Major Spoilers Ahead

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a much longer game than fans may anticipate, even if they are to stick to the golden path and only embark on story-related quests. This is substantial since fast travel is now a dedicated feature, which largely negates Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s Metroidvania level design, and Survivor has much more open areas to explore. It is in these optional areas and key narrative moments that players discover Survivor’s bosses, with one being more hilariously introduced than the rest.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has many hidden boss battles that players can easily miss if they choose not to explore, but its narrative also has many boss fights, with a couple of its late-game bosses being unique surprises. Survivor has players fight Dagan Gera three times, for example, which makes him seem like the main antagonist until another crops up in his place. However, one enemy found on Nova Garon takes the cake as Survivor’s best boss due to how unexpected they are: Rick the Door Technician.

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Continues Fallen Order’s Tradition of Great Bosses

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has its fair share of boss fights that will be familiar in structure and formula to fans of FromSoftware’s recent games. Because Fallen Order and Survivor are Soulslikes, it is easy to reconcile that boss fights are a huge part of progression, with regular combat attempting to prepare players for them.

But since the Star Wars Jedi franchise is heavily story-driven, certain bosses appear more than once to punctuate them as a main antagonist. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s Trilla appears in four different boss fights: one that is not meant to be won, two where she is beaten before her health is fully depleted, and the final fight where players are finally allowed to deplete her health fully.

Otherwise, there are fantastic boss fights with Taron Malicos, Fallen Order and Survivor’s Ninth Sister, and legendary creatures, as well as Haxion Brood bounty hunters throughout other planets. Survivor does not bring players to as many diverse locations as Fallen Order did, but its environments are riddled with Imperial droids, Bedlam Raiders, and bosses lying in wait for players to find them. Likewise, Survivor has its own boss fight that is not intended to be won.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Rick the Door Technician is a Hilarious Boss Idea

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Nonetheless, Rick the Door Technician is a wonderful addition to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor as a playful break from other genuine boss fights. Rick the Door Technician is a simple stormtrooper who comes running down a corridor in Nova Garon’s Imperial base and is dealt with as swiftly as any other stormtrooper, but he gets his own massive health bar displayed at the top of the screen as if he was as threatening as any other boss.

Once Rick the Door Technician is killed, the same celebratory text appears telling players they have defeated a boss. This may seem like a fleeting moment, but it is fun to imagine that Rick the Door Technician was an actual character with a menial occupation in the Imperial base, as opposed to the endless hive of stormtroopers who never receive any authentic characterization themselves.

It offers a great amount of satisfaction to have Rick the Door Technician be such an easy boss to overcome, too, since many bosses can be incredibly difficult to defeat, and many rooms in Jedi: Survivor create an enemy xp glitch by throwing waves of tough enemies at the player. Nova Garon itself is a white-knuckle sequence with players having to carve through tons of Imperial forces to find a traitorous companion, and Rick the Door Technician is the perfect comedic relief for such a scenario.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: What to Know Before Playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor