The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic era is one of the most beloved in the Star Wars universe. Knights of the Old Republic was a game-changer when it came out in 2003, and for nearly 20 years, fans have been in love with Revan. In fact, in the post-Disney era, it’s one moment where the canonicity falls in a gray area instead of an outright deletion.

This is because, unlike much of the content related to the Skywalker Saga, it’s set so far away that its events don’t impact more “recent” works on the timeline. Disney has even flirted with KOTOR canonization in a Star Wars movie, as one ship in The Rise of Skywalker’s Final Order is named after Revan, but it has never come right out and gave it that recognition. Perhaps that’ll happen with the KOTOR Remake, but either way, it’s set so far that it can easily be headcanon.

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However, this does pose the question of how exactly the KOTOR games sit on the timeline. The most common method of counting years in Star Wars is the Battle of Yavin, or 0 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), as of A New Hope. Events thereafter are referred to with ABY (or After the Battle of Yavin). Using this measurement, it’s easy to see just how far in the past the KOTOR era is.

The Knights of the Old Republic Timeline

  • 5000 BBY – Although the games take place later than this, this is about as far back as the lore goes. Between 5000 BBY and 4000 BBY, several events take place like the rise of the Sith Empire, the first Hypergalactic war, and so on.
  • 3976 BBY – The Mandalorian Wars begin, setting the stage for the background of the first KOTOR.
  • 3964-3960 BBY – The Mandalorian Wars end, and Darth Revan and Malak rise.
  • 3960 – The Battle of Malachor V takes place, and the Mass Shadow Generator is used. This sets the stage for KOTOR 2.
  • 3956 BBY – The events of KOTOR take place.
  • 3951 BBY – The events of KOTOR 2 take place.
  • 3653 BBY – The events of SW: TOR take place, expanding on the story and lone for a few years before and after. Revan, the Sith Empire, and more all play important roles.

Covering about 1400 years of Star Wars lore, KOTOR is one of the most expensive elements of the franchise. It remains to be seen exactly what Star Wars does with the High Republic era, but for comparison, the events from Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (32 BBY) to Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker (crudely 35 ABY) take about 67 years.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is in development for PC and PS5.

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