a ruined husk that had been left to the mercy of open space for almost 20 years.

2 DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station

Length: Diameter of approx. 100 miles

The Death Star in Star Wars A New Hope
  • Roles and Uses: Battle station

Perhaps the most recognizable of the biggest starships, the notorious Death Star was the size of a moon. Although it was referred to as a space station, it could move at a slow pace and even had a Class 4 hyperdrive rating, giving it all the capabilities of a conventional ship.

Star Wars: The Empire Had Better Options Than The Death Star

Star Wars' The Empire put all its eggs in the Death Star basket, but things could have gone differently if it had focused more on its other weapons.

The story of who built the Death Star and how the plans were stolen and delivered to the Rebel Alliance make up the plot of the movie Rogue One, which ends only minutes before the original Star Wars chronologically begins. They were not able to stop the Empire from using the Death Star to destroy Alderaan, and Yavin would have been next if Mon Mothma and her intrepid team of X-wing pilots hadn't used the plans to plan a successful attack.

1 Centerpoint Station

Length: 220 miles in length, 62 miles at its widest point.

CenterpointStation Sons of Fortune Star Wars Age of Rebellion Planets by David Ardila on Behance
  • Roles and Uses: Acts as a dock for virtually every starship in the galaxy, capable of moving planets and creating whole star systems.

Centerpoint Station isn't just the biggest starship in the galaxy, it's also one of the oldest, and many of the details of its construction are a mystery. It was already about 100,000 years old by the time of the Battle of Yavin and is believed to have been built by the now-extinct Killik race at the request of beings known as Celestials.

The Celestials used Centerpoint Station to create the entire Coreillian star system and the black hole known as the Maw. It still exists and functions, occasionally appearing in some of the media related to the Star Wars franchise. It is located between the twin planets of Talus and Tralus.

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