Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a much-beloved entry in the realm of Star Wars video games, BioWare games, and RPGs. It allows players to forge their own destiny in the long-ago past of the Star Wars universe, make actions with tangible consequences, and decide what kind of person the legendary Darth Revan will turn out to be after their fall from grace.

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KOTOR is an RPG that can definitely be challenging for newcomers. It uses a tough combat system based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition, and it can be difficult for players to understand the best gear to outfit their party with in order to survive the trials ahead. Thankfully, there are some choices that can save Revan and their party whether they are in the deserts of Korriban or the jungles of Kashyyyk. It's only a matter of finding them.

10 Echani Fibre Armor Is A Solid Choice For The Early Game

Echani Fiber Armor on Mission Vau KOTOR Cropped image

The Echani Fibre Armor is a good option available in KOTOR's early game on Taris. It is an upgradable suit of light armor that is great for non-Force wielders and even Revan before they become attuned to their Force abilities. The armor sports the following stats before upgrade:

  • Defense Bonus: 5
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5

Those are decent stats for the early game, but they can be improved upon greatly. This suit of armor is found in the eastern Lower City Apartments in a security crate that requires Revan and company to solve a puzzle involving hologram band members.

9 Genoharadan Mesh Is Available To A Sith Revan

GenoHaradan Mesh Armor Star Wars KOTOR

This is a suit of armor that can be found at the end of a Dark Side quest that starts on the water-covered planet of Manaan. It starts with a Rodian named Hulas who offers Revan the chance to join a secret society of killers called the Genoharadan. This leads down a lengthy quest that involves Revan killing a number of targets.

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This will eventually lead Revan to Tatooine where they have to face Hulas himself and some of his associates. After killing them, you can pick up the Genohardan Mesh off of Hulas. It's also light armor. It sports these stats:

  • Defense Bonus: 7
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Stealth +3
  • Dexterity: +3

8 Light Exoskeleton Is Ideal For Those Who Don't Want To Be Weighed Down

Light Exoskeleton on Carth Star Wars KOTOR

This is another set of light armor. This one is relatively easy to acquire, as it doesn't really involve killing anyone and peeling the armor off their body like many of the other entries on this list. It is found on the Yavin Station which orbits its namesake. This area originally comes from a free DLC for Knights of the Old Republic.

This armor can be purchased after acquiring the first, third, and fifth Star Map pieces on Yavin Station from Suvam Tan for 10,000 Republic Credits. It can be upgraded, but here are its base stats:

  • Defense Bonus: 6
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Dexterity +1
  • Strength +1

7 The Environmental Bastion Armor Is A Medium-Weight Armor Choice

Environmetal Bastion Armor KOTOR Cropped

The Environmental Bastion Armor can be also found on the Yavin Station and purchased from Suvam Tan. This one is medium weight and can be purchased after obtaining the third and fifth pieces of the Star Map. It requires 22,000 Republic Credits, and it can be upgraded as well. These are the base stats:

  • Defense Bonus: 7
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +3
  • Damage Immunity: 100% vs. Cold, Fire, and Sonic

6 Heavy Exoskeleton Can Be A Good Choice Too

Heavy Exoskeleton Star Wars KOTOR

The Heavy Exoskeleton is yet another set of armor that can be found on Yavin Station and purchased from Suvam Tan. Like the Environmental Bastion Armor, it is only available after acquiring the third and fifth pieces of the Star Map. This one will run Revan 20,000 Republic Credits. This medium armor can also be upgraded, and here are its base stats.

  • Defense Bonus: 9
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +2
  • Constitution +1
  • Strength +2

5 Darth Bandon's Fibre Mesh Armor Is Given By The Man Himself

Darth Bandon on the Endar Spire Cropped

Darth Bandon is a Sith who follows Revan and their party across multiple planets. Players don't have to worry about finding him; he'll come to them after they grab their third piece of the Star Map.

Killing him and his two Dark Jedi companions yield the light armor set known as Darth Bandon's Fiber Mesh Armor. It has the following stats before upgrading:

  • Defense Bonus: 5
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
  • Damage Resistance: 25/- vs. Fire

4 Calo Nord's Armor Is Good For Those Not Attuned To The Force

Calo Nord Star Wars KOTOR

Calo Nord is a bounty hunter that Revan first encounters on Taris. He immediately comes off as a deadly threat, and he makes good on that promise later. After losing to Revan on their first encounter, Calo Nord is commissioned by the Sith to kill Revan after they finish their trials on Dantooine.

Revan will encounter Calo Nord on their next planet, Tatooine, and the protagonist and their company have to kill Calo Nord. Doing so yields his armor, which is heavily based upon the legendary Mandalorian armor. This heavy armor can be upgraded, and its base stats are as follows:

  • Defense Bonus: 9
  • Max Dexterity Bonus: +1
  • Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold, Fire, and Sonic

3 Darth Revan's Robes Are A Strong Choice For A Sith

Darth Revan with Lightsabers Cropped

Darth Revan's robes are found on the Star Forge, so they aren't available until the last stages of the game. These are the robes that Revan wore during the height of their power as a Sith Lord.

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The robes can be recreated by Revan on the Star Forge through the Replicator on Deck 2 with up to 25 Computer Spikes. They are restricted to a Revan who has returned to the Dark Side.

These robes boast the following bonuses:

  • Defense Bonus: 5
  • Strength +4
  • Regeneration: 1

2 Qel-Droma's Robes Are Great Place-Holders For Jedi

Duron Qel-Drom in Qel-Droma Robes a by Dustin Weaver Cropped

The robes of Cay (and later Duron who is pictured above) Qel-Droma are another powerful asset to Revan. Unlike Darth Revan's signature robes, Qel-Droma's Robes are restricted to a Jedi Revan and can be found earlier on Korriban. They are located in the Shyrack Caves on the remains of a fallen soul. Here are the stats of Qel-Droma's Robes:

  • Defense Bonus: 5
  • Wisdom: +2

1 The Star Forge Robes Are The Best For Force-Wielders

Revan in Star Forge Robes Star Wars Kotor

Like the Darth Revan Robes, the Star Forge Robes aren't obtainable until the final stages of the game on the Star Forge. They are found in the same location as the Darth Revan Robes and require the same amount of Computer Spikes to access them from the Replicator.

They are restricted to a Jedi Revan like Qel-Droma's Robes. Here are the stats on the Star Forge Robes:

  • Defense Bonus: 5
  • Saves All +2
  • Wisdom +5

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