Star Wars has always been a franchise filled with interesting aliens and other species. With Star WarsJedi: Survivor being a video game, Respawn Entertainment has a lot of freedom to create new species in Star WarsJedi: Survivor that is not bound to the limits of practical effects or photorealistic CGI.

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There are some great new species in Star WarsJedi: Survivor, further expanding the growing galaxy from far, far away. Star Wars has hundreds of alien species, and it’s great to see Star WarsJedi: Survivor adds even more to the library.

9 Grock

grock character profile

The rough-talking and reserved Grock is the first of his species that audiences have seen thanks to Star WarsJedi: Survivor. Grock has a humanoid design, apart from the obvious purple skin and the large ears that look like headphones. It’s safe to assume that Grock has good hearing, but what isn’t safe, is Grock’s line of work.

Grock is a tradesman and a talented mechanic, who journeys across the galaxy committing himself to cons and heists with his friend, Dana. He’s traveled to Koboh to get rich, but maybe his desperation will be his undoing, especially on a planet filled with the best bounty hunters.

8 Doma Dendra

doma dendra character profile

As the unofficial mayor of Koboh, Doma Dendra has quite the responsibility of protecting the residents of Rambler’s Ranch. She has been at the outpost for decades with her humble shop called Doma’s Outpost Commodities, where she sells music, hairstyles, and clothing.

Doma is of the Waluna species, yet Doma and her species are original Star Wars Jedi: Survivor creations. She has an interesting design, consisting of four legs, a large size, and head tails that are oddly reminiscent of a Twi’lek.

7 Soont Madas

soont madas character profile

One of the scariest characters in the game, Soont Madas is from a yet unknown species, yet the design is familiar to a mole rat. Soont Madas has a familiar facial structure, along with a large set of buckteeth, with two eyes separated by the side of its mouth.

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Soont Madas was a prospector on Koboh, one that became hostile in his self-isolation and growing paranoia. Although, his obsession and danger started after murdering his brother. It’s best to steer clear of Soont Madas’ hideout unless Cal is brave enough with some combat tips.

6 Bhima

bhima character profile

One of the smallest new species in Star WarsJedi: Survivor, Bhima is an employee of Tulli. Bhima is passionate about Holotactics, and his personality completely outsizes his small appearance. He loves to talk, and talk he will, whether it’s about Holotactics, or the desire to be rescued from large creatures that want to eat him as a small snack between main meals.

Bhima’s design is a fun one, as he has four legs, tiny arms, and part of his face looks like he has a mustache. There’s something oddly cute about Bhima’s design, although it’s best not to stare too long, as it may seem rude to the little guy.

5 Tulli Mu

tulli mu character profile

A fascinating new species in Star WarsJedi: Survivor, Tulli is very tall, and looks like a humanoid insect. Tulli is very thin, with bug-like eyes in her intricate and smart dress. She runs Holotactics, a game that doesn't make use of the best lightsaber. Tulli is rather reserved and quiet, leaving the talking and charisma to her employee, Bhima.

Tulli Mu is an intelligent woman, one who dedicates her time to Holotactics, and evolving the game that she has a passion for. She resides at Pyloon’s Saloon on Koboh and seems to have a complete disregard for violence. Even in danger, Tulli is quiet and calm.

4 Tulakt

tulakt character profile

Tulakt is yet another unseen species, created for Star WarsJedi: Survivor. Tulakt has a very odd design, with humanoid features other than the notable lack of a human face. Tulakt may only have four fingers, but the most distracting thing about her appearance is the large face and giant teeth that stick out, leaving her mouth open, and her separate eyes wide.

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Tulakt looks as old as the High Republic, yet she is a welcoming ally to Cal Kestis in Star WarsJedi: Survivor. Tulakt is a fortune teller who stays at Pyloon’s Saloon, offering stories and advice to Cal when he is happy to hear them.

3 Pili Walde

pili walde character profile

Little is known about Pili Walde’s species. This plant-loving woman was found in a cavern on Jedha, dedicating her time to the harshness of the weather as she tries desperately to help nature and life grow on the moon. Pili is a wise and passionate botanist, with a great talent for all things that involve plants.

It’s unknown if Pili’s species are naturally gifted with plants, but Pili certainly makes it seem so, as she dedicates all of her time to working on plants and gardens, a true advocate for peace. Pili doesn’t need a lightsaber to follow her dreams of peace.

2 Turgle

turgle character profile

Turgle has made a large leap onto the Star Wars scene thanks to his design and personality. Turgle is a frog-like species and an act of schemes, scams, and cowardice. Turgle bothers almost everyone at Pyloon’s Saloon, even if it gets him into trouble. However, it’s hard not to like Turgle due to his enthusiasm, even if bounty hunters would want him dead.

Turgle may require a lot of work to keep alive, due to how he always gets into trouble, but it’s entirely worth it due to how good a friend he can be. Turgle is misguided, but a good guy. It would be great to learn more about Turgle’s species or see them in live-action.

1 Skoova Stev

skoova stev character profile

It’s hard not to love Skoova Stev. His accent is unapologetically Scottish, and his mastery and knowledge of fish deserve the utmost respect. Skoova Stev can be found across Koboh as he brings more fish to the aquarium at Pyloon’s Saloon. With Skoova Stev as an ally, Cal Kestis can always expect a clean and well-kept aquarium.

Skoova Stev’s knowledge and love for fishing are like no other. Skoova Stev is a Sakavian, hailing from Sakavi Tar. Yet, he is the first of his species that audiences see, and he is certainly part of a species fans will want to see again thanks to his warm and hearty nature.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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