Easter eggs are a staple of modern Star Wars. With a universe as vast as Star Wars, creators often have free rein to drop in whatever references to they'd like into their TV shows, movies, or games, with it often conflicting very little with the main plot. While some recent pieces of Star Wars media have strayed a little too far into the realm of references and fan-service, the majority of Star Wars canon tends to offer just a handful of nods to the rest of the universe, and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor certainly belongs to the latter camp.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features references and Easter eggs from across the entire canon Star Wars timeline, ranging from High Republic-era references to the Clone Wars and beyond. But by far some of the most rewarding Easter eggs in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are those that aren't made overtly clear to the player, letting long-time fans relish in their own discovery. And one of the biggest areas Jedi: Survivor manages to achieve this in is its customization.

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Includes Some Great References to Past Star Wars Games

Jedi Survivor Outrider

While Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order featured a decent level of customization, letting players choose Cal's poncho type, BD-1's design, and the Mantis' paint job, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor blows it out of the water almost immediately. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor lets players customize multiple aspects of Cal Kestis' appearance, from his hairstyle and bear type to his jacket, undershirt, and pants. BD-1 features a similar level of customization, with his Photoreceptors, chassis, sensor, and legs all being customizable. Lightsaber customization is back in full force as well, with every individual component of the lightsaber being interchangeable, along with the blade color. And finally, Cal's new blaster can also be customized with a range of different barrels, grips, and triggers.

The vast majority of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's unlockable cosmetics can be found by exploring each of the game's planets, and discovering all the locked chests hidden around their open-ended levels. But that's not the only way players can find cosmetics. There are a handful of shops in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, most of which are located in Rambler's Ranch on Koboh. Though most of these shops specialize in upgrades for Cal's arsenal, a few will contain unique materials, paint jobs, and other cosmetic types, and Doma's Shop features two of the best Easter eggs in the entire game.

Available for a handful of Priorite Shards each, Doma sells a small range of outfits in her shop, two of which long-time Star Wars fans will likely immediately recognize. The "Outrider" outfit features a sleeveless, ribbed leather jacket that is extremely reminiscent of Dash Rendar's own smuggling outfit, the main protagonist of 1996's Shadows of the Empire, and the pilot of the modified Corellian YT-2400 freighter nicknamed The Outrider. The other outfit, a jacket simply titled "Bandolier," is a little more subtle, but upon equipping the shoulder-mounted armor, fans will notice that it closely resembles beloved Jedi Knight protagonist Kyle Katarn's outfit, especially with a tan shirt underneath.

While Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is filled with references and Easter eggs to the entire Star Wars timeline, these two costumes are some of the most special in the entire game, with it feeling like Respawn paying homage to two classic Star Wars titles that clearly inspired a lot of its own Star Wars video game series. And though Shadows of the Empire and Jedi Knight might seem a little dated now all these years later, there's no denying how influential they were at the time, with the former being the first 3D Star Wars game and the latter setting the bar for lightsaber combat.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S

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