While many would agree that The Rise of Skywalker was a disappointing entry in the Star Wars series, one reason for that which is unfortunately not brought up as often as it should be is its considerable downsizing of Kelly Marie Tran's role as Rose Tico. After being set up as a major character going forward in The Last Jedi, the next film saw her relegated to a few lines of exposition and little more than an extended cameo. However, it seems Tran herself has learned to take this sort of development in stride.

It's no secret that Tran, who recently earned acclaim for her performance in Raya and the Last Dragon, suffered greatly as a result of disproportionate fan backlash to her existence in Star Wars. But while it has understandably affected her over the years, she has apparently also developed an ability to find a more palatable perspective with which to view her rather eventful career. She believes the secret is to largely avoid putting too much stock into expectations and simply commit to living in the moment, enjoying what is given rather than lamenting what isn't. Maybe someone should tell this to Sonic the Hedgehog fans whenever a new game is announced.

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"It's hard. I think as an actor you don't really have control over what is happening in a narrative, if that makes sense," Tran said in an interview on Collider's Ladies Night series, "And I think as an actor and as an individual, I always try to take my expectations out of the situation because I also want to, as much as possible, try and be present in the experience." It's certainly an admirable mindset to have for someone used to the backlash seen in the Star Wars fandom, and one that can apply to more than just show business. But it's not just tempered expectations that get the job done, as Tran continued.

"I just want people to know and believe that you might go through certain times in your life that are hard and difficult," she offered to listeners, "but coming out on the other side of that and having your support group and being with people who believe in you, there's nothing like it in the entire world." If there's anyone who can understand the importance (and difficulty) of trying to ignore or combat toxicity and focus on the positives in life, it's Tran, so her advice certainly carries some considerable weight.

While it's never been officially stated, it's a largely accepted idea that Tran's tragically limited role in The Rise of Skywalker was heavily influenced by toxic fan backlash to her presence in The Last Jedi. It's the reason she was bullied off of social media and likely part of the reason she hasn't seen a bigger boom to her acting career since her introduction to the series. There are lessons to be learned about fan entitlement and harassment of people for simply doing their jobs, but luckily, she seems to be teaching a few lessons of her own about coming out the other side stronger than ever.

Star Wars will always inspire passionate responses from fans, whether it be an outpouring of love for a fan favorite creator getting a promotion at Lucasfilm or a wave of hatred launched at an actor for baffling reasons. Tran's advice for dealing with it is important for everyone to hear, but it's also up to the fans to evaluate what elicits such a reaction from them as well as how they convey those emotions. There are always real people on the other side of these things, and it's vital to remember that.

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Source: Collider