Star Wars Jedi: Survivor whisks players away on a new galactic adventure that spans a handful of planets. Players can spend their time traversing the frontier towns of Koboh, navigating the seedy streets of Coruscant, and fighting their way through the asteroid of Nova Garon. There are six different locales for players to explore during their Star Wars Jedi: Survivor adventure, but one of them has a very dark future ahead of it.

At some point during Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's story, players will arrive on the desert moon of Jedha. It is there that they will reunite with Cere and Merrin and embark on the next stage of their adventure. At this point, the moon seems relatively tame, but Star Wars fans likely know the grim fate that is in store for this world after the events of Jedi Survivor.

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Star Wars' Jedha Plays a Big Role in Rogue One and Beyond

jedha in rogue one

When players land on Jedha in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, they discover that Cere has been trying to save as many people as she can as part of the Hidden Path. Alongside the Anchorites, she has been sneaking force users out of the Empire while also trying to rebuild the Jedi archives. Things seem dire and hopeful at the same time, but everything quickly falls apart for Jedha as the Empire makes its move.

At some point in the Star Wars timeline, the Galactic Empire begins to occupy Jedha so that it can mine the planet's kyber crystal deposits. These crystals are secretly sent to the Death Star to serve as components for its super laser. To ensure that it could operate unhindered, the Empire had a massive presence on the planet with specialized units patrolling Jedha City's streets. While there were some force users hiding out on the planet, the only remnants of Jedi on the moon were its many ruins.

The Empire's occupation of Jedha would not go unnoticed and Saw Gerrera would end up forming an insurgency to hinder its progress. He would coordinate attacks on the Empire's kyber shipments, and the Empire would send even more soldiers in response. After much fighting, the conflict would come to a head when the Empire used Jedha City as its Death Star testing ground.

During the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Grand Moff Tarkin ordered the Death Star to destroy Jedha City. With a single-reactor ignition blast, the station's superlaser decimated the city and caused much of the surrounding area to fall into ruin. While Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso were able to escape, Saw Gerrera would perish in the explosion. The Empire would attempt to keep these events a secret, but Jedha would quickly become a rallying cry for rebels across the galaxy.

After the Death Star fired upon it, the rest of Jedha would begin to fall apart. The atmosphere would become thick with dust, lava would spew onto the surface, and rocks would rain down from the sky. The Empire would return to this decimated moon to retrieve the remaining kyber crystals, and the battle for Jedha would ensue. Years of fighting would destroy what remained, and Jedha's surviving citizens were left to guard ashes.

The version of Jedha that players get to see in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor still seems to have a bit of hope, but that hope will quickly dissipate once the Death Star fires its first shot. It has a very dark future ahead of it, and it serves as the perfect representation of just how far the Empire will go to achieve its goals. No planet is safe from its destructive wave, and everything that Cere has built will soon come crashing down.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S

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