Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 is considered by many to not only be one of the best Star Wars video games of all time, but one of the best RPGs of all time, too. This direct sequel to Knights of the Old Republic follows a new protagonist with a crew filled with returning characters and new ones, as well as strong new ground with the Force.

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As an RPG, KOTOR 2 delivers a great deal of player freedom, especially after a certain point in the story. The galaxy essentially opens up to the player, and they can choose whatever planet to start exploring. New players can easily be overwhelmed by the content, and this planet order serves as a beginning point for the best narrative experience in this Star Wars game.

First: Na Shaddaa

kotor na shaddaan planet

The first planet that should be on the player’s list of things to do is Na Shaddaa. This Moon, nicknamed “Smuggler’s Moon” orbits the planet Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the Hutt species. This location is the perfect introduction to KOTOR, as players will soon come to grips with the narrative, the world, and the gameplay. It’s a great way to ease in players that have never experienced an RPG, or those that just want an easier and more structured experience in the galaxy far, far away.

It’s a great starting point and will have players defeating bounty hunters, saving a Jedi master, and stopping a criminal organization from harming any more people. Players will also run minor errands and keep to themselves. By exploring and completing Na Shaddaa first, players will have the experience, equipment, and a choice of three companions to help them venture off to other planets with ease.

Second: Onderon / Dxun

dxun mandalorians vs sith

Dxun was known as the Demon Moon and was the largest of four moons to orbit the world of Onderon, located in the Inner Rim. Luckily, this hostile planet shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for players if they ventured to Na Shaddaa first. Since they will have a party of companions and plenty of experience, they'll be able to make short work of the hostile wildlife.

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One of the main reasons that players should come to this planet next is to meet Mandalore, who can become a companion to the player. Getting all companions is beneficial to the player, as it maximizes influence and interactions for more story content. Players will also encounter a part on this planet where they will have to return later.

Third: Dantooine

dantooine fighting

Located in the Outer Rim, Dantooine was a beautifully pleasant world, bristling with grasslands, rivers, and lakes. Small communities of simple farmers settled on Dantooine, and wildlife spread calmly throughout the planet. This planet holds high importance for KOTOR 2, as it is where the player can obtain a character-specific crystal for their lightsaber. This crystal will bolster damage and advancements in abilities.

Players on Dantooine will be well-equipped for any hardships they stumble across during their exploration of the caves. These caves can be useful in obtaining other crystals to upgrade their lightsabers, based entirely on their play style. Lightsabers are useful on Dantooine, as the player will encounter a moderate challenge of Sith. It is worth noting that female characters can obtain the companion Mical, the disciple.

Fourth: Onderon / Dxun (Again)

onderon loyalists

After players liberate Dantooine from the Sith, they should head back to Ondoron to complete the second part of the story for this section. Lightsabers are a fun and immersive entry into KOTOR 2, and as The Exile and their companions battle Sith, they will also be solving the conflict of Civil War on Onderon.

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Onderon is noted for its temperate climate, and for being the home of a primitive humanoid race. It is closely orbited by Dxun. Onderon itself is best left to one of the last planets, because of the challenges that players will face, and because of the many skilled enemies that will need to be bested. Directly involving the player in the conflict of a Civil War is reminiscent of the events that led up to the original KOTOR, in which Darth Revan and Darth Malak plunged the Jedi Order into chaos with the Jedi Civil War.

Fifth: Korriban

korriban ruins

It is advised to save Korriban for last. This planet was the original homeworld of the Sith species and was regarded as a sacred planet to the Sith Order. On Korriban, there are powerful and ancient tombs that house the dead Dark Lords of the Sith, which in turn hold immense dark side power. The story hits strides on Korriban, and players will want to be at the height of their power before the ultimate climax. On Korriban, players will see the return of Darth Sion, and hallucination caves.

Another reason to leave this planet until final sections of the game is because it helps expand upon The Exile’s past, and the plot of the game further unwraps. By opting to leave Korriban for last, the player is experiencing the story in a chronological order. It will benefit both their strength, skills, and desire for lore progression.

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