Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has finally been released and players can now jump in to continue Cal Kestis’ journey. The sequel builds upon a lot of returning features from the original Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and it also adds plenty of entirely new moving parts to the equation. Even for fans that played the original game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can be fairly overwhelming when it comes to everything immediately available to players.

A few of the game’s features aren’t always fully explained right off the bat. Consequently, there are plenty of tips and tricks for players to know in order to unlock skills and stances in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, for example, or tackle specific enemies and sections, especially in the early parts of the game.

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Tips and Tricks for Starting Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

star wars jedi survivor more popular than fallen order

One of the first things that players can come across and potentially pass over in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is collecting plant seeds, and how to do so. These collectibles are a returning feature from the first game, though a lot has been changed and expanded upon. The game eventually gives players directions on how to collect plant seeds, although they can be collected as soon as possible. To collect plant seeds in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players must locate plants with green radiating fireflies and cut them down with a Lightsaber attack. By the time the game explains how to collect plant seeds, players can potentially have a massive collection already and save plenty of time in backtracking to collect them.

One feature that players might be surprised to learn and use early on in the game is the ability to reinitiate wall runs on the same wall. The grappling hook in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a fine addition to platforming in the game, but it’s not the only thing players will need to reach different areas. Most platforming games deliberately prevent players from chaining wall runs together on the same initial wall, so players might not think to try this trick based on old habits. Chaining wall runs together isn’t tied to any skills or Force abilities in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, so players can use it right from the beginning. This trick can help make platforming more reliable, as well as sometimes help players reach areas without needing late-game abilities/tools.

There are many new and expanded skill trees in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, especially the ones for each of the new Lightsaber stances. While skill points may be hard to earn while players acclimate themselves to the game’s combat, this shouldn’t hold anyone back from experimenting with new skills. While some players may be inclined to wait until they have access to every Lightsaber stance before investing in any of their related skill trees, there’s always the option of resetting the skill points. The first time that players reset their skill points will always be free, and then additional resets will only cost 1 skill point.

While standard blaster projectiles can be deflected with a well-timed Lightsaber block, Star Wars' most powerful Force abilities can handle just about everything else. From thrown explosives to environmental objects and everything in between, a simple Force Push can return most projectiles to their sender. When players scan unique enemies after defeating them, this tactic is often revealed if it applies to them, but knowing this beforehand can give players high ground in any fight.

Lastly, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor doesn’t have a stamina bar, which is also true for the original game. The game does have a block meter that essentially acts as the player’s stamina, but this doesn’t apply to standard Lightsaber attacks. Players still need to manage their Force and block meters, but the only thing stopping players from unleashing infinite light attacks with a Lightsaber is if enemies parry the incoming attacks or retaliate.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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