
  • The Dark Side of the Force is emotionally centered and can be especially strong for Force-sensitive individuals who use their powers in response to strong emotions.
  • Ben Solo, or Kylo Ren, succumbed to the Dark Side due to the corruption of his mind by Supreme Leader Snoke and his uncertainty about the Jedi.
  • Kylo's redemption came when he realized his purpose was to help Rey bring balance to the Force and peace to the galaxy, sacrificing himself in the process.

When dealing with the Force in the Star Wars universe, it's easy to be lured to the Dark Side, especially as a Padawan or Jedi in training. The Dark Side of the Force is emotionally centered, meaning any Force-sensitive person who uses the Force as a reaction to a strong emotion will see that their powers are especially strong. But such an action is forbidden as Jedi, or anyone studying the Light Side.

This very transition occurred during the Republic Era of Star Wars with Anakin Skywalker (Count Dooku had an ulterior motive). History seemed to repeat itself years later during the Age of Resistance when Ben Solo, or Kylo Ren, underwent a similar transition to the Dark Side. Ren was once a strong Force-sensitive youngling with possibly the greatest potential of any Jedi ever before him, considering his lineage and present mentors. But his mind was corrupted early, when his emotions got the better of him, making his turn to the Dark Side virtually inevitable.

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Kylo's Training Days


Kylo Ren was born Ben Solo, the son of Rebellion heroes Princess Leia Organa and General Han Solo, making Anakin Skywalker his grandfather and Luke Skywalker his uncle. From the start, it was evident that his powers within the Force were the strongest anyone has seen since Qui-Gon Jinn found little Ani on Tatooine. But with such power comes an unspoken duty to live up to the greatness of his ancestors.

To ensure he wielded the Force properly, Leia sent her son to train under the mentorship of his uncle Luke, along with three other Padawans, at the Jedi temple on Ossus. Already though, Darth Sidious had corrupted Ben's mind via Supreme Leader Snoke, whispering about the wrong doings of the Jedi and conveying the potential power he could have if he became a Sith lord. As a young Padawan still learning the ways of the Force and his place in the galaxy, Ben's uncertainties about the Jedi seemingly came true. Luke, in a split-second impulsive act, saw the corruption in his mind and thought his only option was to kill his nephew.

As Ben awoke to see Luke's lightsaber ready to strike him down, he destroyed the temple and killed his fellow Padawans before fleeing to Supreme Leader Snoke to continue his training in the Dark Side. All Ben wanted was a place to belong. Neither of his parents could understand such presence in the Force as he did, and so he turned to his uncle Luke to guide him. But Luke's impulsive betrayal showed Ben that the whispers in his head were right, that his exceptional power was seen more as a threat than a gift to the Jedi. Ben was just a scared kid. So, he fled to where he thought he'd be more accepted, deciding the Dark Side was where he was meant to be. He left Ben Solo behind, becoming the ever-feared Kylo Ren.

Kylo Under Snoke

General Hux & Kylo Ren

Kylo found his place as leader of the Knights of Ren, part of the rebirth of the Galactic Empire, called the First Order. He was still a kid, continually unsure of his position in the galaxy. But at least under Snoke, he had purpose. He was a ruthless commander, destroying anybody in his way and making his power known to any and all of his inferiors. But his inner conflict was still apparent, especially when dwelling on his past and thinking about the family he left behind. He justified his actions by looking to his grandfather, Darth Vader, his only ancestor to have turned to the Dark Side.

Kylo tried to solidify his turn to the Dark Side when he was confronted by his father, Han Solo. Kylo thought the only way to move forward was to cut ties with his past, and so, he murdered Han. But that wasn't enough for him. He knew Luke was still alive, and he might be the only one capable of stopping his conquest of destroying the Jedi and condemning the galaxy to the rule of the First Order. But then he met Rey.

Soon, Kylo saw how powerful Rey was with the Force. He figured that if they teamed up, they'd be unstoppable. Hungry for power, he helped Rey defeat Supreme Leader Snoke. While Rey saw this as progress for him to come back to the Light Side, Kylo wished to continue his mission in galactic domination. Rey abandoned Kylo, worrying he was too far gone. But Kylo, unbeknownst to Rey, had the same fear.

Kylo's Redemption


Darth Sidious finally made himself known to Kylo as the ultimate puppet master of his life thus far, and lured him to his lair on Exegol. He offered Kylo the leadership of the new Galactic Empire — all he had to do was kill Rey. While Kylo went on to hunt her down, he still thought he could convince her to join him, wanting to repeat what they achieved before and kill Sidious and rule together, to which she refused. And so, he fought her again and again, but what he was still fighting for was a place to belong; a purpose.

Kylo thought that he was in too deep, that his actions were beyond forgiveness. But as he dueled Rey, his mother's voice came to him as she died. She told him that not only could he be forgiven, but that he already was. He saw his father at this moment, too, who relayed the same message, that it wasn't too late to make it right. Kylo finally saw his own corruption, and how Sidious had manipulated him before he could understand who he was supposed to be.

Kylo followed Rey to Exegol, and together they brought down the resurrected Darth Sidious, but at the price of Rey's life. Kylo recognized that Rey's light burned brighter than his own, that she was more capable of bringing balance to the Force and peace to the galaxy because that had always been her purpose. Kylo realized his purpose was to make sure that happened, and so he revived her through the Force, losing his own life in the process. Kylo and Rey were one with the Force — a dyad in the Force — and so they shared the same purpose. By bringing Rey back, Kylo fulfilled his duty, and he was finally at peace.

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