Although the Star Wars franchise has been expanded upon in countless video games, books, spinoffs, and multiple series, few entries are as beloved by fans as the Knights of the Old Republic series. Based on Tales of the Jedi and subsequent comics from the 1990s, Knights of the Old Republic broke ground in the Star Wars universe by depicting entirely new stories taking place 4,000 years before the events portrayed in the original films.

During a time when both Jedi and Sith numbered in their thousands and waged an open war, the galaxy during Knights of the Old Republic is very different from what is portrayed in the films. Centered around this ancient conflict between Jedi and Sith, much emphasis was placed on exploring various aspects of the Force. Knights of the Old Republic delves into the philosophical differences between the two Force-using factions, the nature of the Force as a living entity that can be wounded and possibly even killed, and the true implications of a galaxy controlled by an all-encompassing energy field.

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The Nature of the Force in the Star Wars Galaxy

Star Wars KOTOR Force Lightning

Master Qui-Gon Jinn was known to be a proponent of the idea of the living Force: the connection among all living things shared through the Force. This connection between all living beings leads to the idea of the "cosmic Force," the culmination of an entire galaxy of interconnected beings. The cosmic Force appears to have a will of its own that the Jedi trust in, the Sith aim to dominate, and something others come to resent. Tapping into this connection is partly how the Jedi and Sith draw their power.

In the first Knights of the Old Republic game, the player is initially introduced as a run-of-the-mill soldier, scout, or scoundrel working for the Republic. Eventually making their way to the Jedi academy on Dantooine, the player finally goes through Jedi training and learns the ways of the Force from the Jedi perspective. During their training, the player learns of the Jedi code and their particular brand of stoic philosophy. The Jedi seek to limit their emotions, trusting in the will of the Force to guide their actions rather than their passion.

Later in the game, the player also enters the Sith academy under the guise of a prospective student. There, they learn of the Sith code. The Sith have a near-opposite position regarding the Force: their goal is rather to embrace passion, strength, and power in order to harness the Force. Rather than submitting to the will of the Force, the Sith sought to achieve ultimate power through sheer force of will. In a conversation with an ancient Sith ghost, it is revealed that the ancient Sith nearly destroyed themselves due to their unchecked hatred and lust for power.

The Power of Force Bonds Among Star Wars Characters


Although all living things are connected through the Force, particularly powerful bonds can be formed by those strong in the Force. In Knights of the Old Republic 2, a Force bond is an important aspect of the relationship between Meetra Surik, the player character, and her mentor, ex-Jedi Master and former Sith Lord, Kreia. Their bond was such that when Kreia's hand was severed in a lightsaber duel, Surik felt the pain as if it had been her own hand, and, if Kreia were to be killed, the bond could prove fatal for Surik as well. Over the course of the game, Surik would seek out ways to understand and possibly eliminate this bond.

Such a bond would end up famously resurfacing between Kylo Ren, grandson of Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter Rey. As the prophesied "Force dyad," their connection to each other through the Force was extremely similar to the one between Kreia and Meetra Surik. They could communicate telepathically from huge distances, and similarly to Kreia and Surik, they were able to magnify each other's powers in combat such as when they fought together against the Praetorian Guard in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

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Wounds in the Force Inflicted Throughout Star Wars History


A concept explored in great detail during Knights of the Old Republic 2 is the idea of a "wound in the Force." Since all living things are connected through the living Force, a large enough loss of life can actually wound the Force. Such wounds are inflicted several times during the films. During the Great Jedi Purge after Emperor Palpatine issued Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith, the mass death of Jedi throughout the galaxy inflicted such a deep wound in the Force that Yoda collapsed from the shock. Similarly, the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star was felt immediately by Obi-Wan.

Wounds in the Force play a central role in Knights of the Old Republic 2. During the most decisive battle of the Mandalorian Wars between the Mandalorian crusaders and the Republic, the planet Malachor V was destroyed by a superweapon, annihilating both sides of the conflict. The person who gave the order was Meetra Surik - the player character in Knights of the Old Republic 2. The shock of this massive loss of life caused Surik to cut herself off from the Force in order to survive, turning her into a wound in the Force herself. Out of fear of such a dangerous wound in the Force, the Jedi council exiled Surik. Darth Nihilus, a prominent Sith Lord in KOTOR 2, is also responsible for creating terrible wounds in the Force.

At the end of Knights of the Old Republic 2, during the final battle against Kreia, it is revealed that Kreia saw in Surik a possible means of killing the Force. Kreia despised the Force, seeing it as a tyrant which caused great suffering in the galaxy as it imposed its will on all living things. This cemented Kreia as one of the most unique characters in Star Wars, someone who was neither truly Jedi nor Sith. Her objective was ultimately to liberate the galaxy from what she perceived to be the source of a great deal of its pain: the Force itself. While the films portray the Force as benevolent at best or neutral at worst, Knights of the Old Republic made the Star Wars galaxy far less black and white, shedding entirely new light on the Force and its nature.

Knights of the Old Republic is available now on Mobile, PC, Switch, and Xbox.

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