Knights of the Old Republic 2 truly belongs amongst the greatest titles in the Star Wars franchise. Not only is it often regarded as one of the best RPGs in video gaming history, but it is seen as one of the best stories to come out of Star Wars. Many players of Knights of the Old Republic 2 might find themselves at a loss of what to do, on account of being new to RPGs, or just not being used to this galaxy.

When players begin their journey in the Old Republic, they may be looking for help along the way. Here are a few helpful tips to guide them on right path so that they can maximize their potential become the Jedi, or Sith, that they are destined to be.

8 Play KOTOR 1

Darth Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

As rewarding as the story for Knights of the Old Republic 2 is, the game would not be possible without the one that came before it. Knights of the Old Republic takes place almost four millennia before the founding of the Galactic Empire that audiences know from the Original Trilogy. The game's antagonist, Darth Malak, seeks a deadly weapon to destroy the Jedi once and for all and to bring the Galactic Republic to its knees.

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The player character must learn how to navigate the hardships of the galaxy and discover what happened to Darth Revan, the Sith Lord Master to Malak, and the former Jedi who started a Jedi Civil War. This title is important because story threads continue into KOTOR 2, and many characters from the first game return in the sequel.

7 Open Lockers / Containers / Boxes


Like many RPGs, KOTOR 2 is no exception to the plethora of containers and lockers that can be picked, opened, and destroyed to access the loot that they contain. Players will inevitably encounter lockboxes as they explore planets, and discover new rooms. These should always be looted.

In doing so, players may stumble across useful weaponry or computer spikes. Especially at the beginning of the game, players will want to utilize all the tools they can to beat their stronger opponents. They can also sell useless gear later for credits.

6 Loot Enemy Bodies

kotor 2 lightsaber vs vibroblade

Much like the looting of boxes, once an enemy is defeated, players should go to the body of the fallen and see what they can strip from them. Usually, players can find weapons and armor. Not only is this good for selling for credits to buy better items, but these items can be used in many ways.

By looting the bodies of enemies that players have defeated, players can access new blasters, equipment, tools, and even credits. Players can use these weapons or armor pieces themselves or give them to their companions to maximize their damage output and threshold.

5 Lower The Difficulty

kotor 2 powerful force lightning

Many players of KOTOR 2 can benefit from lowering the difficulty to easy. Not only does this make the game less challenging to new players that just want to experience the great story, but they can benefit through stats too.

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Players will find that some skill checks are reduced by up to 5 points when playing on the easiest difficulty. This means that unlocking certain devices will be easier with the lower difficulties. If players just want to tackle this RPG for the story, then there is no shame in taking on easy mode. The game still offers plenty of challenges.

4 Be Nice To Companions

kotor 2 party

Companions act as Party Members in KOTOR 2. There are a lot of unique companions that can be found upon an exploration of the many planets. They all have their personalities, traits, and stories, which can be discovered by talking to them and having them in the player’s party.

By being nice and listening to companions, players can further their influence over that companion. This means that some characters can become capable Jedi, wield Lightsabers and help the player through the use of force powers. By interacting nicely with companions, players will find a richer story.

3 Increase The Persuade Skill

jedi force persuade skill check

One of the many skills, Persuade is often regarded as one of the most important. This can be leveled up from the offset, and definitely should be. Persuade is a skill that seems to be in most RPGs, and is integral for dialogue options with both friend and foe. It allows the player to get out of sticky situations, or to learn more lore.

The Persuade skill is best utilized to gain XP upon a successful persuasion. It can also provide options for peaceful resolution of conflict, the ability to learn more about secrets within the game and the lore behind characters, and to better understand the Force.

2 Go To Nar Shaddaa First

kotor 2 jedi with blaster companions

After the section that is often regarded as the tutorial, players have access to the map in its entirety. It may be overwhelming trying to decide where to start the galactic adventure, so players should venture forth to Na Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta.

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By venturing to Nar Shaddaa first, players will have the opportunity to find companions and lightsabers, and complete a set of fun sidequests. Once they are finished on this moon, they can venture out with more experience and power to their name.

1 Play Your Way


The most useful tip for KOTOR 2 is to treat the game as what it is: a roleplaying game. Players should become invested in their character, The Exile, and make this character the hero or villain of their story. They can choose an “all good” playthrough, an “all bad” playthrough, or something in between. The game is worth replaying multiple times for this reason

Players should enjoy KOTOR 2 as an RPG, and decide for themselves what options to take when it comes to someone who has wronged them, or what dialogue option to take. People in real life are not all forgiven and angelic — and neither are Jedi or Sith. To fully enjoy KOTOR 2, players can should take advantage of both the gray morality and the extreme ends, whatever suits them best.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords is available now on Mobile, PC, Switch, and Xbox.

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